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Brazil (2012)
Book Chapter
Mughal, M. (2013). Brazil. In S. L. Danver (Ed.), Native peoples of the world : an encyclopedia of groups, cultures, and contemporary issues (579-581). Routledge

Before the Portuguese arrival in present-day Brazil in 1500, more than 2,000 distinct ethnic groups resided in the region, with a total population of 2 million to 5 million. According to the official census of Brazil in 2006, the country is home to a... Read More about Brazil.

Night-time nurturing: an evolutionary perspective on breastfeeding and sleep (2012)
Book Chapter
Ball, H., & Russell, C. (2012). Night-time nurturing: an evolutionary perspective on breastfeeding and sleep. In D. Narváez, J. Panksepp, A. Schore, & T. Gleason (Eds.), Evolution, early experience and human development : from research to practice and policy (241-261). Oxford University Press.

Consideration of the phylogenetic depth and cross-cultural breadth of mother–infant biology and behavior illuminates contemporary infant care. Three key “ancestral environments” (AEs) have defined the care requirements of newborn humans (lactation, f... Read More about Night-time nurturing: an evolutionary perspective on breastfeeding and sleep.

Remont: works in progress. (2012)
Book Chapter
Alexander, C. (2012). Remont: works in progress. In C. Alexander, & J. Reno (Eds.), Economies of recycling: the global transformation of materials, values and social relations (255-275). (New ed.). Zed Books

Introduction. (2012)
Book Chapter
Alexander, C., & Reno, J. (2012). Introduction. In C. Alexander, & J. Reno (Eds.), Economies of recycling: the global transformation of materials, values and social relations (1-34). (New ed.). Zed Books

Impacts of environmental change and community ecology on the composition and diversity of the southern African monkey fauna from the Plio-Pleistocene to the present (2012)
Book Chapter
Elton, S. (2012). Impacts of environmental change and community ecology on the composition and diversity of the southern African monkey fauna from the Plio-Pleistocene to the present. In S. C. Reynolds, & A. Gallagher (Eds.), African genesis : perspectives on hominin evolution (471-486). Cambridge University Press.

The southern African cercopithecid (monkey) fauna has undergone a profound change in composition and diversity since the Plio-Pleistocene, with modern species representing only a small part of the diversity that existed in the past. During the Plio-P... Read More about Impacts of environmental change and community ecology on the composition and diversity of the southern African monkey fauna from the Plio-Pleistocene to the present.

Anthropology and Development: critical framings (2012)
Book Chapter
Yarrow, T., & Venkatesan, S. (2012). Anthropology and Development: critical framings. In S. Venkatesan, & T. Yarrow (Eds.), Differentiating development : beyond an anthropology of critique (1-20). Berghahn Journals

Pakistan (2012)
Book Chapter
Weiss, A. M., & Mughal, M. (2012). Pakistan. In L. Kotzé, & S. Morse (Eds.), Berkshire encyclopedia of sustainability : Afro-Eurasia : assessing sustainability (236-240). Berkshire

Pakistan is situated between India to the east, China to the northeast, Afghanistan to the northwest and north, Iran to the west, the Arabian Sea to the south, and is separated from Tajikistan by the narrow and rugged Wakhan Corridor (part of Afghani... Read More about Pakistan.

Death, the Phoenix and Pandora: transforming things and values in Bangladesh (2012)
Book Chapter
Crang, M., Gregson, N., Ahamed, F., Ferdous, R., & Akhter, N. (2012). Death, the Phoenix and Pandora: transforming things and values in Bangladesh. In C. Alexander, & J. Reno (Eds.), Economies of recycling : the global transformation of materials, values and social relations (59-75). Zed Books

Ships are both the glue and grease of the global economy. The merchant vessel of the late twentieth-century and early twenty first-century, combined with the technology of the big box container, is the means by which most commodities move around the... Read More about Death, the Phoenix and Pandora: transforming things and values in Bangladesh.

Aesthetics - the approach from anthropology. (2011)
Book Chapter
Layton, R. (2011). Aesthetics - the approach from anthropology. In E. Schellekens, & P. Goldie (Eds.), Philosphical Aesthetics and Aesthetic Psychology (208-222). Oxford University Press

The Manx (2011)
Book Chapter
Lewis, S. (2011). The Manx. In J. Cole (Ed.), Ethnic groups of Europe (349-349). ABC-Clio

Nuchu and kwaríp: Images of Past in Central and South America (2011)
Book Chapter
Fortis, P. (2011). Nuchu and kwaríp: Images of Past in Central and South America. In P. Fortis, & I. Praet (Eds.), The Archaeological Encounter. Anthropological Perspectives (204-235). University of St. Andrews (Centre for Amerindian, Latin American and Caribbean Studies)

DNA, Authentizitat und historisches Gedachtnis. (2011)
Book Chapter
Egorova, Y. (2011). DNA, Authentizitat und historisches Gedachtnis. In M. Sommer, & G. Kruger (Eds.), Biohistorische Anthropologie: Knochen, Korper und DNA in Erinnerungskulturen (33-54). Kadmos