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Outputs (22)

‘I want to keep up with the younger generation’ - older adults and the web: a generational divide or generational collide? (2019)
Journal Article
Costa, C., Gilliland, G., & McWatt, J. (2019). ‘I want to keep up with the younger generation’ - older adults and the web: a generational divide or generational collide?. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 38(5), 566-578.

This paper considers the social significance of digital technologies in older adults’ lives by exploring the impact the web has on their lived experiences. The study of digital literacies and digital cultures is mostly focused on youth, thus paying l... Read More about ‘I want to keep up with the younger generation’ - older adults and the web: a generational divide or generational collide?.

Young supertableaux and the large N = 4 superconformal algebra (2019)
Journal Article
Fearn, S. (2019). Young supertableaux and the large N = 4 superconformal algebra. Physica Scripta, 94(12), Article 125222.

In this paper we consider representations of the ‘Large’ N = 4 superconformal algebra A in the Ramond sector as infinite-dimensional graded modules of its zero mode subalgebra, which we show to be the finite superalgebra su(2j2). We describe how repr... Read More about Young supertableaux and the large N = 4 superconformal algebra.

Maternal investment, life histories, and the evolution of brain structure in primates (2019)
Journal Article
Powell, L. E., Barton, R. A., & Street, S. E. (2019). Maternal investment, life histories, and the evolution of brain structure in primates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1911), Article 20191608.

Life history is a robust correlate of relative brain size: larger-brained mammals and birds have slower life histories and longer lifespans than smaller-brained species. The cognitive buffer hypothesis (CBH) proposes an adaptive explanation for this... Read More about Maternal investment, life histories, and the evolution of brain structure in primates.

Estranged students in higher education: navigating social and economic capitals (2019)
Journal Article
Costa, C., Taylor, Y., Goodfellow, C., & Ecochard, S. (2020). Estranged students in higher education: navigating social and economic capitals. Cambridge Journal of Education, 50(1), 107-123.

Family is widely regarded as a cornerstone of student support. When family support exist as an essential form of social capital making, rupture of family ties places students in a disadvantageous position. This paper focuses on estranged students’ ac... Read More about Estranged students in higher education: navigating social and economic capitals.