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Outputs (5)

Introduction: rethinking urban density (2020)
Journal Article
Chen, H.-Y., Chowdhury, R., McFarlane, C., & Tripathy, P. (2020). Introduction: rethinking urban density. Urban Geography, 41(10), 1241-1246.

In this piece, we introduce a special issue on “Rethinking Urban Density” which asks: what are the meanings and implications of density in cities today? How might we understand and research it? This collection offers a set of reflections on urban den... Read More about Introduction: rethinking urban density.

The force of density: political crowding and the city (2020)
Journal Article
McFarlane, C. (2020). The force of density: political crowding and the city. Urban Geography, 41(10), 1310-1317.

This commentary examines the politics of density in urban protest and social movements, drawing on examples from Hong Kong and Mumbai. The ‘force’ of density, I argue, is an emergent property shaped through the combinatory relations and forms of pres... Read More about The force of density: political crowding and the city.

Crowdfunding cities: Social entrepreneurship, speculation and solidarity in Berlin (2020)
Journal Article
Langley, P., Lewis, S., McFarlane, C., Painter, J., & Vradis, A. (2020). Crowdfunding cities: Social entrepreneurship, speculation and solidarity in Berlin. Geoforum, 115, 11-20.

Situated at the intersection of urban and economic geography, this paper develops and illustrates a three-step research agenda to further critical understanding of relations between crowdfunding and cities. First, we explore how crowdfunding is enrol... Read More about Crowdfunding cities: Social entrepreneurship, speculation and solidarity in Berlin.

De/re-densification: a relational geography of urban density (2020)
Journal Article
McFarlane, C. (2020). De/re-densification: a relational geography of urban density. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 24(1-2), 314-324.

In this article, I set out an approach to cities and urbanization through a relational geography of urban density. While density has long been central to the urban question, I argue for a focus on the relationship between densification, de-densificat... Read More about De/re-densification: a relational geography of urban density.

Relational Housing Across the North-South Divide: Learning Between Albania, Uganda, and the UK (2020)
Journal Article
Heslop, J., McFarlane, C., & Ormerod, E. (2020). Relational Housing Across the North-South Divide: Learning Between Albania, Uganda, and the UK. Housing Studies, 35(9), 1607-1627.

In this paper we examine how to understand housing as a relational process. Drawing on research in three diverse cities, we stage an unlikely dialogue that brings together narratives of housing across the global North-South divide. In doing so, we ar... Read More about Relational Housing Across the North-South Divide: Learning Between Albania, Uganda, and the UK.