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Outputs (13)

Britain's 'Quasi-Magical Monarchy' in the Mid-Twentieth Century. (2011)
Book Chapter
Olechnowicz, A. (2011). Britain's 'Quasi-Magical Monarchy' in the Mid-Twentieth Century. In C. V. Griffiths, J. J. Nott, & W. Whyte (Eds.), Classes, Cultures and Politics: Essays on British History for Ross McKibbin (70-84). Oxford University Press

Labour theorises fascism: A.D. Lindsay and Harold Laski. (2010)
Book Chapter
Olechnowicz, A. (2010). Labour theorises fascism: A.D. Lindsay and Harold Laski. In N. Copsey, & A. Olechnowicz (Eds.), Varieties of Anti-fascism. Britain in the Inter-war Period (202-23). Palgrave Macmillan

Introduction: Historians and the Study of Anti-fascism. (2010)
Book Chapter
Olechnowicz, A. (2010). Introduction: Historians and the Study of Anti-fascism. In N. Copsey, & A. Olechnowicz (Eds.), Varieties of Anti-fascism. Britain in the Inter-war Period (1-27). Palgrave Macmillan

Historians and the modern British monarchy (2007)
Book Chapter
Olechnowicz, A. (2007). Historians and the modern British monarchy. In A. Olechnowicz (Ed.), The monarchy and the British nation, 1780 to the present (6-44). Cambridge University Press

Unemployed workers, 'enforced leisure' and education for 'the right use of leisure' in Britain in the 1930s (2005)
Journal Article
Olechnowicz, A. (2005). Unemployed workers, 'enforced leisure' and education for 'the right use of leisure' in Britain in the 1930s. Labour History Review, 70(1), 27-52.

This article examines the views of those who regarded the unemployment of the 1930s not solely as a disaster, but as a liberating new form of leisure for workers, provided that they could make the 'right use' of this leisure. This was an urgent chall... Read More about Unemployed workers, 'enforced leisure' and education for 'the right use of leisure' in Britain in the 1930s.