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Outputs (3)

Experimental diagenesis using present-day submarine turbidite sands (2022)
Journal Article
Bello, A. M., Charlaftis, D., Jones, S. J., Gluyas, J., Acikalin, S., Cartigny, M., & Al-Ramadan, K. (2022). Experimental diagenesis using present-day submarine turbidite sands. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10,

Hydrothermal-reactor experiments were conducted to investigate the potential formation of chlorite and microquartz grain coatings on detrital quartz and feldspar grains, and to understand their role in inhibiting the formation of quartz cement and fe... Read More about Experimental diagenesis using present-day submarine turbidite sands.

Petrographic and diagenetic investigation of the distal Triassic ‘Budleighensis’ fluvial system in the Solway and Carlisle Basins for potential CO2 storage (2022)
Journal Article
Marsh, J., Jones, S., Meadows, N., & Gluyas, J. (2022). Petrographic and diagenetic investigation of the distal Triassic ‘Budleighensis’ fluvial system in the Solway and Carlisle Basins for potential CO2 storage. Petroleum Geoscience, 28(3), 2021- 2065.

Failure to find hydrocarbon prospects in the Solway Basin region has resulted in a lack of research into the local Sherwood Sandstone Group petrography, reservoir quality and depositional history compared to the analogous southern reservoirs in the E... Read More about Petrographic and diagenetic investigation of the distal Triassic ‘Budleighensis’ fluvial system in the Solway and Carlisle Basins for potential CO2 storage.

The Principles of Helium Exploration (2022)
Journal Article
Danabalan, D., Gluyas, J. G., Macpherson, C. G., Abraham-James, T. H., Bluett, J. J., Barry, P. H., & Ballentine, C. J. (2022). The Principles of Helium Exploration. Petroleum Geoscience, 28(2), petgeo2021-029.

Commercial helium systems have been found to date as a serendipitous by-product of petroleum exploration. There are nevertheless significant differences in the source and migration properties of helium compared with petroleum. An understanding of the... Read More about The Principles of Helium Exploration.