Familial Relations: Spaces, Subjects, and Politics
Journal Article
Harker, C., & Martin, L. (2012). Familial Relations: Spaces, Subjects, and Politics. Environment and Planning A, 44(4), 768-775. https://doi.org/10.1068/a4513
Outputs (702)
Whiteness and futurity: towards a research agenda (2012)
Journal Article
Baldwin, W. (2012). Whiteness and futurity: towards a research agenda. Progress in Human Geography, 36(2), 172-187. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309132511414603
A survey of urban climate change experiments in 100 cities (2012)
Journal Article
Castán Broto, V., & Bulkeley, H. (2012). A survey of urban climate change experiments in 100 cities. Global Environmental Change, 23(1), 92-102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2012.07.005Cities are key sites where climate change is being addressed. Previous research has largely overlooked the multiplicity of climate change responses emerging outside formal contexts of decision-making and led by actors other than municipal governments... Read More about A survey of urban climate change experiments in 100 cities.
Guest editors' introduction - Financial subjects: culture and materiality (2012)
Journal Article
Langley, P., & Leyshon, A. (2012). Guest editors' introduction - Financial subjects: culture and materiality. Journal of Cultural Economy, 5(4), 369-373. https://doi.org/10.1080/17530350.2012.703146The social identity of professional financiers is a relatively long-standing concern of social scientists. Consider, for example, the ‘gentlemanly capitalists’ of the City of London’s investment banks (Augar 2000; Cain & Hopkins 1986, 1987), and the... Read More about Guest editors' introduction - Financial subjects: culture and materiality.
Governing climate change transnationally: assessing the evidence from a database of sixty initiatives (2012)
Journal Article
Bulkeley, H., Andonova, L., Backstrand, K., Betsill, M., Compagnon, D., Duffy, R., …VanDeveer, S. (2012). Governing climate change transnationally: assessing the evidence from a database of sixty initiatives. Environment and planning. C, Government and policy, 30(4), 591-612. https://doi.org/10.1068/c11126With this paper we present an analysis of sixty transnational governance initiatives and assess the implications for our understanding of the roles of public and private actors, the legitimacy of governance ‘beyond’ the state, and the North–South dim... Read More about Governing climate change transnationally: assessing the evidence from a database of sixty initiatives.
Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again: Financialisation and the Management of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis (2012)
Journal Article
Chima, O., & Langley, P. (2012). Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again: Financialisation and the Management of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis. Global Society, 26(4), 409-427. https://doi.org/10.1080/13600826.2012.710595The subprime mortgage debacle in the USA and the subsequent global credit crunch provoked a wide range of crisis management responses in different national settings. Such interventions are typically figured as the sovereign state coming to the rescue... Read More about Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again: Financialisation and the Management of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis.
Remaking retirement investors: behavioural economics and occupational pension funds in the UK and USA (2012)
Journal Article
Langley, P., & Leaver, A. (2012). Remaking retirement investors: behavioural economics and occupational pension funds in the UK and USA. Journal of Cultural Economy, 5(4), 473-488. https://doi.org/10.1080/17530350.2012.691893Summoned up within the defined-contribution (DC) plans that now predominate in the UK and USA, the financial subject of the retirement investor is identified by behavioural economics as the crucial problem to be solved in present-day occupational pen... Read More about Remaking retirement investors: behavioural economics and occupational pension funds in the UK and USA.
Governance and the geography of authority: modalities of authorisation and the transnational governing of climate change (2012)
Journal Article
Bulkeley, H. (2012). Governance and the geography of authority: modalities of authorisation and the transnational governing of climate change. Environment and Planning A, 44(10), 2428-2444. https://doi.org/10.1068/a44678Within debates about the emergence and nature of governance, it has become commonplace to debate the whereabouts and possibilities of authority. Traditionally, authority is conceived as a property of some actor or institution and is regarded as divis... Read More about Governance and the geography of authority: modalities of authorisation and the transnational governing of climate change.
Leshem, Noam Beyond the Wall: Writing Conflict and History in Jerusalem. . 2012. (2012)
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Postcolonial Economies. (2011)
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Psychotopologies: Closing the Circuit between Psychic and Material Space (2011)
Journal Article
Blum, V., & Secor, A. (2011). Psychotopologies: Closing the Circuit between Psychic and Material Space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29(6), https://doi.org/10.1068/d11910
Turkey's Democracy: A Model for the Troubled Middle East? (2011)
Journal Article
Secor, A. (2011). Turkey's Democracy: A Model for the Troubled Middle East?. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 52(2), https://doi.org/10.2747/1539-7216.52.2.157
Critical Infrastructure: Mapping the Leaky Plumbing of US Hegemony (2011)
Journal Article
Roberts, S., Secor, A., & Zook, M. (2011). Critical Infrastructure: Mapping the Leaky Plumbing of US Hegemony. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 44(1), https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8330.2011.00931.x
Resource geographies 1 : Making carbon economies, old and new. (2011)
Journal Article
Bridge, G. (2011). Resource geographies 1 : Making carbon economies, old and new. Progress in Human Geography, 35(6), 820-834. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309132510385524
Passing Propinquities in the Multicultural City: the everyday encounters of bus passengering (2011)
Journal Article
Wilson, H. (2011). Passing Propinquities in the Multicultural City: the everyday encounters of bus passengering. Environment and Planning A, 43(3), 634-649. https://doi.org/10.1068/a43354
Beyond State/Non-State Divides: global cities and the governing of climate change. (2011)
Journal Article
Bulkeley, H., & Schroeder, H. (2011). Beyond State/Non-State Divides: global cities and the governing of climate change. European Journal of International Relations, 18(4), 741-764. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354066111413308
Jamie Linton: What is water? The history of a modern abstraction (2011)
Journal Article
Schmidt, J. J. (2011). Jamie Linton: What is water? The history of a modern abstraction. The Canadian Geographer, 55(4), 513-514
The governance of climate change: science, economics, politics and ethics (D. Held and A. Fane-Hervey eds.) (2011)
Journal Article
Luque, A. (2011). The governance of climate change: science, economics, politics and ethics (D. Held and A. Fane-Hervey eds.). Environment and planning. C, Government and policy, 29, 943-949
A Rough and Charmless Place: Other Spaces of History in Tel Aviv (2011)
Book Chapter
Leshem, N. (2011). A Rough and Charmless Place: Other Spaces of History in Tel Aviv. In M. Gandy (Ed.), Urban Constellations (163-167). Jovis
Cities and subnational governments. (2011)
Book Chapter
Bulkeley, H. (2011). Cities and subnational governments. In J. Dryzek, R. Norgaard, & D. Schlosberg (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society. Oxford University Press