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Outputs (7)

Higher form symmetries and M-theory (2020)
Journal Article
Albertini, F., Del Zotto, M., García Etxebarria, I., & Hosseini, S. S. (2020). Higher form symmetries and M-theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(12), Article 203.

We discuss the geometric origin of discrete higher form symmetries of quantum field theories in terms of defect groups from geometric engineering in M-theory. The flux non-commutativity in M-theory gives rise to (mixed) ’t Hooft anomalies for the def... Read More about Higher form symmetries and M-theory.

Higher form symmetries of Argyres-Douglas theories (2020)
Journal Article
Del Zotto, M., Etxebarria, I. G., & Hosseini, S. S. (2020). Higher form symmetries of Argyres-Douglas theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(10), Article 056.

We determine the structure of 1-form symmetries for all 4d N = 2 theories that have a geometric engineering in terms of type IIB string theory on isolated hypersurface singularities. This is a large class of models, that includes Argyres-Douglas theo... Read More about Higher form symmetries of Argyres-Douglas theories.

Five-dimensional SCFTs and gauge theory phases: an M-theory/type IIA perspective (2019)
Journal Article
Closset, C., Del Zotto, M., & Saxena, V. (2019). Five-dimensional SCFTs and gauge theory phases: an M-theory/type IIA perspective. SciPost Physics, 6(5), Article 052.

We revisit the correspondence between Calabi-Yau (CY) threefold isolated singularities X and five-dimensional superconformal field theories (SCFTs), which arise at low energy in M-theory on the space-time transverse to X. Focussing on the case of tor... Read More about Five-dimensional SCFTs and gauge theory phases: an M-theory/type IIA perspective.

Universal features of BPS strings in six-dimensional SCFTs (2018)
Journal Article
Del Zotto, M., & Lockhart, G. (2018). Universal features of BPS strings in six-dimensional SCFTs. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(8), Article 173.

In theories with extended supersymmetry the protected observables of UV superconformal fixed points are found in a number of contexts to be encoded in the BPS solitons along an IR Coulomb-like phase. For six-dimensional SCFTs such a role is played by... Read More about Universal features of BPS strings in six-dimensional SCFTs.

6D SCFTs and phases of 5D theories (2017)
Journal Article
Del Zotto, M., Heckman, J. J., & Morrison, D. R. (2017). 6D SCFTs and phases of 5D theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 147(9), Article 147.

Starting from 6D superconformal field theories (SCFTs) realized via F-theory, we show how reduction on a circle leads to a uniform perspective on the phase structure of the resulting 5D theories, and their possible conformal fixed points. Using the c... Read More about 6D SCFTs and phases of 5D theories.

Mirror symmetry for G 2-manifolds: twisted connected sums and dual tops (2017)
Journal Article
Braun, A. P., & Del Zotto, M. (2017). Mirror symmetry for G 2-manifolds: twisted connected sums and dual tops. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(5), Article 80.

Recently, at least 50 million of novel examples of compact G 2 holonomy manifolds have been constructed as twisted connected sums of asymptotically cylindrical Calabi-Yau threefolds. The purpose of this paper is to study mirror symmetry for compactif... Read More about Mirror symmetry for G 2-manifolds: twisted connected sums and dual tops.

6d Conformal matter (2015)
Journal Article
Del Zotto, M., Heckman, J. J., Tomasiello, A., & Vafa, C. (2015). 6d Conformal matter. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(2), Article 54.

A single M5-brane probing G, an ADE-type singularity, leads to a system which has G × G global symmetry and can be viewed as “bifundamental” (G, G) matter. For the A N series, this leads to the usual notion of bifundamental matter. For the other case... Read More about 6d Conformal matter.