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Outputs (20)

Polymorphism in Cu2ZnSnS4 and new off-stoichiometric crystal structure types (2017)
Journal Article
Bosson, C. J., Birch, M. T., Halliday, D. P., Tang, C. C., Kleppe, A. K., & Hatton, P. D. (2017). Polymorphism in Cu2ZnSnS4 and new off-stoichiometric crystal structure types. Chemistry of Materials, 29(22), 9829-9839.

Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a very promising material for the absorber layer in sustainable thin-film solar cells. Its photovoltaic performance is currently limited by crystal structure disorder, which causes fluctuations in electrostatic potential that decr... Read More about Polymorphism in Cu2ZnSnS4 and new off-stoichiometric crystal structure types.

A protocol for training group-housed rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to cooperate with husbandry and research procedures using positive reinforcement (2017)
Journal Article
Kemp, C., Thatcher, H., Farningham, D., Witham, C., MacLarnon, A., Holmes, A., …Bethell, E. J. (2017). A protocol for training group-housed rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to cooperate with husbandry and research procedures using positive reinforcement. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 197, 90-100.

There has been increased recognition of the 3Rs in laboratory animal management over the last decade, including improvements in animal handling and housing. For example, positive reinforcement is now more widely used to encourage primates to cooperat... Read More about A protocol for training group-housed rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to cooperate with husbandry and research procedures using positive reinforcement.

Correlates of androgens in wild male Barbary macaques: Testing the challenge hypothesis (2017)
Journal Article
Rincon, A. V., Marechal, L., Semple, S., Majolo, B., & MacLarnon, A. (2017). Correlates of androgens in wild male Barbary macaques: Testing the challenge hypothesis. American Journal of Primatology, 79(10), Article e22689.

Investigating causes and consequences of variation in hormonal expression is a key focus in behavioral ecology. Many studies have explored patterns of secretion of the androgen testosterone in male vertebrates, using the challenge hypothesis (Wingfie... Read More about Correlates of androgens in wild male Barbary macaques: Testing the challenge hypothesis.

Teaching social science research methods to undergraduate medical students (2017)
Journal Article
Forrest, S. (2017). Teaching social science research methods to undergraduate medical students. Teaching Public Administration, 35(3), 280-300.

There is an expectation that medical students in the UK will be able to demonstrate conversancy with social science relevant to medicine and health, including the means by which the relevant bodies of knowledge are generated through the use of social... Read More about Teaching social science research methods to undergraduate medical students.

Cation disorder and phase transitions in the structurally complex solar cell material Cu2ZnSnS4 (2017)
Journal Article
Bosson, C., Birch, M., Halliday, D., Knight, K., Gibbs, A., & Hatton, P. (2017). Cation disorder and phase transitions in the structurally complex solar cell material Cu2ZnSnS4. Journal of Materials Chemistry A: materials for energy and sustainability, 5(32), 16672-16680.

Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a technologically important and complex quaternary semiconductor and a highly promising material for the absorber layer in sustainable thin film solar cells. Its photovoltaic performance is currently limited by low open-circuit vo... Read More about Cation disorder and phase transitions in the structurally complex solar cell material Cu2ZnSnS4.

Educator–student communication in sex & relationship education: a comparison of teacher and peer-led interventions (2017)
Journal Article
Dobson, E., Beckmann, N., & Forrest, S. (2017). Educator–student communication in sex & relationship education: a comparison of teacher and peer-led interventions. Pastoral Care in Education, 35(4), 267-283.

This paper presents findings from a comparative study of peer- and teacher-led Sex and Relationship Education (SRE). One lesson delivered by a peer educator, and one lesson delivered by a teacher was observed with the aim of exploring the communicati... Read More about Educator–student communication in sex & relationship education: a comparison of teacher and peer-led interventions.

Structural and optical properties of oxygen doped single crystal ZnTe grown by multi-tube physical vapour transport (2017)
Journal Article
Mullins, J., Dierre, F., Halliday, D., Tanner, B., Radley, I., Kang, Z., & Summers, C. (2017). Structural and optical properties of oxygen doped single crystal ZnTe grown by multi-tube physical vapour transport. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 28(16), 11950-11960.

Bulk single crystals of zinc telluride up to 10 mm thick have been grown by the Multi-Tube Physical Vapour Transport technique and doped, in-situ during growth, with oxygen. Following hetero-epitaxial nucleation and buffer growth on 100 mm diameter G... Read More about Structural and optical properties of oxygen doped single crystal ZnTe grown by multi-tube physical vapour transport.