An Automated Georeferencing Tool for Watershed Scale Fluvial Remote Sensing.
Journal Article
Carbonneau, P., Dugdale, S., & Clough, S. (2009). An Automated Georeferencing Tool for Watershed Scale Fluvial Remote Sensing. River Research and Applications, 26(5), 650-658.
Outputs (2)
Coherent flow structures in a depth-limited flow over a gravel surface : the role of near-bed turbulance and influence of Reynolds number (2009)
Journal Article
Hardy, R., Best, J., Lane, S., & Carbonneau, P. (2009). Coherent flow structures in a depth-limited flow over a gravel surface : the role of near-bed turbulance and influence of Reynolds number. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, Article F01003. gravel bed rivers, the microtopography of the bed exerts a significant effect on the generation of turbulent flow structures. Although field and laboratory measurements have indicated that flows over gravel beds contain coherent macroturbulent flo... Read More about Coherent flow structures in a depth-limited flow over a gravel surface : the role of near-bed turbulance and influence of Reynolds number.