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Outputs (31)

'Brexit Betrayal' and other Post Crisis Affects (2020)
Book Chapter
Anderson, B. (2020). 'Brexit Betrayal' and other Post Crisis Affects. In M. Kesting, & S. Witzgall (Eds.), Politics of Emotion/Power of Affects. The University of Chicago Press

Introduction: rethinking urban density (2020)
Journal Article
Chen, H.-Y., Chowdhury, R., McFarlane, C., & Tripathy, P. (2020). Introduction: rethinking urban density. Urban Geography, 41(10), 1241-1246.

In this piece, we introduce a special issue on “Rethinking Urban Density” which asks: what are the meanings and implications of density in cities today? How might we understand and research it? This collection offers a set of reflections on urban den... Read More about Introduction: rethinking urban density.

Impact investors: The ethical financialization of development, society and nature (2020)
Book Chapter
Langley, P. (2021). Impact investors: The ethical financialization of development, society and nature. In J. Knox-Hayes, & D. Wojcik (Eds.), Routledge handbook of financial geography. Routledge.

With increasing numbers of investors rejecting the notion that they face a binary choice between investing for maximum risk-adjusted returns or donating for social purpose, the impact investment market is at a significant turning point as it enters t... Read More about Impact investors: The ethical financialization of development, society and nature.

Life post-Brexit in the Divided Realm (2020)
Journal Article
Hudson, R. (2021). Life post-Brexit in the Divided Realm. European Urban and Regional Studies, 28(1), 14-19.

Following the confirmation by the UK Parliament that the UK would leave the European Union on 1 January 2021, this article analyses the likely impact of BREXIT on socio-spatial inequalities in the UK. It argues that inequalities will be further ampli... Read More about Life post-Brexit in the Divided Realm.

The force of density: political crowding and the city (2020)
Journal Article
McFarlane, C. (2020). The force of density: political crowding and the city. Urban Geography, 41(10), 1310-1317.

This commentary examines the politics of density in urban protest and social movements, drawing on examples from Hong Kong and Mumbai. The ‘force’ of density, I argue, is an emergent property shaped through the combinatory relations and forms of pres... Read More about The force of density: political crowding and the city.

Industrial Dynamics on the Commodity Frontier: managing time, space and form in mining, tree plantations and intensive aquaculture (2020)
Journal Article
Banoub, D., Bridge, G., Bustos, B., Ertör, I., González-Hidalgo, M., & de los Reyes, J. (2021). Industrial Dynamics on the Commodity Frontier: managing time, space and form in mining, tree plantations and intensive aquaculture. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 4(4), 1533-1559.

Research in political ecology and agrarian political economy has shown how commodity frontiers are constituted through the appropriation and transformation of nature. This work identifies two broad processes of socio-metabolism associated with commod... Read More about Industrial Dynamics on the Commodity Frontier: managing time, space and form in mining, tree plantations and intensive aquaculture.

Assets and assetization in financialized capitalism (2020)
Journal Article
Langley, P. (2021). Assets and assetization in financialized capitalism. Review of International Political Economy, 28(2), 382-393.

In the wake of the global financial crisis of 2007–09, political economists have typically identified and interrogated speculative logics and credit-debt relations as the markers of financialized capitalism. This paper argues that assets, and the con... Read More about Assets and assetization in financialized capitalism.

Scenes of Emergency: Dis/Re-Assembling the Promise of the UK Emergency State (2020)
Journal Article
Anderson, B. (2021). Scenes of Emergency: Dis/Re-Assembling the Promise of the UK Emergency State. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(7), 1356-1374.

The paper traces the development of UK ‘state of emergency’ legislation through three ‘scenes of emergency’: the introduction of the Emergency Powers Act in 1920, a revision to the Act in 1964, and discussion within government departments about possi... Read More about Scenes of Emergency: Dis/Re-Assembling the Promise of the UK Emergency State.

Climate Smart City: New Cultural Political Economies in the Making in Malmö, Sweden (2020)
Journal Article
Bulkeley, H., & Stripple, J. (2021). Climate Smart City: New Cultural Political Economies in the Making in Malmö, Sweden. New Political Economy, 26(6), 937-950.

The question of how the urgent transformation in fossil fuel based economies might be realised has come to occupy an increasingly prominent place within the social sciences. The challenge here is often cast in terms of how one or more existing system... Read More about Climate Smart City: New Cultural Political Economies in the Making in Malmö, Sweden.

Central banks: Climate governors of last resort? (2020)
Journal Article
Langley, P., & Morris, J. H. (2020). Central banks: Climate governors of last resort?. Environment and Planning A, 52(8), 1471-1479.

The global and regional leadership of central banks in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened public and political debates over their role in the governance of an arguably more fundamental planetary crisis: the climate crisis. Strategically... Read More about Central banks: Climate governors of last resort?.

Taking on the tweed suits: Reflections on the ‘How the other half lives’ and its critique of masculinist geography (2020)
Journal Article
McEwan, C. (2020). Taking on the tweed suits: Reflections on the ‘How the other half lives’ and its critique of masculinist geography. Area, 52(4), 770-777.

In this commentary I explore the groundbreaking interventions of Jacky Tivers’ (1978) ‘How the other half lives’ (Area 10, 4, 302‐6). I recount both the context in which I first read and was inspired by the paper and the significance of the context i... Read More about Taking on the tweed suits: Reflections on the ‘How the other half lives’ and its critique of masculinist geography.

Intensifying fragmentation: states, places, and dissonant struggles over the political geographies of power (2020)
Journal Article
MacLeod, G. (2020). Intensifying fragmentation: states, places, and dissonant struggles over the political geographies of power. Space and Polity, 24(2), 177-199.

This paper offers an engagement with The Fragmented State, published in 1983 and representing Ronan Paddison’s most significant book-length contribution. The paper demonstrates how certain claims prosecuted by Paddison – especially relating to centra... Read More about Intensifying fragmentation: states, places, and dissonant struggles over the political geographies of power.

Covid-19 and the Politics of Sustainable Energy Transitions (2020)
Journal Article
Kuzemko, C., Bradshaw, M., Bridge, G., Goldthau, A., Jewell, J., Overland, I., Scholten, D., van de Graaf, T., & Westphal, K. (2020). Covid-19 and the Politics of Sustainable Energy Transitions. Energy Research and Social Science, 68, Article 101685.

In this perspectives piece, an interdisciplinary team of social science researchers considers the implications of Covid-19 for the politics of sustainable energy transitions. The emergency measures adopted by states, firms, and individuals in respons... Read More about Covid-19 and the Politics of Sustainable Energy Transitions.

Crowdfunding cities: Social entrepreneurship, speculation and solidarity in Berlin (2020)
Journal Article
Langley, P., Lewis, S., McFarlane, C., Painter, J., & Vradis, A. (2020). Crowdfunding cities: Social entrepreneurship, speculation and solidarity in Berlin. Geoforum, 115, 11-20.

Situated at the intersection of urban and economic geography, this paper develops and illustrates a three-step research agenda to further critical understanding of relations between crowdfunding and cities. First, we explore how crowdfunding is enrol... Read More about Crowdfunding cities: Social entrepreneurship, speculation and solidarity in Berlin.

The platform political economy of FinTech: Reintermediation, consolidation and capitalisation (2020)
Journal Article
Langley, P., & Leyshon, A. (2021). The platform political economy of FinTech: Reintermediation, consolidation and capitalisation. New Political Economy, 26(3), 376-388.

‘FinTech’ is the digital sector of retail money and finance widely proclaimed to be transforming banking in the global North and ‘banking the unbanked’ in the global South. This paper develops a perspective for critically understanding FinTech as a p... Read More about The platform political economy of FinTech: Reintermediation, consolidation and capitalisation.

A critical social perspective on deep sea mining: Lessons from the emergent industry in Japan (2020)
Journal Article
Carver, R., Childs, J., Steinberg, P., Mabon, L., Matsuda, H., Squire, R., McLellan, B., & Esteban, M. (2020). A critical social perspective on deep sea mining: Lessons from the emergent industry in Japan. Ocean & Coastal Management, 193,

In 2017 the Japanese government reported that its state-owned mining company had successfully extracted zinc from the seabed off the coast of Okinawa. This piloting of technology is currently the world's only example of large-scale extractive activit... Read More about A critical social perspective on deep sea mining: Lessons from the emergent industry in Japan.