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Outputs (39)

An Almost Singularly Optimal Asynchronous Distributed MST Algorithm (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dufoulon, F., Kutten, S., Moses Jr., W. K., Pandurangan, G., & Peleg, D. (2022, December). An Almost Singularly Optimal Asynchronous Distributed MST Algorithm. Presented at 36th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2022)

Package Delivery Using Drones with Restricted Movement Areas (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Erlebach, T., Luo, K., & Spieksma, F. C. (2022, December). Package Delivery Using Drones with Restricted Movement Areas. Presented at 33rd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2022), Seoul, Korea

Learning-Augmented Query Policies for Minimum Spanning Tree with Uncertainty (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Erlebach, T., de Lima, M. S., Megow, N., & Schlöter, J. (2022, September). Learning-Augmented Query Policies for Minimum Spanning Tree with Uncertainty. Presented at 30th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2022), Potsdam, Germany

We study how to utilize (possibly erroneous) predictions in a model for computing under uncertainty in which an algorithm can query unknown data. Our aim is to minimize the number of queries needed to solve the minimum spanning tree problem, a fundam... Read More about Learning-Augmented Query Policies for Minimum Spanning Tree with Uncertainty.

A Continuous Variable Quantum Switch (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tillman, I., Vasantam, T., & Seshadreesan, K. P. (2022, November). A Continuous Variable Quantum Switch. Presented at IEEE Quantum Week 2022 - International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Broomfield, Colorado

The continuous quadratures of a single mode of the light field present a promising avenue to encode quantum information. By virtue of the infinite dimensionality of the associated Hilbert space, quantum states of these continuous variables (CV) can e... Read More about A Continuous Variable Quantum Switch.

A distributed task orchestration scheme in collaborative vehicular cloud edge networks (2022)
Journal Article
Mittal, S., Dudeja, R. K., Bali, R. S., & Aujla, G. S. (2024). A distributed task orchestration scheme in collaborative vehicular cloud edge networks. Computing, 106, 1151–1175.

The next generation vehicular networks would be expected to support a wide array of cutting edge applications concerning intelligent transportation system (ITS). Due to this reason, the scale and complexity of ITS-based compute-intensive tasks has ex... Read More about A distributed task orchestration scheme in collaborative vehicular cloud edge networks.

Round-competitive algorithms for uncertainty problems with parallel queries (2022)
Journal Article
Erlebach, T., Hoffmann, M., & de Lima, M. S. (2023). Round-competitive algorithms for uncertainty problems with parallel queries. Algorithmica, 85(2), 406-443.

In computing with explorable uncertainty, one considers problems where the values of some input elements are uncertain, typically represented as intervals, but can be obtained using queries. Previous work has considered query minimization in the sett... Read More about Round-competitive algorithms for uncertainty problems with parallel queries.

MapChain: A Blockchain-based Verifiable Healthcare Service Management in IoT-based Big Data Ecosystem (2022)
Journal Article
Demirbaga, U., & Aujla, G. S. (2022). MapChain: A Blockchain-based Verifiable Healthcare Service Management in IoT-based Big Data Ecosystem. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 19(4), 3896-3907.

Internet of Things (IoT)-based Healthcare services, which are becoming more widespread today, continuously generate huge amounts of data which is often called big data. Due to the magnitude and intricacy of the data, it is difficult to find valuable... Read More about MapChain: A Blockchain-based Verifiable Healthcare Service Management in IoT-based Big Data Ecosystem.

Exploration of k-Edge-Deficient Temporal Graphs (2022)
Journal Article
Erlebach, T., & Spooner, J. T. (2022). Exploration of k-Edge-Deficient Temporal Graphs. Acta Informatica, 59(4), 387-407.

A temporal graph with lifetime L is a sequence of L graphs G1, . . . , GL, called layers, all of which have the same vertex set V but can have different edge sets. The underlying graph is the graph with vertex set V that contains all the edges that a... Read More about Exploration of k-Edge-Deficient Temporal Graphs.

On the Analysis and Evaluation of Proximity Based Load Balancing Policies (2022)
Journal Article
Panigrahy, N. K., Vasantam, T., Basu, P., Towsley, D., Swami, A., & Leung, K. K. (2022). On the Analysis and Evaluation of Proximity Based Load Balancing Policies. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, 7(2-4), Article 6.

Distributed load balancing is the act of allocating jobs among a set of servers as evenly as possible. The static interpretation of distributed load balancing leads to formulating the load balancing problem as a classical balls and bins problem with... Read More about On the Analysis and Evaluation of Proximity Based Load Balancing Policies.