University engagement with socially excluded communities: towards 'the engaged university'.
Book Chapter
Hudson, R., & Robinson, F. (2013). University engagement with socially excluded communities: towards 'the engaged university'. In P. Benneworth (Ed.), University Engagement With Socially Excluded Communities (189-198). Springer Verlag
Outputs (39)
Urban governance and climate change experiments. (2013)
Book Chapter
Bulkeley, H., & Caston Broto, V. (2013). Urban governance and climate change experiments. In H. Mieg, & K. Topfer (Eds.), Institutional and Social Innovation for Sustainable Urban Development (72-87). Routledge
The Lehman Minibonds crisis and financialisation of investor subjects in Singapore (2013)
Journal Article
Lai, K. P. (2013). The Lehman Minibonds crisis and financialisation of investor subjects in Singapore. Area, 45(3), 273-282.
Conclusion: Divided kingdom? Health, the regions and austerity economics. (2013)
Book Chapter
Hudson, R. (2013). Conclusion: Divided kingdom? Health, the regions and austerity economics. In C. Wood (Ed.), The NHS at 65 is facing a triple-pinch of recession, austerity and demographic change.. (65-72). DEMOS
Michael Mascarenhas: Where the water's divide: neoliberalism, white privelege, and environmental racism in Canada (2013)
Journal Article
Schmidt, J. J. (2013). Michael Mascarenhas: Where the water's divide: neoliberalism, white privelege, and environmental racism in Canada. Canadian Public Policy, 39(2), 354-355
Hasok Chang: Is water H2O? Evidence, realism, and pluralism (2013)
Journal Article
Schmidt, J. J. (2013). Hasok Chang: Is water H2O? Evidence, realism, and pluralism. Water History, 5(3), 373-375
Placental surfaces and the geographies of bodily interiors (2013)
Journal Article
Colls, R., & Fannin, M. (2013). Placental surfaces and the geographies of bodily interiors. Environment and Planning A, 45, 1187-1104.
The impacts of demographic change on the functional; economies of the North of England. (2013)
Hudson, R., Buckner, L., Cannon, T., Harding, A., Rees, P., & Kurowska, K. (2013). The impacts of demographic change on the functional; economies of the North of England
The local governance of climate change: new tools to respond to old limitations in Esmeraldas, Ecuador (2013)
Journal Article
Luquea, A., Edwards, G., & Lalande, C. (2013). The local governance of climate change: new tools to respond to old limitations in Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Local Environment, 18(6), 738-751.
The Impacts of Demographic Change on the Functional Economies of the North of England. (2013)
Journal Article
Rees, P., & Hudson, R. (2013). The Impacts of Demographic Change on the Functional Economies of the North of England. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 6(2),
Thatcherism and its geographical legacies: The new map of socio-spatial inequality in the Divided Kingdom. (2013)
Journal Article
Hudson, R. (2013). Thatcherism and its geographical legacies: The new map of socio-spatial inequality in the Divided Kingdom. The Geographical Journal, 179(4), 377-381.
The Hole World: scales and spaces of extraction. (2013)
Journal Article
Bridge, G. (2013). The Hole World: scales and spaces of extraction
The retreating state: Political geographies of the object and the proliferation of space (2013)
Journal Article
Schmidt, J. J. (2014). The retreating state: Political geographies of the object and the proliferation of space. Political Geography, 39, 58-59. their article, “Political geographies of the object,” Meehan, Shaw, and Marston (2013) introduce and explore some of the implications of object-oriented ontology (OOO) for political geography. Their analysis uses The Wire – a television drama abou... Read More about The retreating state: Political geographies of the object and the proliferation of space.
Left in the waiting room of history? Provincializing the European child. (2013)
Journal Article
Finn, M., & McEwan, C. (2015). Left in the waiting room of history? Provincializing the European child. Interventions, 17(1), 113-134. paper highlights an important lacuna within critiques of infantilizing (neo-)colonial European discourses: the failure to question whom or what was the ‘child’ against which non-Europeans were gauged. The premise is that the unacknowledged figur... Read More about Left in the waiting room of history? Provincializing the European child..
Maintaining Climate Change Experiments: Urban Political Ecology and the Everyday Reconfiguration of Urban Infrastructure (2013)
Journal Article
Castán Broto, V., & Bulkeley, H. (2013). Maintaining Climate Change Experiments: Urban Political Ecology and the Everyday Reconfiguration of Urban Infrastructure. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 37(6), 1934-1948. change governance is increasingly being conducted through urban climate change experiments, purposive interventions that seek to reconfigure urban sociotechnical systems to achieve low-carbon and resilient cities. In examining how experiments... Read More about Maintaining Climate Change Experiments: Urban Political Ecology and the Everyday Reconfiguration of Urban Infrastructure.
Contemporary crisis across Europe and the crisis of regional development theories (2013)
Journal Article
Hadjimichalis, C., & Hudson, R. (2013). Contemporary crisis across Europe and the crisis of regional development theories. Regional Studies, 48(1), 208-218. C. and Hudson R. Contemporary crisis across Europe and the crisis of regional development theories, Regional Studies. This paper explores the prima facie puzzling issue of why so much contemporary theory in economic geography and region... Read More about Contemporary crisis across Europe and the crisis of regional development theories.
Climate justice and global cities: Mapping the emerging discourses (2013)
Journal Article
Bulkeley, H., Carmin, J., Castán Broto, V., Edwards, G. A., & Fuller, S. (2013). Climate justice and global cities: Mapping the emerging discourses. Global Environmental Change, 23(5), 914-925. since climate change came to be a matter of political concern, questions of justice have been at the forefront of academic and policy debates in the international arena. Curiously, as attention has shifted to other sites and scales of climate ch... Read More about Climate justice and global cities: Mapping the emerging discourses.
Anticipating uncertainty, reviving risk? On the stress testing of finance in crisis (2013)
Journal Article
Langley, P. (2013). Anticipating uncertainty, reviving risk? On the stress testing of finance in crisis. Economy and Society, 42(1), 51-73. regarded as a watershed moment in the governance of the present global financial crisis, the US Treasury's Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP) of spring 2009 undertook to ‘stress test’ the solvency of the largest American banks by pr... Read More about Anticipating uncertainty, reviving risk? On the stress testing of finance in crisis.
Many Chains to Break: The Multi-dimensional Concept of Slave Labour in Brazil (2013)
Journal Article
McGrath, S. (2013). Many Chains to Break: The Multi-dimensional Concept of Slave Labour in Brazil. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 45(4), 1005-1028. article examines the concept of slave labour through two case studies from Brazil. One involves internal migrant workers and the other cross-border migrant workers. There have been accusations of slave labour in both cases. I argue that slave la... Read More about Many Chains to Break: The Multi-dimensional Concept of Slave Labour in Brazil.
Making space for fat bodies?: A critical account of ‘the obesogenic environment’ (2013)
Journal Article
Colls, R., & Evans, B. (2014). Making space for fat bodies?: A critical account of ‘the obesogenic environment’. Progress in Human Geography, 38(6), 733-753. key focus for geographical and policy work on obesity has involved interrogating the concept of an ‘obesogenic environment’ – an environment with particular physical, social and economic characteristics considered to contribute towards the propensi... Read More about Making space for fat bodies?: A critical account of ‘the obesogenic environment’.