Probing the accuracy and precision of Hirshfeld atom refinement with HARt interfaced with Olex2
Journal Article
Fugel, M., Jayatilaka, D., Hupf, E., Overgaard, J., Hathwar, V. R., Macchi, P., …Grabowsky, S. (2018). Probing the accuracy and precision of Hirshfeld atom refinement with HARt interfaced with Olex2. IUCrJ, 5(1), 32-44.
Hirshfeld atom refinement (HAR) is a novel X-ray structure refinement technique that employs aspherical atomic scattering factors obtained from stockholder partitioning of a theoretically determined tailor-made static electron density. HAR overcomes... Read More about Probing the accuracy and precision of Hirshfeld atom refinement with HARt interfaced with Olex2.