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Outputs (20)

Introduction: The time of anthropology: studies of contemporary chronopolitics and chronocracy (2020)
Book Chapter
Kirtsoglou, E., & Simpson, B. (2021). Introduction: The time of anthropology: studies of contemporary chronopolitics and chronocracy. In E. Kirtsoglou, & B. Simpson (Eds.), The time of anthropology: studies of contemporary chronopolitics (1-30). London: Routledge.

I do not define time, space, place and motion as being well known to all. But it must be observed that the vulgar conceive those quantities only from the relation they bear to sensible objects. And thence arise certain prejudices, for the removing of... Read More about Introduction: The time of anthropology: studies of contemporary chronopolitics and chronocracy.

Anticipatory Nostalgia and Nomadic Temporality: A Case Study of Chronocracy in the Crypto-colony (2020)
Book Chapter
Kirtsoglou, E. (2021). Anticipatory Nostalgia and Nomadic Temporality: A Case Study of Chronocracy in the Crypto-colony. In E. Kirtsoglou, & B. Simpson (Eds.), The time of anthropology: studies of contemporary chronopolitics (159-186). Routledge

This paper expands on the view of Modern Greece as a ‘crypto-colonial’ space (cf. Herzfeld 2002). It offers an alternative reading of the so-called ‘Greek-crisis’, using the lens of chronocracy as developed in the introduction to this volume. An ethn... Read More about Anticipatory Nostalgia and Nomadic Temporality: A Case Study of Chronocracy in the Crypto-colony.

Migration, Crisis, Liberalism: the cultural and racial politics of Islamophobia and “radical alterity” in modern Greece (2018)
Journal Article
Kirtsoglou, E., & Tsimouris, G. (2018). Migration, Crisis, Liberalism: the cultural and racial politics of Islamophobia and “radical alterity” in modern Greece. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(10), 1874-1892.

This paper attempts a critical and ethnographically informed reading of the complex assemblage of linkages between migration, racialization and liberal values in modern Greece as a symptomatic case of European attitudes to migration. In line with rec... Read More about Migration, Crisis, Liberalism: the cultural and racial politics of Islamophobia and “radical alterity” in modern Greece.

“Il était un petit navire”: The refugee crisis, neo-orientalism, and the production of radical alterity (2016)
Journal Article
Kirtsoglou, E., & Tsimouris, E. (2016). “Il était un petit navire”: The refugee crisis, neo-orientalism, and the production of radical alterity. Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Occasional Paper 9, 1-14

In September 2015 Elisabeth Kirtsoglou, Giorgos Tsimouris, Stavroula Pipyrou, and Daniel Knight were awarded funding by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to carry out a comparative study on what has come to be known as the refugee cr... Read More about “Il était un petit navire”: The refugee crisis, neo-orientalism, and the production of radical alterity.

Dreaming the Self: A Unified Approach towards Dreams, Subjectivity and the Radical Imagination (2010)
Journal Article
Kirtsoglou, E. (2010). Dreaming the Self: A Unified Approach towards Dreams, Subjectivity and the Radical Imagination. History and Anthropology, 21(3), 321-335.

This paper focuses on dream‐experiences and dream‐narratives as sites of creativity and agency. Through the ethnographic exploration of dreams recounted to me mainly by informants in Thessaloniki, Greece I will argue that dreams are means of making s... Read More about Dreaming the Self: A Unified Approach towards Dreams, Subjectivity and the Radical Imagination.

The Poetics of Anti-Americanism in Greece: Rhetoric, Agency, and Local Meaning (2010)
Journal Article
Kirtsoglou, E., & Theodossopoulos, D. (2010). The Poetics of Anti-Americanism in Greece: Rhetoric, Agency, and Local Meaning. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology, 54(1), 106-124.

In this article we examine the content and rationale of anti-Americanism in Greece, drawing ethnographic information from two urban centers, Patras and Volos. We pay special attention to the conspiracy theory attributes of this rhetoric, and, instead... Read More about The Poetics of Anti-Americanism in Greece: Rhetoric, Agency, and Local Meaning.

United in Discontent: Local Responses to Cosmopolitanism, Multiculturalism and Globalization (2009)
Theodossopoulos, D., & Kirtsoglou, E. (Eds.). (2009). United in Discontent: Local Responses to Cosmopolitanism, Multiculturalism and Globalization. Berghahn Journals

Cosmopolitanism is often discussed in a critical and disapproving manner: as a concept complicit with the interests of the powerful, or as a notion related to Western political supremacy, the ills of globalization, inequality, and capitalist economic... Read More about United in Discontent: Local Responses to Cosmopolitanism, Multiculturalism and Globalization.

Conclusion: United in Discontent (2009)
Book Chapter
Kirtsoglou, E. (2009). Conclusion: United in Discontent. In D. Theodossopoulos, & E. Kirtsoglou (Eds.), United in discontent : local responses to cosmopolitanism and globalization (168-180). Berghahn Journals

Intimacies of Anti-globalization: Imagining Unhappy Others as Oneself in Greece (2009)
Book Chapter
Kirtsoglou, E., & Theodossopoulos, D. (2009). Intimacies of Anti-globalization: Imagining Unhappy Others as Oneself in Greece. In D. Theodossopoulos, & E. Kirtsoglou (Eds.), United in discontent : local responses to cosmopolitanism and globalization (83-102). Berghahn Journals

This chapter examines an ethnographic paradox. Anti-globalization rhetoric in Greece is predominantly articulated in terms of conspiracy theory, mistrust of other cultures and strong nationalist feelings. The same rhetoric, however, reflects a strong... Read More about Intimacies of Anti-globalization: Imagining Unhappy Others as Oneself in Greece.

Phantom menace: What junior Greek army officers have to say about Turks and Turkey (2006)
Journal Article
Kirtsoglou, E. (2006). Phantom menace: What junior Greek army officers have to say about Turks and Turkey. South European Society and Politics, 11(1), 163-177.

This chapter focuses on the discourse of low-rank Greek army officers about the Turks and the state of Turkey. This is a combination of the hegemonic narratives promoted by the Greek state and other forms of conventional, informal rhetoric. Concentra... Read More about Phantom menace: What junior Greek army officers have to say about Turks and Turkey.

Unspeakable Crimes: Athenian Greek perceptions of local and international terrorism (2005)
Book Chapter
Kirtsoglou, E. (2005). Unspeakable Crimes: Athenian Greek perceptions of local and international terrorism. In A. Strathern, P. Stewart, & N. Whitehead (Eds.), Terror and violence : imagination and the unimaginable (61-88). Pluto Press

What is terror? What are its roots and its results -- and what part does it play in human experience and history? This volume offers a number of timely and original anthropological insights into the ways in which acts of terror -- and reactions to th... Read More about Unspeakable Crimes: Athenian Greek perceptions of local and international terrorism.

“They are taking our culture away”: tourism and culture commodification in the Garifuna community of Roatan (2004)
Journal Article
Kirtsoglou, E., & Theodossopoulos, D. (2004). “They are taking our culture away”: tourism and culture commodification in the Garifuna community of Roatan. Critique of Anthropology, 24(2), 135-157.

This article is concerned with the efforts of a Garifuna community in Honduras to claim a space in the growing local tourist economy. Its inhabitants maintain that they suffer a form of culture loss because they do not control the commodification of... Read More about “They are taking our culture away”: tourism and culture commodification in the Garifuna community of Roatan.