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Outputs (11)

Said Nursi (2008)
Turner, C., & Horkuc, H. (2009). Said Nursi. I.B.Tauris and Oxford University Press India (in association with the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies)

Intention and the Authority of Avowals (2008)
Journal Article
Hamilton, A. (2008). Intention and the Authority of Avowals. Philosophical Explorations, 11(1), 23-37.

ABSTRACT There is a common assumption that intention is a complex behavioural disposition, or a motivational state underlying such a disposition. Associated with this position is the apparently commonsense view that an avowal of intention is a direct... Read More about Intention and the Authority of Avowals.

'John H. Herz and the International Law of the Third Reich' (2008)
Journal Article
Stirk, P. (2008). 'John H. Herz and the International Law of the Third Reich'. International Relations, 22(4), 427-440.

John H. Herz was unusual amongst the founding fathers of international relations in having paid detailed attention to the ideology and international law of the Third Reich in a study published in 1938. This article sets his investigation in the conte... Read More about 'John H. Herz and the International Law of the Third Reich'.

Space, Scale and Just War: meeting the challenge of humanitarian intervention and transnational terrorism (2008)
Journal Article
Williams, J. (2008). Space, Scale and Just War: meeting the challenge of humanitarian intervention and transnational terrorism. Review of International Studies, 34(4), 581-600.

This article contributes to current debates about Just War by analysing an insufficiently recognised problem with the way Just War theorists have responded to the two principal challenges surrounding the ethics of violence in international relations... Read More about Space, Scale and Just War: meeting the challenge of humanitarian intervention and transnational terrorism.

Le Cycle de Renart: From the Enfances to the Jugement in a Cyclical Roman de Renart Manuscript (2008)
Journal Article
Sunderland, L. (2008). Le Cycle de Renart: From the Enfances to the Jugement in a Cyclical Roman de Renart Manuscript. French Studies, 62(1), 1-12.

This article is a reading of a Roman de Renart manuscript from the often neglected gamma family, which subsumes the narrative to a broadly biographical (or cyclical) framework. The manuscript studied here therefore opens with an Enfances text, which... Read More about Le Cycle de Renart: From the Enfances to the Jugement in a Cyclical Roman de Renart Manuscript.