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Element-based preconditioners for elasto-plastic problems in geotechnical engineering (2007)
Journal Article
Augarde, C., Ramage, A., & Staudacher, J. (2007). Element-based preconditioners for elasto-plastic problems in geotechnical engineering. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 71(7), 757-779.

Iterative solvers are widely regarded as the most efficient way to solve the very large linear systems arising from finite element models. Their memory requirements are small compared to those for direct solvers. Consequently, there is a major intere... Read More about Element-based preconditioners for elasto-plastic problems in geotechnical engineering.

Historic rammed earth structures in Spain: construction techniques and a preliminary classification (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jaquin, P., Augarde, C., & Gerrard, C. (2007, August). Historic rammed earth structures in Spain: construction techniques and a preliminary classification. Presented at International Symposium on Earthen Structures, Bangalore

Conservation and repair of historic rammed earth sites should only be undertaken if there is a good understanding of the consequences of any intervention technique. Until recently there has been little interest in the characterisation of historic ram... Read More about Historic rammed earth structures in Spain: construction techniques and a preliminary classification.

Suction measurements of a sandy-clay soil with the filter paper technique (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mendes, J., Gallipoli, D., Augarde, C., Toll, D., & Medero, G. (2007, August). Suction measurements of a sandy-clay soil with the filter paper technique. Presented at 6th Brazilian Symposium of Unsaturated Soils, NSAT2007, Salvador, Brazil

This paper presents a study of the soil water retention curves of a sandy clay soil compacted at different water contents. The suction measurements were obtained using the filter paper and the psychrometer methods. For each compaction condition, the... Read More about Suction measurements of a sandy-clay soil with the filter paper technique.

Parallel Computing of Unsaturated Soils Using Element-By-Element and Domain Decomposition Methods (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhang, Y., Gallipoli, D., & Augarde, C. (2007, April). Parallel Computing of Unsaturated Soils Using Element-By-Element and Domain Decomposition Methods. Presented at Proceedings of the 3rd Asian conference on unsaturated soils, Nanjing, China

The finite element (FE) simulation of large scale boundary value problems in unsaturated soils is particularly time-consuming owing to the complex properties of the unsaturated porous media. To speed up analyses, a parallel FE code has been developed... Read More about Parallel Computing of Unsaturated Soils Using Element-By-Element and Domain Decomposition Methods.