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Outputs (4)

Encountering Berlant part 1: Concepts otherwise (2022)
Journal Article
Anderson, B., Aitken, S., Bacevic, J., Callard, F., Chung, K. D. (., Coleman, K. S., Hayden, R. F., Healy, S., Irwin, R. L., Jellis, T., Jukes, J., Khan, S., Marotta, S., Seitz, D. K., Snepvangers, K., Staples, A., Turner, C., Tse, J., Watson, M., & Wilkinson, E. (2023). Encountering Berlant part 1: Concepts otherwise. The Geographical Journal, 189(1), 117-142.

In Part 1 of ‘Encountering Berlant’, we encounter the promise and provocation of Lauren Berlant's work. In 1000-word contributions, geographers and others stay with what Berlant's thought offers contemporary human geography. They amplify an encounter... Read More about Encountering Berlant part 1: Concepts otherwise.

Encountering Berlant part two: Cruel and other optimisms (2022)
Journal Article
Anderson, B., Awal, A., Cockayne, D., Greenhough, B., Linz, J., Mazumdar, A., Nassar, A., Pettit, H., Roe, E. J., Ruez, D., Salas Landa, M., Secor, A., & Williams, A. (2023). Encountering Berlant part two: Cruel and other optimisms. The Geographical Journal, 189(1), 143-160.

Part 2 of Encountering Berlant amplifies the promise of Lauren Berlant's influential concept of ‘cruel optimism’. Cruel optimism names a double-bind in which attachment to an ‘object’ holds out the promise of sustaining/flourishing, whilst simultaneo... Read More about Encountering Berlant part two: Cruel and other optimisms.

Forms and Scenes of Attachment: A Cultural Geography of Promises (2022)
Journal Article
Anderson, B. (2023). Forms and Scenes of Attachment: A Cultural Geography of Promises. Dialogues in Human Geography, 13(3), 392-409.

Attachment is everywhere and nowhere in contemporary cultural geography. Cultural geography is full of relations which look like attachments. But attachment as a concept is mostly absent, used interchangeably with association, connection or simply re... Read More about Forms and Scenes of Attachment: A Cultural Geography of Promises.

Propositions on right-wing populism: Available, excessive, optimistic (2022)
Journal Article
Anderson, B., & Secor, A. (2022). Propositions on right-wing populism: Available, excessive, optimistic. Political Geography, 96, Article 102608.

Every discourse on right-wing populism is, more or less explicitly, a discourse on affect. From claims that right-wing populism emerges from a background of racialized resentment or the anger of the ‘left behind’, through to analyses of how populist... Read More about Propositions on right-wing populism: Available, excessive, optimistic.