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Outputs (40)

Hydraulic routing of extreme floods in a large ungauged river and the estimation of associated uncertainties: a case study of the Damodar River, India (2013)
Journal Article
Sanyal, J., Carbonneau, P., & Densmore, A. (2013). Hydraulic routing of extreme floods in a large ungauged river and the estimation of associated uncertainties: a case study of the Damodar River, India. Natural Hazards, 66(2), 1153-1177.

Many developing countries are very vulnerable to flood risk since they are located in climatic zones characterised by extreme precipitation events, such as cyclones and heavy monsoon rainfall. Adequate flood mitigation requires a routing mechanism th... Read More about Hydraulic routing of extreme floods in a large ungauged river and the estimation of associated uncertainties: a case study of the Damodar River, India.

Topographic structure from motion: a new development in photogrammetric measurement (2013)
Journal Article
Fonstad, M., Dietrich, J., Courville, B., Jensen, J., & Carbonneau, P. (2013). Topographic structure from motion: a new development in photogrammetric measurement. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38(4), 421-430.

The production of topographic datasets is of increasing interest and application throughout the geomorphic sciences, and river science is no exception. Consequently, a wide range of topographic measurement methods have evolved. Despite the range of a... Read More about Topographic structure from motion: a new development in photogrammetric measurement.

Hyperspatial Imagery in Riverine Environments. (2012)
Book Chapter
Carbonneau, P., Piégay, H., Lejôt, J., Dunford, R., & Michel, K. (2012). Hyperspatial Imagery in Riverine Environments. In P. Carbonneau, & H. Piégay (Eds.), Fluvial Remote Sensing for River Science and Management (163-191). Wiley

Coherent flow structures in a depth-limited flow over a gravel surface : the role of near-bed turbulance and influence of Reynolds number (2009)
Journal Article
Hardy, R., Best, J., Lane, S., & Carbonneau, P. (2009). Coherent flow structures in a depth-limited flow over a gravel surface : the role of near-bed turbulance and influence of Reynolds number. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, Article F01003.

In gravel bed rivers, the microtopography of the bed exerts a significant effect on the generation of turbulent flow structures. Although field and laboratory measurements have indicated that flows over gravel beds contain coherent macroturbulent flo... Read More about Coherent flow structures in a depth-limited flow over a gravel surface : the role of near-bed turbulance and influence of Reynolds number.

Feature based image processing methods applied to bathymetric measurements from airborne remote sensing in fluvial environments (2006)
Journal Article
Carbonneau, P., Lane, S., & Bergeron, N. (2006). Feature based image processing methods applied to bathymetric measurements from airborne remote sensing in fluvial environments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 31(11), 1413-1423.

Bathymetric maps produced from remotely sensed imagery are increasingly common. However, when this method is applied to fluvial environments, changing scenes and illumination variations severely hinder the application of well established empirical ca... Read More about Feature based image processing methods applied to bathymetric measurements from airborne remote sensing in fluvial environments.

Automated grain size measurements from airborne remote sensing for long profile measurements of fluvial grain sizes (2005)
Journal Article
Carbonneau, P., Bergeron, N., & Lane, S. (2005). Automated grain size measurements from airborne remote sensing for long profile measurements of fluvial grain sizes. Water Resources Research, 41(11), Article W11426.

Recent research has demonstrated that image processing can be applied to derive surficial median grain size data automatically from high-resolution airborne digital imagery in fluvial environments. However, at the present time, automated grain size m... Read More about Automated grain size measurements from airborne remote sensing for long profile measurements of fluvial grain sizes.

Catchment-scale mapping of surface grain size in gravel bed rivers using airborne digital imagery (2004)
Journal Article
Carbonneau, P., Lane, S., & Bergeron, N. (2004). Catchment-scale mapping of surface grain size in gravel bed rivers using airborne digital imagery. Water Resources Research, 40(7), Article W07202.

This study develops and assesses two methods for estimating median surface grain sizes using digital image processing from centimeter-resolution airborne imagery. Digital images with ground resolutions of 3 cm and 10 cm were combined with field calib... Read More about Catchment-scale mapping of surface grain size in gravel bed rivers using airborne digital imagery.

Cost-effective non-metric close-range digital photogrammetry and its application to a study of coarse gravel river beds (2003)
Journal Article
Carbonneau, P., Lane, S., & Bergeron, N. (2003). Cost-effective non-metric close-range digital photogrammetry and its application to a study of coarse gravel river beds. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(14), 2837-2854.

Digital photogrammetry is now increasingly recognized as being a powerful tool in geomorphology. However, the high material costs and skills required by digital photogrammetry may deter non-photogrammetrists from using this technique in their researc... Read More about Cost-effective non-metric close-range digital photogrammetry and its application to a study of coarse gravel river beds.