Modal and temporal logics for abstract space-time structures
Journal Article
Uckelman, S. L., & Uckelman, J. (2007). Modal and temporal logics for abstract space-time structures
Outputs (7)
'Breaking the Power of the Past over the Present': Psychology, Utopianism, and the Frankfurt School (2007)
Journal Article
Stewart, J. C. (2007). 'Breaking the Power of the Past over the Present': Psychology, Utopianism, and the Frankfurt School. Utopian Studies, 18(1), 21-42
A northern monastic sermon collection (2007)
Book Chapter
Gasper, G. E. (2007). A northern monastic sermon collection. In R. Gameson (Ed.), Treasures of Durham University Library (42-43). Third Millenium
Marriage and Chastity in Middle English: [Durham University, Cosin’s Library MS] II.V.14] (2007)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2007). Marriage and Chastity in Middle English: [Durham University, Cosin’s Library MS] II.V.14]. In R. Gameson (Ed.), Treasures of Durham University Library. Third Millennium Publishing
Historical and conceptual foundations of diagrammatical ontology (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Øhrstrøm, P., Uckelman, S. L., & Schärfe, H. (2007, December). Historical and conceptual foundations of diagrammatical ontology. Presented at 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2007
Chaosmos: Observations on the Stanza Form of Anna Akhmatova's Poem Without a Hero (2007)
Journal Article
Harrington, A. (2007). Chaosmos: Observations on the Stanza Form of Anna Akhmatova's Poem Without a Hero. Library history, 13(2), 99-112. critical observations on Akhmatova's Poema bez geroia (Poem Without a Hero) are drawn together, suggesting that it detaches itself from modernism and moves beyond it in various ways. These ideas are then extended in relation to the poem's inno... Read More about Chaosmos: Observations on the Stanza Form of Anna Akhmatova's Poem Without a Hero.
Reading Between the Lines: '...A ia molchu', Akhmatova's Silent-Speaking Elegy (2007)
Journal Article
Harrington, A. (2007). Reading Between the Lines: '...A ia molchu', Akhmatova's Silent-Speaking Elegy. Modern Language Review, 102(3), 793-809. article is concerned with the spatial, visual dimension of Akhmatova's poetry and the ways in which she draws attention to the aesthetics of the material text or uses space on the page in order to convey her ideas graphically and to amplify the... Read More about Reading Between the Lines: '...A ia molchu', Akhmatova's Silent-Speaking Elegy.