Some Aspects of Soliton Unwindings.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Piette, B., & Zakrzewski, W. (1996, December). Some Aspects of Soliton Unwindings
Outputs (26)
Exact S matrices (1996)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dorey, P. (1996, December). Exact S matrices
Discrete Symmetry and its Use to Find Mulitsoliton Solutions of the Equations of Anisotropic Heisenberg Ferromagnets, (1996)
Journal Article
Zakrzewski, W., Belov, N., & Leznov, A. (1996). Discrete Symmetry and its Use to Find Mulitsoliton Solutions of the Equations of Anisotropic Heisenberg Ferromagnets,. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 3, 319-329
Skyrme-Maxwell Solitons in 2+1 Dimensions (1996)
Journal Article
Piette, B., Gladikowski, J., & Schroers, B. (1996). Skyrme-Maxwell Solitons in 2+1 Dimensions. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, D(53), 844-851
Dynamics of Magnetic Bubbles in a Skyrme Model, (1996)
Journal Article
Zakrzewski, W., & Papanicolaou, N. (1996). Dynamics of Magnetic Bubbles in a Skyrme Model,. Physics Letters A, 210, 328-336
Multi-instanton calculus in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory (1996)
Journal Article
Dorey, N., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1996). Multi-instanton calculus in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory. Physical Review D, 54, 2921-2943
Shrinking of Solitons in the 2+1 Dimensional S2 Sigma Model (1996)
Journal Article
Piette, B., & Zakrzewski, W. (1996). Shrinking of Solitons in the 2+1 Dimensional S2 Sigma Model. Nonlinearity, 9, 897-910.
On the Solutions of the CP1 Model in (2+1) Dimensions, (1996)
Journal Article
Zakrzewski, W., Grundland, A., & Winternitz, P. (1996). On the Solutions of the CP1 Model in (2+1) Dimensions,. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 37, 1501-1520
Generalization of the Toda Chain System to the Elliptic Curve Case, (1996)
Journal Article
Zakrzewski, W., Belov, N., & Leznov, A. (1996). Generalization of the Toda Chain System to the Elliptic Curve Case,. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 36, 27-34
CP2 Soliton Scattering: Simulations and Mathematical Underpinning, (1996)
Journal Article
Zakrzewski, W., & Burzlaff, J. (1996). CP2 Soliton Scattering: Simulations and Mathematical Underpinning,. Nonlinearity, 9, 1317-1324
Fermion Masses and Anti-grand Unification (1996)
Journal Article
Froggatt, C., Nielsen, H., & Smith, D. (1996). Fermion Masses and Anti-grand Unification. Physics Letters B, B385, 150-158
Specific features of heavy quark production: Local parton-hadron duality approach to heavy particle spectra (1996)
Journal Article
Dokshitzer, Y. L., Khoze, V., & Troyan, S. (1996). Specific features of heavy quark production: Local parton-hadron duality approach to heavy particle spectra. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 53, 89-119.
Massive and massless phases in self-dual $Z_N$ spin models: some exact results from the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (1996)
Journal Article
Dorey, P., Tateo, R., & Thompson, K. E. (1996). Massive and massless phases in self-dual $Z_N$ spin models: some exact results from the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz. Nuclear Physics B, 470, 317-368.
Multi-instanton calculus in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory. II. Coupling to matter (1996)
Journal Article
Dorey, N., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1996). Multi-instanton calculus in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory. II. Coupling to matter. Physical Review D, 54, 7832-7848
A two-instanton test of the exact solution of N = 2 supersymmetric QCD (1996)
Journal Article
Dorey, N., Khoze, V. V., & Mattis, M. P. (1996). A two-instanton test of the exact solution of N = 2 supersymmetric QCD. Physics Letters B, 388, 324-330.
Perturbative description of particle spectra at LEP-1.5 (1996)
Journal Article
Khoze, V. A., Lupia, S., & Ochs, W. (1996). Perturbative description of particle spectra at LEP-1.5. Physics Letters B, 386, 451-457.
Excited states by analytic continuation of TBA equations (1996)
Journal Article
Dorey, P., & Tateo, R. (1996). Excited states by analytic continuation of TBA equations. Nuclear Physics B, 482, 639-659.
Recombination methods for jets in p anti-p collisions (1996)
Journal Article
Glover, E., & Kosower, D. A. (1996). Recombination methods for jets in p anti-p collisions. Physics Letters B, B367, 369-376.
The Determination of alpha_s at hadron colliders (1996)
Journal Article
Giele, W., Glover, E., & Yu, J. (1996). The Determination of alpha_s at hadron colliders. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, D53, 120-130.
Wakimoto modules for the affine superalgebra sl(2/1) and non-critical N = 2 Strings. (1996)
Journal Article
Bowcock, P., Koktava, R. K., & Taormina, A. (1996). Wakimoto modules for the affine superalgebra sl(2/1) and non-critical N = 2 Strings. Physics Letters B, 388(2), 303-308. field representations of the affine superalgebra A(1, 0)(1) at level k corresponding to two inequivalent choices of the simple roots are shown to be related by nonlinear canonical field transformations, both at the classical and at the quantum l... Read More about Wakimoto modules for the affine superalgebra sl(2/1) and non-critical N = 2 Strings..