Dissipative structures and self-organizing criticality in neural networks with spatially localized connectivity.
Book Chapter
Kentridge, R. (1993). Dissipative structures and self-organizing criticality in neural networks with spatially localized connectivity. In F. Eeckman, & J. Bower (Eds.), Computation and Neural Systems (531-535). Springer Nature [academic journals on nature.com]. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-3254-5_80
Outputs (313)
Review of J.L. Davies & H. Eichenbaum Eds. 'Olfaction: A Model System for Computational Neuroscience'. (1992)
Journal Article
Kentridge, R. (1992). Review of J.L. Davies & H. Eichenbaum Eds. 'Olfaction: A Model System for Computational Neuroscience'
Lesions of the fornix but not the amygdala impair the acquisition of concurrent discrimination in rats. (1991)
Journal Article
Aggleton, J., Kentridge, R., & Sembi, F. (1991). Lesions of the fornix but not the amygdala impair the acquisition of concurrent discrimination in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 48, 103-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0166-4328%2805%2980146-9
Amygdaloid lesions and stimulus reinforcement associations in the rat. (1991)
Journal Article
Kentridge, R., Shaw, C., & Aggleton, J. (1991). Amygdaloid lesions and stimulus reinforcement associations in the rat. Behavioural Brain Research, 42, 57-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0166-4328%2805%2980040-3
Parallelism and patterns of thought. (1990)
Journal Article
Kentridge, R. (1990). Parallelism and patterns of thought. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13, 670-671. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0140525x00080857
Emotion: Sensory representation, reinforcement and the temporal lobe. (1990)
Journal Article
Kentridge, R., & Aggleton, J. (1990). Emotion: Sensory representation, reinforcement and the temporal lobe. Cognition and Emotion, 4, 191-208. https://doi.org/10.1080/02699939008410796
Neural networks for learning in the real world - representation, reinforcement and dynamics. (1990)
Journal Article
Kentridge, R. (1990). Neural networks for learning in the real world - representation, reinforcement and dynamics
Cross-modal matching by amnesic subjects. (1990)
Journal Article
Shaw, C., Kentridge, R., & Aggleton, J. (1990). Cross-modal matching by amnesic subjects. Neuropsychologia, 28, 665-671. https://doi.org/10.1016/0028-3932%2890%2990121-4
More packaging needed before tags are added. (1989)
Journal Article
Findlay, J., & Kentridge, R. (1989). More packaging needed before tags are added. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 12, 404-405. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0140525x00056880
Complexity at the organismic and neuronal levels. (1989)
Journal Article
Kentridge, R. (1989). Complexity at the organismic and neuronal levels. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 12, 147-148. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0140525x00024705
Optimum display arrangements for presenting visual reminders. (1988)
Book Chapter
Findlay, J., Davies, S., Kentridge, R., Lambert, A., & Kelly, J. (1988). Optimum display arrangements for presenting visual reminders. In D. Jones, & R. Winder (Eds.), People and Computers IV ( 453-464). Cambridge University Press
Personal constructs of anxiety under the 1,5-benzodiazepine derivative clobazam related to trait-anxiety levels of the personality. (1982)
Journal Article
Parrott, A., & Kentridge, R. (1982). Personal constructs of anxiety under the 1,5-benzodiazepine derivative clobazam related to trait-anxiety levels of the personality. Psychopharmacology, 78, 353-357
Investigations of Spatial Attention
Book Chapter
Ellison, A. Investigations of Spatial Attention. In E. M. Wassermann, A. V. Peterchev, Z. Ulf, H. Lisanby Sarah, H. R. Siebner, & V. Walsh (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Transcranial Stimulation. (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198832256.013.28