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Outputs (5)

On the correlation between the local dark matter and stellar velocities (2019)
Journal Article
Bozorgnia, N., Fattahi, A., Cerdeño, D. G., Frenk, C. S., Gómez, F. A., Grand, R. J., Marinacci, F., & Pakmor, R. (2019). On the correlation between the local dark matter and stellar velocities. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019(06), Article 045.

The dark matter velocity distribution in the Solar neighbourhood is an important astrophysical input which enters in the predicted event rate of dark matter direct detection experiments. It has been recently suggested that the local dark matter veloc... Read More about On the correlation between the local dark matter and stellar velocities.

Opening the energy window on direct dark matter detection (2018)
Journal Article
Bozorgnia, N., Cerdeño, D. G., Cheek, A., & Penning, B. (2018). Opening the energy window on direct dark matter detection. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018(12), Article 013.

In this article we investigate the benefits of increasing the maximum nuclear recoil energy analysed in dark matter (DM) direct detection experiments. We focus on elastic DM-nucleus interactions, and work within the framework of effective field theor... Read More about Opening the energy window on direct dark matter detection.

Simulated Milky Way analogues: implications for dark matter direct searches (2016)
Journal Article
Bozorgnia, N., Calore, F., Schaller, M., Lovell, M., Bertone, G., Frenk, C., …Theuns, T. (2016). Simulated Milky Way analogues: implications for dark matter direct searches. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016(5), Article 024.

We study the implications of galaxy formation on dark matter direct detection using high resolution hydrodynamic simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies simulated within the EAGLE and APOSTLE projects. We identify Milky Way analogues that satisfy obse... Read More about Simulated Milky Way analogues: implications for dark matter direct searches.

Simulated Milky Way analogues: implications for dark matter indirect searches (2015)
Journal Article
Calore, F., Bozorgnia, N., Lovell, M., Bertone, G., Schaller, M., Frenk, C., …Trayford, J. (2015). Simulated Milky Way analogues: implications for dark matter indirect searches. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(12), Article 053.

We study high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations of Milky Way type galaxies obtained within the "Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environments" (EAGLE) project, and identify those that best satisfy observational constraints on the Milky... Read More about Simulated Milky Way analogues: implications for dark matter indirect searches.

Dark matter annihilation radiation in hydrodynamic simulations of Milky Way haloes (2015)
Journal Article
Schaller, M., Frenk, C. S., Theuns, T., Calore, F., Bertone, G., Bozorgnia, N., …Schaye, J. (2016). Dark matter annihilation radiation in hydrodynamic simulations of Milky Way haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455(4), 4442-4451.

We obtain predictions for the properties of cold dark matter annihilation radiation using high-resolution hydrodynamic zoom-in cosmological simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies (APOSTLE project) carried out as part of the ‘Evolution and Assembly of... Read More about Dark matter annihilation radiation in hydrodynamic simulations of Milky Way haloes.