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Outputs (2558)

Magnetization dynamics of single and trilayer permalloy nanodots (2021)
Journal Article
Kuchibhotla, M., Talapatra, A., Haldar, A., & Adeyeye, A. O. (2021). Magnetization dynamics of single and trilayer permalloy nanodots. Journal of Applied Physics, 130(8), Article 083906.

We have investigated the magnetization dynamics in single and trilayer circular permalloy nanodots with a diameter of 120 nm using broadband ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy. For single-layer nanodots, two well-separated modes near the saturation... Read More about Magnetization dynamics of single and trilayer permalloy nanodots.

Intracellular wetting mediates contacts between liquid compartments and membrane-bound organelles (2021)
Journal Article
Kusumaatmaja, H., May, A. I., & Knorr, R. L. (2021). Intracellular wetting mediates contacts between liquid compartments and membrane-bound organelles. Journal of Cell Biology, 220(10), Article e202103175.

Protein-rich droplets, such as stress granules, P-bodies, and the nucleolus, perform diverse and specialized cellular functions. Recent evidence has shown the droplets, which are also known as biomolecular condensates or membrane-less compartments, f... Read More about Intracellular wetting mediates contacts between liquid compartments and membrane-bound organelles.

The 2021 Magnonics Roadmap (2021)
Journal Article
Barman, A., Gubbiotti, G., Ladak, S., Adeyeye, A. O., Krawczyk, M., Gräfe, J., Adelmann, C., Cotofana, S., Naeemi, A., Vasyuchka, V. I., Hillebrands, B., Nikitov, S., Yu, H., Grundler, D., Sadovnikov, A., Grachev, A. A., Sheshukova, S., Duquesne, J.-Y., Marangolo, M., Gyorgy, C., …Winklhofer, M. (2021). The 2021 Magnonics Roadmap. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 33(41), Article 413001.

Apparent contact angle of drops on liquid infused surfaces: geometric interpretation (2021)
Journal Article
Semprebon, C., Sadullah, M. S., McHale, G., & Kusumaatmaja, H. (2021). Apparent contact angle of drops on liquid infused surfaces: geometric interpretation. Soft Matter, 17(42), 9553-9559.

We theoretically investigate the apparent contact angle of drops on liquid infused surfaces as a function of the relative size of the wetting ridge and the deposited drop. We provide an intuitive geometrical interpretation whereby the variation in th... Read More about Apparent contact angle of drops on liquid infused surfaces: geometric interpretation.

Functional magnetic waveguides for magnonics (2021)
Journal Article
Haldar, A., & Adeyeye, A. O. (2021). Functional magnetic waveguides for magnonics. Applied Physics Letters, 119(6), Article 060501.

Magnonics, or spin wave based spintronics, is an emerging technology where magnons—quanta for spin waves—process the information analogous to electronic charges in electronics. We introduce the fundamental components of a magnonic device and briefly... Read More about Functional magnetic waveguides for magnonics.

Topological defect-mediated skyrmion annihilation in three dimensions (2021)
Journal Article
Birch, M. T., Cortés-Ortuño, D., Khanh, N. D., Seki, S., Štefančič, A., Balakrishnan, G., Tokura, Y., & Hatton, P. D. (2021). Topological defect-mediated skyrmion annihilation in three dimensions. Communications Physics, 4(1),

The creation and annihilation of magnetic skyrmions are mediated by three-dimensional topological defects known as Bloch points. Investigation of such dynamical processes is important both for understanding the emergence of exotic topological spin te... Read More about Topological defect-mediated skyrmion annihilation in three dimensions.

DynDen: Assessing convergence of molecular dynamics simulations of interfaces (2021)
Journal Article
Degiacomi, M. T., Tian, S., Greenwell, H. C., & Erastova, V. (2021). DynDen: Assessing convergence of molecular dynamics simulations of interfaces. Computer Physics Communications, 269, Article 108126.

Molecular dynamics is a simulation technique used to predict the physical properties of systems based on their chemical structure and evolution of their atomic constituents. For these predictions to be reliable, it is critical that the simulation has... Read More about DynDen: Assessing convergence of molecular dynamics simulations of interfaces.

The Impact of C2 Insertion into a Carbazole Donor on the Physicochemical Properties of Dibenzo[a,j]phenazine-Cored Donor–Acceptor–Donor Triads (2021)
Journal Article
Zimmermann Crocomo, P., Kaihara, T., Kawaguchi, S., Stachelek, P., Minakata, S., Silva, P., Data, P., & Takeda, Y. (2021). The Impact of C2 Insertion into a Carbazole Donor on the Physicochemical Properties of Dibenzo[a,j]phenazine-Cored Donor–Acceptor–Donor Triads. Chemistry - A European Journal, 27(53), 13390-13398.

Novel electron donor–acceptor–donor (D-A-D) compounds comprising dibenzo[a,j]phenazine as the central acceptor core and two 7-membered diarylamines (iminodibenzyl and iminostilbene) as the donors have been designed and synthesized. Investigation of t... Read More about The Impact of C2 Insertion into a Carbazole Donor on the Physicochemical Properties of Dibenzo[a,j]phenazine-Cored Donor–Acceptor–Donor Triads.

Quantum phases and spin liquid properties of 1T-TaS2 (2021)
Journal Article
Mañas-Valero, S., Huddart, B. M., Lancaster, T., Coronado, E., & Pratt, F. L. (2021). Quantum phases and spin liquid properties of 1T-TaS2. npj Quantum Materials, 6(1), Article 69.

Quantum materials exhibiting magnetic frustration are connected to diverse phenomena, including high Tc superconductivity, topological order, and quantum spin liquids (QSLs). A QSL is a quantum phase (QP) related to a quantum-entangled fluid-like sta... Read More about Quantum phases and spin liquid properties of 1T-TaS2.

The Role of Dinuclearity in Promoting Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) in Cyclometallated, N^C^N-coordinated Platinum(II) Complexes (2021)
Journal Article
Pander, P. H., Zaytsev, A., Sil, A., Williams, J. G., Lanoë, P.-H., Kozhevnikov, V. N., & Dias, F. B. (2021). The Role of Dinuclearity in Promoting Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) in Cyclometallated, N^C^N-coordinated Platinum(II) Complexes. Journal of Materials Chemistry C Materials for optical and electronic devices, 9(32), 10276-10287.

In this work we present synthesis and an in-depth photophysical analysis of a di-Pt(II) complex with a ditopic bis-N^C^N ligand. The complex exhibits a dual luminescent behaviour by emitting simultaneously delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence. By... Read More about The Role of Dinuclearity in Promoting Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) in Cyclometallated, N^C^N-coordinated Platinum(II) Complexes.

Why Do We Still Need a Stable Long Lifetime Deep Blue OLED Emitter? (2021)
Journal Article
Monkman, A. (2022). Why Do We Still Need a Stable Long Lifetime Deep Blue OLED Emitter?. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14(18), 20463-20467.

The need for a high efficiency deep blue organic emitter with narrow emission line width has never been so great. This is driven by the need to simplify the complex OLED stack for displays to enable larger substrate sizes to be used and greatly incre... Read More about Why Do We Still Need a Stable Long Lifetime Deep Blue OLED Emitter?.

Evaporation of Binary-Mixture Liquid Droplets: The Formation of Picoliter Pancakelike Shapes (2021)
Journal Article
Pahlavan, A. A., Yang, L., Bain, C. D., & Stone, H. A. (2021). Evaporation of Binary-Mixture Liquid Droplets: The Formation of Picoliter Pancakelike Shapes. Physical Review Letters, 127(2), Article 024501.

Small multicomponent droplets are of increasing importance in a plethora of technological applications ranging from the fabrication of self-assembled hierarchical patterns to the design of autonomous fluidic systems. While often far away from equilib... Read More about Evaporation of Binary-Mixture Liquid Droplets: The Formation of Picoliter Pancakelike Shapes.

Reconfiguration of multistable 3D ferromagnetic mesostructures guided by energy landscape surveys (2021)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Avis, S. J., Chen, J., Wu, G., Zhang, T., Kusumaatmaja, H., & Wang, X. (2021). Reconfiguration of multistable 3D ferromagnetic mesostructures guided by energy landscape surveys. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 48, Article 101428.

Three-dimensional (3D) mesostructures that can reversibly change their geometries and thereby their functionalities are promising for a wide range of applications. Despite intensive studies, the lack of fundamental understanding of the highly nonline... Read More about Reconfiguration of multistable 3D ferromagnetic mesostructures guided by energy landscape surveys.

Effects of asymmetric acceptor and donor positioning in deep blue pyridyl-sulfonyl based TADF emitters (2021)
Journal Article
Haykir, G., Aydemir, M., Danos, A., Gumus, S., Hizal, G., Monkman, A. P., & Turksoy, F. (2021). Effects of asymmetric acceptor and donor positioning in deep blue pyridyl-sulfonyl based TADF emitters. Dyes and Pigments, 194, Article 109579.

In this work, we report synthesis and photophysical properties of deep-blue emitting donor-acceptor (D-A) and donor-acceptor-donor (D-A-D) thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) molecules, where the molecules designed using carbazole as a do... Read More about Effects of asymmetric acceptor and donor positioning in deep blue pyridyl-sulfonyl based TADF emitters.

The metal–insulator phase change in vanadium dioxide and its applications (2021)
Journal Article
Lu, H., Clark, S., Guo, Y., & Robertson, J. (2021). The metal–insulator phase change in vanadium dioxide and its applications. Journal of Applied Physics, 129(24), Article 240902.

Vanadium dioxide is an unusual material that undergoes a first-order Metal–Insulator Transition (MIT) at 340 K, attracting considerable interest for its intrinsic properties and its potential applications. However, the nature of MIT has not been full... Read More about The metal–insulator phase change in vanadium dioxide and its applications.

Controlling through-space and through-bond intramolecular charge transfer in bridged D–D′–A TADF emitters (2021)
Journal Article
Miranda-Salinas, H., Hung, Y.-T., Chen, Y.-S., Luo, D., Kao, H.-C., Chang, C.-H., Wong, K.-T., & Monkman, A. (2021). Controlling through-space and through-bond intramolecular charge transfer in bridged D–D′–A TADF emitters. Journal of Materials Chemistry C Materials for optical and electronic devices, 9(28),

Donor–donor′–acceptor molecules where the donor′ bridges the donor and acceptor have different possible interaction pathways for charge transfer. Here we study a series of donor–donor′–acceptor molecules, having the same acceptor and donor′ but diffe... Read More about Controlling through-space and through-bond intramolecular charge transfer in bridged D–D′–A TADF emitters.

Differentiated Strain-Control of Localized Magnetic Modes in Antidot Arrays (2021)
Journal Article
Challab, N., Faurie, D., Haboussi, M., Adeyeye, A. O., & Zighem, F. (2021). Differentiated Strain-Control of Localized Magnetic Modes in Antidot Arrays. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13(25), 29906-29915.

The control of localized magnetic modes has been obtained in Ni60Fe40 square lattice (600 nm) antidot arrays. This has been performed by tailoring the magnetoelastic field at the scale of the antidot primitive cell. The corresponding heterogeneous st... Read More about Differentiated Strain-Control of Localized Magnetic Modes in Antidot Arrays.

Intrinsic geometry and director reconstruction for three-dimensional liquid crystals (2021)
Journal Article
Pollard, J., & Alexander, G. P. (2021). Intrinsic geometry and director reconstruction for three-dimensional liquid crystals. New Journal of Physics, 23(6), Article 063006.

We give a description of the intrinsic geometry of elastic distortions in three-dimensional nematic liquid crystals and establish necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of functions to represent these distortions by describing how they couple... Read More about Intrinsic geometry and director reconstruction for three-dimensional liquid crystals.

Silylethynyl Substitution for Preventing Aggregate Formation in Perylene Diimides (2021)
Journal Article
Aksoy, E., Danos, A., Li, C., Monkman, A. P., & Varlikli, C. (2021). Silylethynyl Substitution for Preventing Aggregate Formation in Perylene Diimides. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(23), 13041-13049.

Ethynylene-bridged perylene diimides (PDIs) with different sized silane groups have been synthesized as a steric blocking group to prevent the formation of non-radiative trap sites, for example, strong H-aggregates and other dimers or excimers. Excit... Read More about Silylethynyl Substitution for Preventing Aggregate Formation in Perylene Diimides.