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A numerical routine for the crossed vertex diagram with a massive-particle loop (2019)
Journal Article
Bonciani, R., Degrassi, G., Giardino, P. P., & Gröber, R. (2019). A numerical routine for the crossed vertex diagram with a massive-particle loop. Computer Physics Communications, 241, 122-131.

We present an evaluation of the two master integrals for the crossed vertex diagram with a closed loop of top quarks that allows for an easy numerical implementation. The differential equations obeyed by the master integrals are used to generate powe... Read More about A numerical routine for the crossed vertex diagram with a massive-particle loop.

Probing new electroweak states via precision measurements at the LHC and future colliders (2019)
Journal Article
Di Luzio, L., Gröber, R., & Panico, G. (2019). Probing new electroweak states via precision measurements at the LHC and future colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(1), Article 011.

Several new physics scenarios, motivated e.g. by dark matter, feature new electroweakly charged states where the lightest particle in the multiplet is stable and neutral. In such cases direct searches at LHC are notoriously difficult, while electrowe... Read More about Probing new electroweak states via precision measurements at the LHC and future colliders.

Analytical Method for Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Corrections to Double-Higgs Production (2018)
Journal Article
Bonciani, R., Degrassi, G., Giardino, P. P., & Gröber, R. (2018). Analytical Method for Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Corrections to Double-Higgs Production. Physical Review Letters, 121(16), Article 162003.

We propose a new method to calculate analytically higher-order perturbative corrections and we apply it to the calculation of the two-loop virtual corrections to Higgs pair production through gluon fusion. The method is based on the expansion of the... Read More about Analytical Method for Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Corrections to Double-Higgs Production.

Searches for vector-like quarks at future colliders and implications for composite Higgs models with dark matter (2018)
Journal Article
Chala, M., Gröber, R., & Spannowsky, M. (2018). Searches for vector-like quarks at future colliders and implications for composite Higgs models with dark matter. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(3), Article 040.

Many composite Higgs models predict the existence of vector-like quarks with masses outside the reach of the LHC, e.g. m Q ≳ 2 TeV, in particular if these models contain a dark matter candidate. In such models the mass of the new resonances is bounde... Read More about Searches for vector-like quarks at future colliders and implications for composite Higgs models with dark matter.

Reconstruction of top-quark mass effects in Higgs pair production and other gluon-fusion processes (2018)
Journal Article
Gröber, R., Maier, A., & Rauh, T. (2018). Reconstruction of top-quark mass effects in Higgs pair production and other gluon-fusion processes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(3), Article 020.

We propose a novel method for the treatment of top-quark mass effects in the production of H(∗), HH, HZ and ZZ final states in gluon fusion. We show that it is possible to reconstruct the full top-quark mass dependence of the virtual amplitudes from... Read More about Reconstruction of top-quark mass effects in Higgs pair production and other gluon-fusion processes.

Maxi-sizing the trilinear Higgs self-coupling: how large could it be? (2017)
Journal Article
Di Luzio, L., Gröber, R., & Spannowsky, M. (2017). Maxi-sizing the trilinear Higgs self-coupling: how large could it be?. The European Physical Journal C, 77, Article 788.

In order to answer the question on how much the trilinear Higgs self-coupling could deviate from its Standard Model value in weakly coupled models, we study both theoretical and phenomenological constraints. As a first step, we discuss this question... Read More about Maxi-sizing the trilinear Higgs self-coupling: how large could it be?.

Higgs pair production at NLO QCD for CP-violating Higgs sectors (2017)
Journal Article
Gröber, R., Mühlleitner, M., & Spira, M. (2017). Higgs pair production at NLO QCD for CP-violating Higgs sectors. Nuclear Physics B, 925, 1-27.

Higgs pair production through gluon fusion is an important process at the LHC to test the dynamics underlying electroweak symmetry breaking. Higgs sectors beyond the Standard Model (SM) can substantially modify this cross section through novel coupli... Read More about Higgs pair production at NLO QCD for CP-violating Higgs sectors.

Higgs-boson masses and mixing matrices in the NMSSM: analysis of on-shell calculations (2017)
Journal Article
Drechsel, P., Gröber, R., Heinemeyer, S., Mühlleitner, M., Rzehak, H., & Weiglein, G. (2017). Higgs-boson masses and mixing matrices in the NMSSM: analysis of on-shell calculations. The European Physical Journal C, 77(6), Article 366.

We analyze the Higgs-boson masses and mixing matrices in the NMSSM based on an on-shell (OS) renormalization of the gauge-boson and Higgs-boson masses and the parameters of the top/scalar top sector. We compare the implementation of the OS calculatio... Read More about Higgs-boson masses and mixing matrices in the NMSSM: analysis of on-shell calculations.