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Outputs (17)

Reconfiguring environmental governance: Towards a politics of scales and networks (2005)
Journal Article
Bulkeley, H. (2005). Reconfiguring environmental governance: Towards a politics of scales and networks. Political Geography, 24(8), 875-902.

This paper seeks to develop an alternative account of the geographies of environmental governance to those current conceptions which tend to take space and scale for granted as pre-given, contained, natural entities. Through an engagement with the de... Read More about Reconfiguring environmental governance: Towards a politics of scales and networks.

Prevention of childhood obesity (2005)
Journal Article
Ells, L., Campbell, K., Lidstone, J., Kelly, S., Lang, R., & Summerbell, C. (2005). Prevention of childhood obesity. Best Practice and Research: Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 19(3), 441-454.

Childhood obesity is a complex disease with different genetic, metabolic, environmental and behavioural components that are interrelated and potentially confounding, thus making causal pathways difficult to define. Given the tracking of obesity and t... Read More about Prevention of childhood obesity.

The Cochrane Library: more systematic reviews on nutrition needed (2005)
Journal Article
Summerbell, C., Chinnock, P., O'Malley, C., & van Binsbergen, J. (2005). The Cochrane Library: more systematic reviews on nutrition needed. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59(Supplement 1), S172-178.

The knowledge and relevance of nutrition as well as the demand for well-funded advices increase. The Cochrane Collaboration plays a leading role within the evidence-based medicine and practice. We advocate therefore more specialized nutritional inter... Read More about The Cochrane Library: more systematic reviews on nutrition needed.

Comparison of methods to estimate non-milk extrinsic sugars and their application to sugars in the diet of young adolescents (2005)
Journal Article
Kelly, S., Summerbell, C., Rugg-Gunn, A., Adamson, A., Fletcher, E., & Moynihan, P. (2005). Comparison of methods to estimate non-milk extrinsic sugars and their application to sugars in the diet of young adolescents. British Journal of Nutrition, 94(1), 114-124.

Consistent information on the non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES) content of foods and the NMES intake by the population is required in order to allow comparisons between dietary surveys. A critical appraisal of methods of NMES estimation was conducted... Read More about Comparison of methods to estimate non-milk extrinsic sugars and their application to sugars in the diet of young adolescents.

Use of surgery to aid weight reduction—experience of two regions of Northern England: a database study (2005)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, J., Summerbell, C., Macknight, N., Bailey, K., & Chappel, D. (2005). Use of surgery to aid weight reduction—experience of two regions of Northern England: a database study. International Journal of Obesity, 29(2), 204-207.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the usage of surgery in the management of obesity. DESIGN: Analysis of routine statistics. DATA SOURCES: Hospital Episode Statistics extract held by Public Health Observatories. GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS: Two Government Office Region... Read More about Use of surgery to aid weight reduction—experience of two regions of Northern England: a database study.

Interventions for preventing obesity in children (2005)
Journal Article
Summerbell, C., Waters, E., Edmunds, L., Kelly, S., Brown, T., & Campbell, K. (2005). Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3,

Background Obesity prevention is an international public health priority. The prevalence of obesity and overweight is increasing in child populations throughout the world, impacting on short and long-term health. Obesity prevention strategies for chi... Read More about Interventions for preventing obesity in children.

Cultural niche construction with application to fertility control: a model of education and social transmission of contraceptive use (2005)
Preprint / Working Paper
Kendal, J., Ihara, Y., & Feldman, M. Cultural niche construction with application to fertility control: a model of education and social transmission of contraceptive use

The evolution of a cultural trait may be affected by niche construction, or changes in the selective environment of that trait due to the inheritance of other cultural traits that make up a cultural background. This study investigates the evolution o... Read More about Cultural niche construction with application to fertility control: a model of education and social transmission of contraceptive use.