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Outputs (21)

Globalisation and Health: The need for a global vision (2008)
Journal Article
Schrecker, T., Labonté, R., & De Vogli, R. (2008). Globalisation and Health: The need for a global vision. The Lancet, 372(9650), 1670-1676.

The reduction of health inequities is an ethical imperative, according to the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH). Drawing on detailed multidisciplinary evidence assembled by the Globalization Knowledge Network that supported the C... Read More about Globalisation and Health: The need for a global vision.

The Health Debate (2008)
Hunter, D. J. (2008). The Health Debate. Policy Press

Liminal spaces: changing inter-generational relations among long-term Liberian refugees in Ghana (2008)
Journal Article
Hampshire, K., Porter, G., Kilpatrick, K., Kyei, P., Adjaloo, M., & Oppong, G. (2008). Liminal spaces: changing inter-generational relations among long-term Liberian refugees in Ghana. Human organization, 67(1), 25-36

This paper reports on changing inter-generational relations among long-term Liberian refugees in the Buduburam settlement camp in Ghana. Four months of fieldwork were conducted in the settlement, using a range of qualitative methods to elicit emic un... Read More about Liminal spaces: changing inter-generational relations among long-term Liberian refugees in Ghana.

Linkages between livelihood opportunities and refugee-host relations: learning from the experiences of Liberian camp-based refugees in Ghana (2008)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Kyei, P., Adjaloo, M., Rapoo, G., & Kilpatrick, K. (2008). Linkages between livelihood opportunities and refugee-host relations: learning from the experiences of Liberian camp-based refugees in Ghana. Journal of Refugee Studies, 21(2), 230-252.

This paper combines recent livelihoods approaches to refugee studies with a social resilience framework to explore the interlinkages between refugee-host relations and refugee coping strategies in the Buduburam camp in Ghana. The reported experiences... Read More about Linkages between livelihood opportunities and refugee-host relations: learning from the experiences of Liberian camp-based refugees in Ghana.

The social context of childcare practices and child malnutrition in Niger’s recent food crisis (2008)
Journal Article
Hampshire, K., Casiday, R., Kilpatrick, K., & Panter-Brick, C. (2009). The social context of childcare practices and child malnutrition in Niger’s recent food crisis. Disasters, 33(1), 132-151.

In 2004-05, Niger suffered a food crisis during which global attention focused on high levels of acute malnutrition among children. In response, decentralised emergency nutrition programmes were introduced into much of southern Niger. Child malnutrit... Read More about The social context of childcare practices and child malnutrition in Niger’s recent food crisis.

Geographies of space and power (2008)
Book Chapter
Painter, J. (2008). Geographies of space and power. In K. Cox, M. Low, & J. Robinson (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of political geography (57-72). SAGE Publications

European citizenship and the regions (2008)
Journal Article
Painter, J. (2008). European citizenship and the regions. European Urban and Regional Studies, 15(1), 5-19.

This article reconsiders the relationship between European citizenship and the regions in the light of theoretical developments in citizenship studies and empirical research in four sub-nation-state territories in Europe (Scotland in the UK, Cataloni... Read More about European citizenship and the regions.

Urban-rural contrasts in explanatory models and treatment-seeking behaviours for stroke in Tanzania (2008)
Journal Article
Mshana, G., Hampshire, K., Panter-Brick, C., & Walker, R. (2008). Urban-rural contrasts in explanatory models and treatment-seeking behaviours for stroke in Tanzania. Journal of Biosocial Science, 40(1), 35-52.

Stroke is an emerging problem in sub-Saharan Africa, about which little is known since most research to date has been based on retrospective, hospital-based studies. This anthropological work, designed to complement a large community-based project on... Read More about Urban-rural contrasts in explanatory models and treatment-seeking behaviours for stroke in Tanzania.

The ‘diagonal’ approach to Global Fund financing: A cure for the broader malaise of health systems? (2008)
Journal Article
Ooms, G., Van Damme, W., Baker, B., Zeitz, P., & Schrecker, T. (2008). The ‘diagonal’ approach to Global Fund financing: A cure for the broader malaise of health systems?. Globalization and Health, 4, Article 6.

Background: The potentially destructive polarisation between 'vertical' financing (aiming for disease-specific results) and 'horizontal' financing (aiming for improved health systems) of health services in developing countries has found its way to th... Read More about The ‘diagonal’ approach to Global Fund financing: A cure for the broader malaise of health systems?.