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The impact of maternal BMI status on pregnancy outcomes with immediate short-term obstetric resource implications: a meta-analysis (2008)
Journal Article
Heslehurst, N., Simpson, H., Ells, L., Rankin, J., Wilkinson, J., Lang, R., …Summerbell, C. (2008). The impact of maternal BMI status on pregnancy outcomes with immediate short-term obstetric resource implications: a meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 9(6), 635-683.

Obesity is rising in the obstetric population, yet there is an absence of services and guidance for the management of maternal obesity. This systematic review aimed to investigate relationships between obesity and impact on obstetric care. Literature... Read More about The impact of maternal BMI status on pregnancy outcomes with immediate short-term obstetric resource implications: a meta-analysis.

Trends in maternal obesity incidence rates, demographic predictors, and health inequalities in 36 821 women over a 15-year period (2007)
Journal Article
Heslehurst, N., Ells, L., Simpson, H., Batterham, A., Wilkinson, J., & Summerbell, C. (2007). Trends in maternal obesity incidence rates, demographic predictors, and health inequalities in 36 821 women over a 15-year period. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 114(2), 187-194.

Objective The aim of this study was to identify trends in maternal obesity incidence over time and to identify those women most at risk and potential-associated health inequalities. Design Longitudinal database study. Setting James Cook University Ho... Read More about Trends in maternal obesity incidence rates, demographic predictors, and health inequalities in 36 821 women over a 15-year period.

Obesity and disability - a short review (2006)
Journal Article
Ells, L., Lang, R., Shield, J., Wilkinson, J., Lidstone, J., Coulton, S., & Summerbell, C. (2006). Obesity and disability - a short review. Obesity Reviews, 7(4), 341-345.

The prevalence of both obesity and disability is increasing globally and there is now growing evidence to suggest that these two health priorities may be linked. This paper explores the evidence linking obesity to muscular-skeletal conditions, mental... Read More about Obesity and disability - a short review.

Independent associations between weight status and disability in adults: Results from the health survey for England (2006)
Journal Article
Lidstone, J., Ells, L., Finn, P., Whittaker, V., Wilkinson, J., & Summerbell, C. (2006). Independent associations between weight status and disability in adults: Results from the health survey for England. Public Health, 120(5), 412-417.

Objectives: While direct links between obesity and some illnesses are well-established, there is a relative paucity of research on associations between obesity and disabilities. The aim of this study was to test for significant associations between o... Read More about Independent associations between weight status and disability in adults: Results from the health survey for England.

Use of surgery to aid weight reduction—experience of two regions of Northern England: a database study (2005)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, J., Summerbell, C., Macknight, N., Bailey, K., & Chappel, D. (2005). Use of surgery to aid weight reduction—experience of two regions of Northern England: a database study. International Journal of Obesity, 29(2), 204-207.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the usage of surgery in the management of obesity. DESIGN: Analysis of routine statistics. DATA SOURCES: Hospital Episode Statistics extract held by Public Health Observatories. GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS: Two Government Office Region... Read More about Use of surgery to aid weight reduction—experience of two regions of Northern England: a database study.