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Outputs (596)

Governing climate change: the politics of risk society? (2001)
Journal Article
Bulkeley, H. (2001). Governing climate change: the politics of risk society?. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 26(4), 430-447.

This paper examines how the politics of climate change have taken shape within Australia through the construction and contestation of concepts of obligation and responsibility. Beck's risk society thesis offers a conceptual starting point from which... Read More about Governing climate change: the politics of risk society?.

Geo-politics and the representation of Portugal's African colonial wars: examining the limits of 'Vietnam syndrome' (2001)
Journal Article
Power, M. (2001). Geo-politics and the representation of Portugal's African colonial wars: examining the limits of 'Vietnam syndrome'. Political Geography, 20(4), 461-491.

Portugal's defence of its African colonies between 1961 and 1974 destroyed the Estado Novo fascist dictatorship of António Salazar, impoverished Portugal, and nearly made the colonies go bankrupt. Portuguese involvement with colonial conflict in Moza... Read More about Geo-politics and the representation of Portugal's African colonial wars: examining the limits of 'Vietnam syndrome'.

The city and topologies of memory (2001)
Journal Article
Crang, M., & Travlou, P. (2001). The city and topologies of memory. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 19(2), 161-177.

The relationship of space and time has become a vexed issue in accounts in the postmodern metropolis. Rich and enlivening accounts use spatial categories to describe the interrelationships of elements of the city moving from historicism to geography,... Read More about The city and topologies of memory.

Gender and citizenship: learning from South Africa. (2001)
Journal Article
McEwan, C. (2001). Gender and citizenship: learning from South Africa. Agenda, 16(47), 47-59.

CHERYL MCEWAN argues that there is an urgent need for a critical examination of the nature of citizenship in post-apartheid South Africa particularly in terms of black women's experiences. She writes that African women's understandings and experience... Read More about Gender and citizenship: learning from South Africa..

Urban Morphology and the Shaping of the Transmissable City (2000)
Journal Article
Crang, M. (2000). Urban Morphology and the Shaping of the Transmissable City. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 4(3), 303-315.

Some recent work in architecture has begun to think through the implications of an electronically mediated environment - both in terms of new forms of spaces and of changes to existing ones. New possibilities are read as resulting from these new tech... Read More about Urban Morphology and the Shaping of the Transmissable City.

Public Space, Urban Space and Electronic Space: Would the real city please stand up? (2000)
Journal Article
Crang, M. (2000). Public Space, Urban Space and Electronic Space: Would the real city please stand up?. Urban Studies, 37(2), 301-317.

Commentary around the electronic media has raised issues of political action, community formation and changing identities. This paper explores how the notions of 'public space' can inform this debate over electronic media. It examines the metaphorica... Read More about Public Space, Urban Space and Electronic Space: Would the real city please stand up?.