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Outputs (882)

Africa and the export of China’s clean energy revolution (2016)
Journal Article
Shen, W., & Power, M. (2017). Africa and the export of China’s clean energy revolution. Third World Quarterly, 38(3), 678-697.

The spectacular scale and speed of China’s domestic renewable energy capacity development and technology catch-up has in recent years been followed by the ‘go out’ of Chinese clean energy technology firms seeking new markets and opportunities in sub-... Read More about Africa and the export of China’s clean energy revolution.

Urban political ecologies of housing and climate change: the ‘Coolest Block’ Contest in Philadelphia (2016)
Journal Article
Edwards, G., & Bulkeley, H. (2017). Urban political ecologies of housing and climate change: the ‘Coolest Block’ Contest in Philadelphia. Urban Studies, 54(5), 1126-1141.

Urban authorities and a range of private and civil society actors have come to view housing as a key arena in which to address climate change whilst also pursuing wider social, economic and environmental objectives. Housing has been a critical area f... Read More about Urban political ecologies of housing and climate change: the ‘Coolest Block’ Contest in Philadelphia.

Decarbonisation at home: the contingent politics of experimental domestic energy technologies (2016)
Journal Article
Bickerstaff, K., Hinton, E., & Bulkeley, H. (2016). Decarbonisation at home: the contingent politics of experimental domestic energy technologies. Environment and Planning A, 48(10), 2006-2025.

Policy efforts to reduce the carbon intensity of domestic energy consumption have, over the last three decades, been dominated by an almost dichotomous reading of the relationship between technology and social change. On the one hand, there is a conc... Read More about Decarbonisation at home: the contingent politics of experimental domestic energy technologies.

Sharing knowledge: Performing co-production in collaborative artistic work (2016)
Journal Article
Richardson, L. (2016). Sharing knowledge: Performing co-production in collaborative artistic work. Environment and Planning A, 48(11), 2256-2271.

This article puts forward co-production as a lens for geographical approaches to collaborative knowledge production. Co-production extends understandings of collaboration as temporary, fragile and with multiple spatial forms. Through the example of c... Read More about Sharing knowledge: Performing co-production in collaborative artistic work.

Cultural Geography 1: Intensities and Forms of Power (2016)
Journal Article
Anderson, B. (2017). Cultural Geography 1: Intensities and Forms of Power. Progress in Human Geography, 41(4), 501-511.

In the first of three reviews I focus on how cultural geography is exploring modes and forms of power in relation to various contemporary conditions, including research on precaritization, dispossession, the state, and anti-black violence. A common c... Read More about Cultural Geography 1: Intensities and Forms of Power.

Researching virtual communities (2016)
Book Chapter
Crang, M., & Haji Bin Mohamed, S. (2016). Researching virtual communities. In N. Clifford, M. Cope, S. French, & T. Gillespie (Eds.), Key methods in geography (270-284). (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications

This chapter asks what is distinctive about researching virtual communities. In so doing it troubles both those terms – arguing that ‘virtual’ may be an unhelpful descriptor, though it may throw into relief some equally problematic associations with... Read More about Researching virtual communities.

Making a Smart City for the Smart Grid? The urban material politics of actualising smart electricity networks (2016)
Journal Article
Bulkeley, H., McGuirk, P., & Dowling, R. (2016). Making a Smart City for the Smart Grid? The urban material politics of actualising smart electricity networks. Environment and Planning A, 48(9), 1709-1726.

In a growing debate about the smart city, considerations of the ways in which urban infrastructures and their materialities are being reconfigured and contested remain in the shadows of analyses which have been primarily concerned with the management... Read More about Making a Smart City for the Smart Grid? The urban material politics of actualising smart electricity networks.

Geography, Culture and Global Change (2016)
Book Chapter
McEwan, C., & Daya, S. (2016). Geography, Culture and Global Change. In P. Daniels, M. Bradshaw, D. Shaw, J. Sidaway, & T. Hall (Eds.), An introduction to human geography (273-289). (5th ed.). Pearson

Government and (Non)Event: The Promise of Control (2016)
Journal Article
Anderson, B., & Gordon, R. (2017). Government and (Non)Event: The Promise of Control. Social and Cultural Geography, 18(7), 158-177.

Control rooms routinely deal with happenings that might become events. They attempt to hide events and their possibility from the users of infrastructure by undertaking various forms of action to stop events coming to pass. Based on ethnographic rese... Read More about Government and (Non)Event: The Promise of Control.

The political economy of energy transitions in Mozambique and South Africa: The role of the Rising Powers (2016)
Journal Article
Power, M., Newell, P., Baker, L., Bulkeley, H., Kirshner, J., & Smith, A. (2016). The political economy of energy transitions in Mozambique and South Africa: The role of the Rising Powers. Energy Research and Social Science, 17, 10-19.

In a world in which rising powers are reconfiguring global development trajectories with significant implications for their sustainability, it becomes increasingly important to understand whether and how low carbon energy transitions might be enabled... Read More about The political economy of energy transitions in Mozambique and South Africa: The role of the Rising Powers.

Reconsidering Mimesis: Freedom and Acquiescence in the Anthropocene (2016)
Journal Article
Johnson, E. R. (2016). Reconsidering Mimesis: Freedom and Acquiescence in the Anthropocene. South Atlantic Quarterly, 115(2), 267-289.

In 1993 Michael Taussig's Mimesis and Alterity revitalized the power of the mimetic faculty to craft a vision of nature that was neither the alienated subject of modern science nor the passively malleable medium of late twentieth-century social const... Read More about Reconsidering Mimesis: Freedom and Acquiescence in the Anthropocene.

Taking-Place: Non-Representational Theories and Geography (2016)
Anderson, B., & Harrison, P. (Eds.). (2016). Taking-Place: Non-Representational Theories and Geography. Routledge.

Emerging over the past ten years from a set of post-structuralist theoretical lineages, non-representational theories are having a major impact within Human Geography. Non-representational theorisation and research has opened up new sets of problemat... Read More about Taking-Place: Non-Representational Theories and Geography.

Crowdfunding in the United Kingdom: A cultural economy (2016)
Journal Article
Langley, P. (2016). Crowdfunding in the United Kingdom: A cultural economy. Economic Geography, 92(3), 301-321.

Crowdfunding is a digital economy in which funds provided by large numbers of individuals (the crowd) are aggregated and distributed through online platforms to a range of actors and institutions. In the United Kingdom, crowdfunding is a particularly... Read More about Crowdfunding in the United Kingdom: A cultural economy.

Critique and Ontological Politics (2016)
Journal Article
Anderson, B. (2016). Critique and Ontological Politics. Dialogues in Human Geography, 6(1), 19-22.

In this commentary, I explore three questions in response to Simon and Randalls’ emphasis on the ‘resilience multiple’: how to understand the endurance of the general, as it folds with and into the singular; how might an ontological politics concerne... Read More about Critique and Ontological Politics.

A High Road to Sustainability? Wildflower Harvesting, Ethical Trade and Social Upgrading in South Africa’s Western Cape (2016)
Journal Article
Bek, D., Binns, T., Blokker, T., McEwan, C., & Hughes, A. (2016). A High Road to Sustainability? Wildflower Harvesting, Ethical Trade and Social Upgrading in South Africa’s Western Cape. Journal of Agrarian Change, 17(3), 459-479.

This paper evaluates the outcomes from an ambitious wildflower harvesting programme in South Africa's Western Cape, which has sought to achieve positive outcomes in terms of socio-economic development and biodiversity conservation. Indigenous wildflo... Read More about A High Road to Sustainability? Wildflower Harvesting, Ethical Trade and Social Upgrading in South Africa’s Western Cape.

Temporary migration, precarious employment and unfree labour relations: Exploring the ‘continuum of exploitation’ in Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program (2016)
Journal Article
Strauss, K., & McGrath, S. (2017). Temporary migration, precarious employment and unfree labour relations: Exploring the ‘continuum of exploitation’ in Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Geoforum, 78, 199-208.

Exploitation of international migrant workers in the Global North has been increasingly framed in terms of trafficking, in political and legal domains and by the media. Yet posing trafficking as a phenomenon that captures the unfreedom experienced by... Read More about Temporary migration, precarious employment and unfree labour relations: Exploring the ‘continuum of exploitation’ in Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program.

Unfree Labour (2016)
Book Chapter
McGrath, S. (2016). Unfree Labour. In N. Castree, M. Goodchild, A. Kobayashi, W. Liu, D. Marston, & D. Richardson (Eds.), International encyclopedia of geography : people, the Earth, environment, and technology. Wiley.

The persistence and reproduction of unfree labor challenges our understanding of labor relations under capitalism. Some of those concerned with this phenomenon label it “new slavery,” but this implies that it had ended and has since returned. An anal... Read More about Unfree Labour.

Towards a Critical Geopolitics of China’s Engagement with African Development (2016)
Book Chapter
Power, M., & Mohan, G. (2016). Towards a Critical Geopolitics of China’s Engagement with African Development. In T. Young (Ed.), Readings in the International Relations of Africa (322-337). Indiana University Press

China’s growth has required a concerted economic internationalisation and with it changing foreign policy discourses, that bring China closer binationally and multilaterally to other countries. As a result the orientation of China’s vision of ‘develo... Read More about Towards a Critical Geopolitics of China’s Engagement with African Development.