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Outputs (26)

Exact S matrices (1996)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dorey, P. (1996, December). Exact S matrices

Skyrme-Maxwell Solitons in 2+1 Dimensions (1996)
Journal Article
Piette, B., Gladikowski, J., & Schroers, B. (1996). Skyrme-Maxwell Solitons in 2+1 Dimensions. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, D(53), 844-851

Wakimoto modules for the affine superalgebra sl(2/1) and non-critical N = 2 Strings. (1996)
Journal Article
Bowcock, P., Koktava, R. K., & Taormina, A. (1996). Wakimoto modules for the affine superalgebra sl(2/1) and non-critical N = 2 Strings. Physics Letters B, 388(2), 303-308.

Free field representations of the affine superalgebra A(1, 0)(1) at level k corresponding to two inequivalent choices of the simple roots are shown to be related by nonlinear canonical field transformations, both at the classical and at the quantum l... Read More about Wakimoto modules for the affine superalgebra sl(2/1) and non-critical N = 2 Strings..