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Does sand promote or hinder the mobility of cohesive sediment gravity flows? (2022)
Journal Article
Baker, M. L., & Baas, J. H. (2023). Does sand promote or hinder the mobility of cohesive sediment gravity flows?. Sedimentology, 70(4), 1110-1130.

Sediment gravity flows exhibit a large range of flow behaviours, making their flow dynamics hard to predict and the resulting deposits a challenge to interpret. Cohesive sediment gravity flows containing clay are particularly complex, as their behavi... Read More about Does sand promote or hinder the mobility of cohesive sediment gravity flows?.

GPS-observed elastic deformation due to surface mass balance variability in the Southern Antarctic Peninsula (2022)
Journal Article
Koulali, A., Whitehouse, P., Clarke, P., van den Broeke, M., Nield, G., King, M., Bentley, M., Wouters, B., & Wilson, T. (2022). GPS-observed elastic deformation due to surface mass balance variability in the Southern Antarctic Peninsula. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(4), Article e2021GL097109.

In Antarctica, Global Positioning System (GPS) vertical time series exhibit non-linear signals over a wide range of temporal scales. To explain these non-linearities, a number of hypotheses have been proposed, among them the short-term rapid solid Ea... Read More about GPS-observed elastic deformation due to surface mass balance variability in the Southern Antarctic Peninsula.

Automated determination of landslide locations after large trigger events: advantages and disadvantages compared to manual mapping (2022)
Journal Article
Milledge, D., Bellugi, D., Watt, J., & Densmore, A. (2022). Automated determination of landslide locations after large trigger events: advantages and disadvantages compared to manual mapping. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(2), 481-508.

Earthquakes in mountainous areas can trigger thousands of co-seismic landslides, causing significant damage, hampering relief efforts, and rapidly redistributing sediment across the landscape. Efforts to understand the controls on these landslides re... Read More about Automated determination of landslide locations after large trigger events: advantages and disadvantages compared to manual mapping.

Blood, lead and spheres: A hindered settling equation for sedimentologists based on metadata analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Baas, J. H., Baker, M. L., Buffon, P., Strachan, L. J., Bostock, H., Hodgson, D., Eggenhuisen, J. T., & Spychala, Y. T. (2022). Blood, lead and spheres: A hindered settling equation for sedimentologists based on metadata analysis. Depositional Record, 8(2), 603-615.

A revision of the popular equation of Richardson and Zaki (1954a, Transactions of the Institute of Chemical Engineering, 32, 35–53) for the hindered settling of suspensions of non-cohesive particles in fluids is proposed, based on 548 data sets from... Read More about Blood, lead and spheres: A hindered settling equation for sedimentologists based on metadata analysis.

Near‐Bed Structure of Sediment Gravity Flows Measured by Motion‐Sensing “Boulder‐Like” Benthic Event Detectors (BEDs) in Monterey Canyon (2022)
Journal Article
Gwiazda, R., Paull, C., Kieft, B., Klimov, D., Herlien, R., Lundsten, E., McCann, M., Cartigny, M. J., Hamilton, A., Xu, J., Maier, K. L., Parsons, D., & Talling, P. J. (2022). Near‐Bed Structure of Sediment Gravity Flows Measured by Motion‐Sensing “Boulder‐Like” Benthic Event Detectors (BEDs) in Monterey Canyon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 127(2),

The near-bed section of submarine gravity flows travels at the highest and most destructive speeds making direct measurements of this region of the flow difficult. Here results are presented from “boulder-like” Benthic Event Detectors (BEDs) that mea... Read More about Near‐Bed Structure of Sediment Gravity Flows Measured by Motion‐Sensing “Boulder‐Like” Benthic Event Detectors (BEDs) in Monterey Canyon.

Enhanced terrestrial carbon export from East Antarctica during the early Eocene (2022)
Journal Article
Inglis, G., Toney, J., Zhu, J., Poulsen, C., Rohl, U., Jamieson, S., Pross, J., Cramwinckel, M., Krishnan, S., Pagani, M., Bijl, P., & Bendle, J. (2022). Enhanced terrestrial carbon export from East Antarctica during the early Eocene. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37(2), Article e2021PA004348.

Terrestrial organic carbon (TerrOC) acts as an important CO2 sink when transported via rivers to the ocean and sequestered in coastal marine sediments. This mechanism might help to modulate atmospheric CO2 levels over short- and long timescales (103... Read More about Enhanced terrestrial carbon export from East Antarctica during the early Eocene.

Satellite data track spatial and temporal declines in European beech forest canopy characteristics associated with intense drought events in the Rhön Biosphere Reserve, central Germany (2022)
Journal Article
West, E., Morley, P., Jump, A., & Donoghue, D. (2022). Satellite data track spatial and temporal declines in European beech forest canopy characteristics associated with intense drought events in the Rhön Biosphere Reserve, central Germany. Plant Biology, 24(7), 1120-1131.

The increasing intensity and frequency of droughts under climate change demands effective ways to monitor drought impacts. We sought to determine how different satellite remote sensing sources influence our ability to identify temporal and spatial im... Read More about Satellite data track spatial and temporal declines in European beech forest canopy characteristics associated with intense drought events in the Rhön Biosphere Reserve, central Germany.

Glacial–interglacial cycles in the south-central and southeastern Pyrenees since ~180 ka (NE Spain–Andorra–S France) (2022)
Journal Article
Turu, V., Peña-Monné, J. L., Cunha, P. P., Jalut, G., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A. S., Bridgland, D., Faurschou-Knudsen, M., Oliva, M., Carrasco, R. M., Ros, X., Turu-Font, L., & Ventura Roca, J. (2023). Glacial–interglacial cycles in the south-central and southeastern Pyrenees since ~180 ka (NE Spain–Andorra–S France). Quaternary Research, 113, 1-28.

This study uses luminescence and 14C accelerator mass spectrometry procedures to date relevant glaciofluvial and glacial deposits from the south-central and southeastern Pyrenees (Andorra–France–Spain). We distinguish two types of end-moraine complex... Read More about Glacial–interglacial cycles in the south-central and southeastern Pyrenees since ~180 ka (NE Spain–Andorra–S France).

How distinctive are flood-triggered turbidity currents? (2022)
Journal Article
Heerema, C. J., Cartigny, M. J., Jacinto, R. S., Simmons, S. M., Apprioual, R., & Talling, P. J. (2022). How distinctive are flood-triggered turbidity currents?. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 92(1), 1-11.

Turbidity currents triggered at river mouths form an important highway for sediment, organic carbon, and nutrients to the deep sea. Consequently, it has been proposed that the deposits of these flood-triggered turbidity currents provide important lon... Read More about How distinctive are flood-triggered turbidity currents?.

Investigating the roles of relative sea-level change and glacio-isostatic adjustment on the retreat of a marine based ice stream in NW Scotland (2022)
Journal Article
Simms, A. R., Best, L., Shennan, I., Bradley, S. L., Small, D., Bustamante, E., Lightowler, A., Osleger, D., & Sefton, J. (2022). Investigating the roles of relative sea-level change and glacio-isostatic adjustment on the retreat of a marine based ice stream in NW Scotland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 277, Article 107366.

The record of ice-sheet demise since the last glacial maximum (LGM) provides an opportunity to test the relative importance of instability mechanisms, including relative sea-level (RSL) change, controlling ice-sheet retreat. Here we examine the recor... Read More about Investigating the roles of relative sea-level change and glacio-isostatic adjustment on the retreat of a marine based ice stream in NW Scotland.

The connections between river terraces and slope deposits as paleoclimate proxies: the Guadalaviar - Turia sequence (Eastern, Iberia Chain, Spain) (2021)
Journal Article
Peña-Monné, J. L., Cunha, P. P., Sampietro-Vattuone, M. M., Bridgland, D., Murray, A., & Buylaert, J.-P. (2022). The connections between river terraces and slope deposits as paleoclimate proxies: the Guadalaviar - Turia sequence (Eastern, Iberia Chain, Spain). Global and Planetary Change, 208, Article 103728.

This study, focused on the well-exposed terrace deposits of the Guadalaviar and Turia rivers and associated slopes, provides a better understanding of the genetic connection between river-terrace sediments and slope accumulations in a setting influen... Read More about The connections between river terraces and slope deposits as paleoclimate proxies: the Guadalaviar - Turia sequence (Eastern, Iberia Chain, Spain).

Changing impacts of Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone tsunamis in California under future sea-level rise (2021)
Journal Article
Dura, T., Garner, A., Weiss, R., Kopp, R., Engelhart, S., Witter, R., Briggs, R., Mueller, C., Nelson, A., & Horton, B. (2021). Changing impacts of Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone tsunamis in California under future sea-level rise. Nature Communications, 12, Article 7119.

The amplification of coastal hazards such as distant-source tsunamis under future relative sea-level rise (RSLR) is poorly constrained. In southern California, the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone has been identified as an earthquake source region of... Read More about Changing impacts of Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone tsunamis in California under future sea-level rise.

Mid-Holocene thinning of David Glacier, Antarctica: chronology and controls (2021)
Journal Article
Stutz, J., Mackintosh, A., Norton, K., Whitmore, R., Baroni4, C., Jamieson, S. S., Jones, R. S., Balco, G., Salvatore, M. C., Casale, S., Lee, J. I., Seong, Y. B., McKay, R., Vargo, L. J., Lowry, D., Spector, P., Christl, M., Ochs, S. I., Nicola, L. D., Iarossi, M., …Woodruff, T. (2021). Mid-Holocene thinning of David Glacier, Antarctica: chronology and controls. The Cryosphere, 15(12), 5447-5471.

Quantitative satellite observations only provide an assessment of ice sheet mass loss over the last four decades. To assess long-term drivers of ice sheet change, geological records are needed. Here we present the first millennial-scale reconstructio... Read More about Mid-Holocene thinning of David Glacier, Antarctica: chronology and controls.

The Influence of Three‐Dimensional Topography on Turbulent Flow Structures Over Dunes in Unidirectional Flows (2021)
Journal Article
Hardy, R., Best, J., Marjoribanks, T., Parsons, D., & Ashworth, P. (2021). The Influence of Three‐Dimensional Topography on Turbulent Flow Structures Over Dunes in Unidirectional Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(12),

Dunes are the most prevalent bedform present in sand-bedded rivers and their morphology typically comprises multiple scales of three-dimensional topography. However, our understanding of flow over dunes is predicated largely on two-dimensional models... Read More about The Influence of Three‐Dimensional Topography on Turbulent Flow Structures Over Dunes in Unidirectional Flows.

Biomass estimation in mangrove forests: a comparison of allometric models incorporating species and structural information (2021)
Journal Article
Rahman, M. S., Donoghue, D. N. M., Bracken, L. J., & Mahmood, H. (2021). Biomass estimation in mangrove forests: a comparison of allometric models incorporating species and structural information. Environmental Research Letters, 16(12), Article 124002.

Improved estimates of aboveground biomass (AGB) are required to improve our understanding of the productivity of mangrove forests to support the long-term conservation of these fragile ecosystems which are under threat from many natural and anthropog... Read More about Biomass estimation in mangrove forests: a comparison of allometric models incorporating species and structural information.