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Outputs (10)

Practical designs for permutation-symmetric problem Hamiltonians on hypercubes (2019)
Journal Article
Dodds, A. B., Kendon, V., Adams, C. S., & Chancellor, N. (2019). Practical designs for permutation-symmetric problem Hamiltonians on hypercubes. Physical Review A, 100(3), Article 032320.

We present a method to experimentally realize large-scale permutation-symmetric Hamiltonians for continuous-time quantum protocols such as quantum walks and adiabatic quantum computation. In particular, the method can be used to perform an encoded co... Read More about Practical designs for permutation-symmetric problem Hamiltonians on hypercubes.

Representations of bandits in mid-nineteenth-century Spain (2012)
Journal Article
Dodds, B. (2012). Representations of bandits in mid-nineteenth-century Spain. Cultural and Social History, 9(2), 207-226.

This article adopts a cultural historical approach to novels and plays about bandits in Spain, developing methods pioneered for other countries and periods, and examines the significance of stories about such famous criminals as Diego Corrientes and... Read More about Representations of bandits in mid-nineteenth-century Spain.

Jaime el Barbudo and Robin Hood: bandit narratives in comparative perspective (2011)
Journal Article
Dodds, B. (2011). Jaime el Barbudo and Robin Hood: bandit narratives in comparative perspective. Social History, 36(4), 464-481.

In a famous scene in a medieval Robin Hood rhyme, Robin invites the king, who is disguised as a monk, to dinner. Before they begin the meal Robin summons his gang by blowing on his horn and 140 men arrive, kneeling before their master. The king is im... Read More about Jaime el Barbudo and Robin Hood: bandit narratives in comparative perspective.

Peasants and Production in the Medieval North-East: The Evidence from Tithes, 1270-1536 (2007)
Dodds, B. (2007). Peasants and Production in the Medieval North-East: The Evidence from Tithes, 1270-1536. Boydell & Brewer

The peasant economy in north-east England, and indeed throughout the country as a whole, underwent many changes during the later middle ages, but owing to the lack of evidence it has been difficult to come to definite conclusions. This pioneering sur... Read More about Peasants and Production in the Medieval North-East: The Evidence from Tithes, 1270-1536.

Peasants and production between the Tyne and Tees (2005)
Book Chapter
Dodds, B. (2005). Peasants and production between the Tyne and Tees. In C. Liddy, & R. Britnell (Eds.), North-East England in the later Middle Ages (180-195). Boydell & Brewer

Estimating arable output using Durham Priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450 (2004)
Journal Article
Dodds, B. (2004). Estimating arable output using Durham Priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450. The Economic History Review, 57(2), 245-285.

Research on English late medieval economic history has neglected the evidence of tithes as indicators of agrarian output. In this article, methods used by historians of continental Europe have been developed and applied to the Durham Priory accountin... Read More about Estimating arable output using Durham Priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450.