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Outputs (178)

Exploration of k-Edge-Deficient Temporal Graphs (2022)
Journal Article
Erlebach, T., & Spooner, J. T. (2022). Exploration of k-Edge-Deficient Temporal Graphs. Acta Informatica, 59(4), 387-407.

A temporal graph with lifetime L is a sequence of L graphs G1, . . . , GL, called layers, all of which have the same vertex set V but can have different edge sets. The underlying graph is the graph with vertex set V that contains all the edges that a... Read More about Exploration of k-Edge-Deficient Temporal Graphs.

On the Analysis and Evaluation of Proximity Based Load Balancing Policies (2022)
Journal Article
Panigrahy, N. K., Vasantam, T., Basu, P., Towsley, D., Swami, A., & Leung, K. K. (2022). On the Analysis and Evaluation of Proximity Based Load Balancing Policies. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, 7(2-4), Article 6.

Distributed load balancing is the act of allocating jobs among a set of servers as evenly as possible. The static interpretation of distributed load balancing leads to formulating the load balancing problem as a classical balls and bins problem with... Read More about On the Analysis and Evaluation of Proximity Based Load Balancing Policies.

A comprehensive survey on software-defined networking for smart communities (2022)
Journal Article
Chaudhary, R., Aujla, G. S., Kumar, N., & Chouhan, P. K. (2025). A comprehensive survey on software-defined networking for smart communities. International Journal of Communication Systems, 38(1), Article e5296.

The need to provide services closer to the end-user proximity leads to the exchange of a large volume of data generated from the smart devices deployed at different geo-distributed sites. The massive amount of data generated from the smart devices ne... Read More about A comprehensive survey on software-defined networking for smart communities.

Secure and Intelligent Service Function Chain for Sustainable Services in Healthcare Cyber Physical Systems (2022)
Journal Article
Cao, H., Jindal, A., Hu, H., Piran, M. J., & Yang, L. (2023). Secure and Intelligent Service Function Chain for Sustainable Services in Healthcare Cyber Physical Systems. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 10(5), 2674 - 2684.

The gradual integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has made the healthcare cyber physical systems (CPSs) ubiquitous and complex. Since IoT devices are heterogeneous, it is crucial to virtualize these devices in a general way so as to orchest... Read More about Secure and Intelligent Service Function Chain for Sustainable Services in Healthcare Cyber Physical Systems.

Rendering Secure and Trustworthy Edge Intelligence in 5G-Enabled IIoT using Proof of Learning Consensus Protocol (2022)
Journal Article
Qiu, C., Aujla, G. S., Jiang, J., Wen, W., & Zhang, P. (2023). Rendering Secure and Trustworthy Edge Intelligence in 5G-Enabled IIoT using Proof of Learning Consensus Protocol. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(1), 900-909.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and fifth generation (5G) network have fueled the development of Industry 4.0 by providing an unparalleled connectivity and intelligence to ensure timely (or real time) and optimal decision making. Under this umbr... Read More about Rendering Secure and Trustworthy Edge Intelligence in 5G-Enabled IIoT using Proof of Learning Consensus Protocol.

Resource-Efficient Seamless Transitions For High-Performance Multi-hop UAV Multicasting (2022)
Journal Article
Tu, W. (2022). Resource-Efficient Seamless Transitions For High-Performance Multi-hop UAV Multicasting. Computer Networks, 213, Article 109051.

Many UAV-related applications require group communications between UAVs to reliably and efficiently deliver rich media content as well as to extend line-of-sight coverage between sky and ground. This paper is among the first to study fast yet resourc... Read More about Resource-Efficient Seamless Transitions For High-Performance Multi-hop UAV Multicasting.

TRUTH: Trust and Authentication Scheme in 5G-IIoT (2022)
Journal Article
Soleymani, S. A., Goudarzi, S., Anisi, M. H., Cruickshank, H., Jindal, A., & Kama, N. (2023). TRUTH: Trust and Authentication Scheme in 5G-IIoT. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(1), 880-889.

Due to the extremely important role of data in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) network, trust and security of data are among the major concerns. In this study, we develop a cloud-integrated 5G-IIoT network architecture enabled by a three-par... Read More about TRUTH: Trust and Authentication Scheme in 5G-IIoT.

Dynamic Bandwidth Slicing for Time-Critical IoT Data Streams in the Edge-Cloud Continuum (2022)
Journal Article
Habeeb, F., Alwasel, K., Noor, A., Jha, D. N., Alqattan, D., Li, Y., Aujla, G. S., Szydlo, T., & Ranjan, R. (2022). Dynamic Bandwidth Slicing for Time-Critical IoT Data Streams in the Edge-Cloud Continuum. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 18(11), 8017-8026.

Edge computing has gained momentum in recent years, as complementary to cloud computing, for supporting applications (e.g. industrial control systems) that require Time-Critical communication guarantees. While edge computing can provide immediate ana... Read More about Dynamic Bandwidth Slicing for Time-Critical IoT Data Streams in the Edge-Cloud Continuum.

A Blockchain-Based Authentication Scheme and Secure Architecture for IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems (2022)
Journal Article
Zhang, P., Wang, Y., Aujla, G. S., Jindal, A., & Al-Otaibi, Y. D. (2023). A Blockchain-Based Authentication Scheme and Secure Architecture for IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(2), 2322 - 2331.

Although modern Maritime Transportation Systems (MTS) have been extensively benefited from Internet of Things (IoT) technology, but still the risks and challenges in safety and reliability have increased substantially. The involvement of different ma... Read More about A Blockchain-Based Authentication Scheme and Secure Architecture for IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems.

Energy-Efficient Virtual Resource Allocation of Slices in Vehicles-Assisted B5G Networks (2022)
Journal Article
Cao, H., Zhao, H., Jindal, A., Aujla, G. S., & Yang, L. (2022). Energy-Efficient Virtual Resource Allocation of Slices in Vehicles-Assisted B5G Networks. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 6(3), 1408-1417.

Academia community started the research beyond 5G (B5G) while 5G systems and networks are still being landed for large-scale commercial applications. In order to enhance the agility and flexibility attributes of B5G networks, network function virtual... Read More about Energy-Efficient Virtual Resource Allocation of Slices in Vehicles-Assisted B5G Networks.

CovaDel: a blockchain-enabled secure and QoS-aware drone delivery framework for COVID-like pandemics (2022)
Journal Article
Singh, M., Aujla, G. S., Bali, R. S., Batth, R. S., Singh, A., Vashisht, S., & Jindal, A. (2022). CovaDel: a blockchain-enabled secure and QoS-aware drone delivery framework for COVID-like pandemics. Computing, 104(7), 1589-1613.

With increase in the use of contactless deliveries during the times such as COVID-19 pandemic, the emphasis was to minimize the human presence to reduce the spread of virus. In this regard, drones are one promising alternative to be used as delivery... Read More about CovaDel: a blockchain-enabled secure and QoS-aware drone delivery framework for COVID-like pandemics.

Car-Sharing between Two Locations: Online Scheduling with Flexible Advance Bookings (2022)
Journal Article
Luo, K., Erlebach, T., & Xu, Y. (2022). Car-Sharing between Two Locations: Online Scheduling with Flexible Advance Bookings. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 313, 53-66.

We study an online scheduling problem that is motivated by applications such as car-sharing. Users submit ride requests, and the scheduler aims to accept requests of maximum total profit using a single server (car). Each ride request specifies the pi... Read More about Car-Sharing between Two Locations: Online Scheduling with Flexible Advance Bookings.

Secure and pervasive communication framework using Named Data Networking for connected healthcare (2022)
Journal Article
Dudeja, R. K., Bali, R. S., & Aujla, G. S. (2022). Secure and pervasive communication framework using Named Data Networking for connected healthcare. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 100, Article 107806.

Connected healthcare system is one of the most critical Internet of Things (IoT) applications offering numerous healthcare services. But it requires the next-generation technologies to collude with the IoT standards to provide prompt end-user service... Read More about Secure and pervasive communication framework using Named Data Networking for connected healthcare.

An optimal content indexing approach for named data networking in software‐defined IoT system (2022)
Journal Article
Dudeja, R. K., Singh, A., Bali, R. S., & Aujla, G. S. (2022). An optimal content indexing approach for named data networking in software‐defined IoT system. IET Smart Cities, 4(1),

The evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) has increased the number of connected devices in the network. This has shifted the focus from IP-based network architecture towards content-centric networking (CCN). CCN eliminates the need for address-co... Read More about An optimal content indexing approach for named data networking in software‐defined IoT system.

Network Graph Generation through Adaptive Clustering and Infection Dynamics: A Step Towards Global Connectivity (2022)
Journal Article
Rahman, A. U., Fourati, F., Ngo, K.-H., Jindal, A., & Alouini, M.-S. (2022). Network Graph Generation through Adaptive Clustering and Infection Dynamics: A Step Towards Global Connectivity. IEEE Communications Letters, 26(4), 783-787.

More than 40% of the world’s population is not connected to the internet, majorly due to the lack of adequate infrastructure. Our work aims to bridge this digital divide by proposing solutions for network deployment in remote areas. Specifically, a n... Read More about Network Graph Generation through Adaptive Clustering and Infection Dynamics: A Step Towards Global Connectivity.

Derived blockchain architecture for security-conscious data dissemination in edge-envisioned Internet of Drones ecosystem (2022)
Journal Article
Singh, M., Aujla, G. S., & Bali, R. S. (2022). Derived blockchain architecture for security-conscious data dissemination in edge-envisioned Internet of Drones ecosystem. Cluster Computing, 25(3), 2281-2302.

Internet of Drones (IoD) facilitates the autonomous operations of drones into every application (warfare, surveillance, photography, etc) across the world. The transmission of data (to and fro) related to these applications occur between the drones a... Read More about Derived blockchain architecture for security-conscious data dissemination in edge-envisioned Internet of Drones ecosystem.

ReLeDP: Reinforcement-Learning-Assisted Dynamic Pricing for Wireless Smart Grid (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, P., Wang, C., Aujla, G. S., & Batth, R. S. (2021). ReLeDP: Reinforcement-Learning-Assisted Dynamic Pricing for Wireless Smart Grid. IEEE Wireless Communications, 28(6), 62-69.

The smart grid must ensure that power providers can obtain substantial benefits by selling energy, while at the same time, they need to consider the cost of consumers. To realize this win-win situation, the smart grid relies on dynamic pricing mechan... Read More about ReLeDP: Reinforcement-Learning-Assisted Dynamic Pricing for Wireless Smart Grid.