Aqueous Immiscible Layered Double Hydroxides: Synthesis, Characterisation and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Journal Article
Ruengkajorn, K., Erastova, V., Buffet, J., Greenwell, H. C., & O'Hare, D. (2018). Aqueous Immiscible Layered Double Hydroxides: Synthesis, Characterisation and Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Chemical Communications, 54(35), 4394-4397.
We describe a novel post treatment for layered double hydroxide (LDH) materials using aqueous immiscible (AIM) solvents resulting in improved surface area and powder flow. The effect of solvent functional groups and structure are explored, aided by m... Read More about Aqueous Immiscible Layered Double Hydroxides: Synthesis, Characterisation and Molecular Dynamics Simulation.