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Outputs (111)

YFS Resummation for Future Lepton-Lepton Colliders in SHERPA (2022)
Journal Article
Krauss, F., Price, A., & Schönherr, M. (2022). YFS Resummation for Future Lepton-Lepton Colliders in SHERPA. SciPost Physics, 13(2),

We present an implementation of the Yennie–Frautschi–Suura (YFS) scheme for the all orders resummation of logarithms from the emission of soft real and virtual photons in processes that are critical for future lepton colliders. They include, in parti... Read More about YFS Resummation for Future Lepton-Lepton Colliders in SHERPA.

Bayesian Emulation and History Matching of JUNE (2022)
Journal Article
Vernon, I., Owen, J., Aylett-Bullock, J., Cuestra-Lazaro, C., Frawley, J., Quera-Bofarull, A., Sedgewick, A., Shi, D., Truong, H., Turner, M., Walker, J., Caulfield, T., Fong, K., & Krauss, F. (2022). Bayesian Emulation and History Matching of JUNE. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 380(2233), Article 20220039.

We analyse JUNE: a detailed model of Covid-19 transmission with high spatial and demographic resolution, developed as part of the RAMP initiative. JUNE requires substantial computational resources to evaluate, making model calibration and general unc... Read More about Bayesian Emulation and History Matching of JUNE.

Constraining the Charm-Yukawa coupling at the Large Hadron Collider (2022)
Journal Article
Walker, J., & Krauss, F. (2022). Constraining the Charm-Yukawa coupling at the Large Hadron Collider. Physics Letters B, 832, Article 137255.

We present theoretical results for the sensitivity of charm Yukawa coupling measurements in future high-luminosity LHC runs in three channels: Vector Boson Fusion (VBF), W Higgs-strahlung and Z Higgs-strahlung production of a Higgs boson and its subs... Read More about Constraining the Charm-Yukawa coupling at the Large Hadron Collider.

Epidemiological modelling in refugee and internally displaced people settlements: challenges and ways forward (2022)
Journal Article
Aylett-Bullock, J., Gilman, R. T., Hall, I., Kennedy, D., Evers, E. S., Katta, A., Ahmed, H., Fong, K., Adib, K., Al Ariqi, L., Ardalan, A., Nabeth, P., von Harbou, K., Hoffmann Pham, K., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Quera-Bofarull, A., Gidraf Kahindo Maina, A., Valentijn, T., Harlass, S., Krauss, F., …Luengo-Oroz, M. (2022). Epidemiological modelling in refugee and internally displaced people settlements: challenges and ways forward. BMJ Global Health, 7(3), Article e007822.

The spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 presents many challenges to healthcare systems and infrastructures across the world, exacerbating inequalities and leaving the world’s most vulnerable populations at risk. Epidemiological modelling i... Read More about Epidemiological modelling in refugee and internally displaced people settlements: challenges and ways forward.

JUNE: open-source individual-based epidemiology simulation (2021)
Journal Article
Aylett-Bullock, J., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Quera-Bofarull, A., Icaza-Lizaola, M., Sedgewick, A., Truong, H., Curran, A., Elliott, E., Caulfield, T., Fong, K., Vernon, I., Williams, J., Bower, R., & Krauss, F. (2021). JUNE: open-source individual-based epidemiology simulation. Royal Society Open Science, 8(7),

We introduce June, an open-source framework for the detailed simulation of epidemics on the basis of social interactions in a virtual population constructed from geographically granular census data, reflecting age, sex, ethnicity and socio-economic i... Read More about JUNE: open-source individual-based epidemiology simulation.

Challenges in Monte Carlo Event Generator Software for High-Luminosity LHC (2021)
Journal Article
Valassi, A., Yazgan, E., McFayden, J., Amoroso, S., Bendavid, J., Buckley, A., Cacciari, M., Childers, T., Ciulli, V., Frederix, R., Frixione, S., Giuli, F., Grohsjean, A., Gütschow, C., Höche, S., Hopkins, W., Ilten, P., Konstantinov, D., Krauss, F., Li, Q., …Stewart, G. A. (2021). Challenges in Monte Carlo Event Generator Software for High-Luminosity LHC. Computing and Software for Big Science, 5(1), Article 12.

We review the main software and computing challenges for the Monte Carlo physics event generators used by the LHC experiments, in view of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) physics programme. This paper has been prepared by the HEP Software Foundation... Read More about Challenges in Monte Carlo Event Generator Software for High-Luminosity LHC.

Constraining CP violating operators in charged and neutral triple gauge couplings (2021)
Journal Article
Bieköetter, A., Gregg, P., Krauss, F., & Schöenherr, M. (2021). Constraining CP violating operators in charged and neutral triple gauge couplings. Physics Letters B, 817,

We constrain CP-violating charged and neutral anomalous triple gauge couplings using LHC measurements and projections of diboson and VBF Vjj production, both with subsequent leptonic decays. For triple gauge couplings involving W bosons we analyse di... Read More about Constraining CP violating operators in charged and neutral triple gauge couplings.

Constraining SMEFT operators with associated hγ production in weak boson fusion (2021)
Journal Article
Biekötter, A., Gomez-Ambrosio, R., Gregg, P., Krauss, F., & Schönherr, M. (2021). Constraining SMEFT operators with associated hγ production in weak boson fusion. Physics Letters B, 814,

We consider the associated production of a Higgs boson and a photon in weak boson fusion in the Standard Model (SM) and the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT), with the Higgs boson decaying to a pair of bottom quarks. Analysing events in a... Read More about Constraining SMEFT operators with associated hγ production in weak boson fusion.

Revisiting the tt¯hh channel at the FCC-hh (2019)
Journal Article
Banerjee, S., Krauss, F., & Spannowsky, M. (2019). Revisiting the tt¯hh channel at the FCC-hh. Physical Review D, 100(7), Article 073012.

The exploration of the scalar sector of the Standard Model is at the core of current and future science programs at collider experiments, with increasing focus on the self-interaction of the Higgs boson. This important parameter of the Higgs sector c... Read More about Revisiting the tt¯hh channel at the FCC-hh.

Event Generation with Sherpa 2.2 (2019)
Journal Article
Bothmann, E., Chahal, G. S., Hoche, S., Krause, J., Krauss, F., Kuttimalai, S., Liebschner, S., Napoletano, D., Schonherr, M., Schulz, H., Schumann, S., & Siegert, F. (2019). Event Generation with Sherpa 2.2. SciPost Physics, 7, Article 034.

Sherpa is a general-purpose Monte Carlo event generator for the simulation of particle collisions in high-energy collider experiments. We summarize essential features and improvements of the Sherpa 2.2 release series, which is heavily used for event... Read More about Event Generation with Sherpa 2.2.

Accurate simulation of W, Z, and Higgs boson decays in Sherpa (2019)
Journal Article
Krauss, F., Lindert, J. M., Linten, R., & Schönherr, M. (2019). Accurate simulation of W, Z, and Higgs boson decays in Sherpa. The European Physical Journal C, 79(2), Article 143.

We discuss the inclusion of next-to–next-to leading order electromagnetic and of next-to leading order electroweak corrections to the leptonic decays of weak gauge and Higgs bosons in the Sherpa event generator. To this end, we modify the Yennie– Fra... Read More about Accurate simulation of W, Z, and Higgs boson decays in Sherpa.

Towards a fully massive five-flavor scheme (2018)
Journal Article
Krauss, F., & Napoletano, D. (2018). Towards a fully massive five-flavor scheme. Physical Review D, 98(9), Article 096002.

In this paper, we explore first necessary steps to construct a fully massive version of a variable-flavor number scheme. In particular we focus, as an example, on an extension of the five-flavor scheme, where instead of neglecting explicit initial st... Read More about Towards a fully massive five-flavor scheme.

Single top-quark production with sherpa (2018)
Journal Article
Bothmann, E., Krauss, F., & Schönherr, M. (2018). Single top-quark production with sherpa. The European Physical Journal C, 78(3), Article 220.

We present results at next-to-leading order accuracy in QCD for single top-quark production in the t, s and tW channels at the lhc at a centre-of-mass energy of 8TeV, obtained with the sherpa event generator. We find them in very good agreement with... Read More about Single top-quark production with sherpa.

Implementing NLO DGLAP evolution in parton showers (2017)
Journal Article
Höche, S., Krauss, F., & Prestel, S. (2017). Implementing NLO DGLAP evolution in parton showers. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(10), Article 93.

We present a parton shower which implements the DGLAP evolution of parton densities and fragmentation functions at next-to-leading order precision up to effects stemming from local four-momentum conservation. The Monte-Carlo simulation is based on in... Read More about Implementing NLO DGLAP evolution in parton showers.

Precision studies of observables in pp → W → lνl and pp → γ , Z → l+l− processes at the LHC (2017)
Journal Article
Alioli, S., Arbuzov, A., Bardin, D. Y., Barzè, L., Bernaciak, C., Bondarenko, S., …Zanderighi, G. (2017). Precision studies of observables in pp → W → lνl and pp → γ , Z → l+l− processes at the LHC. The European Physical Journal C, 77(5), Article 280.

This report was prepared in the context of the LPCC Electroweak Precision Measurements at the LHC WG ( and summarizes the activity of a subgroup dedicated to the systematic comparison of pub... Read More about Precision studies of observables in pp → W → lνl and pp → γ , Z → l+l− processes at the LHC.

LHC multijet events as a probe for anomalous dimension-six gluon interactions (2017)
Journal Article
Krauss, F., Kuttimalai, S., & Plehn, T. (2017). LHC multijet events as a probe for anomalous dimension-six gluon interactions. Physical Review D, 95(3), Article 035024.

Higher-dimensional multigluon interactions affect essentially all effective Lagrangian analyses at the LHC. We show that, contrary to common lore, such operators are best constrained in multijet production. Our limit on the corresponding new physics... Read More about LHC multijet events as a probe for anomalous dimension-six gluon interactions.

Simulating b-associated production of Z and Higgs bosons with the SHERPA event generator (2017)
Journal Article
Krauss, F., Napoletano, D., & Schumann, S. (2017). Simulating b-associated production of Z and Higgs bosons with the SHERPA event generator. Physical Review D, 95(3), Article 036012.

We compare four- and five-flavor scheme predictions for b-associated production of Z and Higgs bosons. The results are obtained with SHERPA ’s MC@NLO implementation for the four-flavor scheme, treating the b’s as massive, and with multijet merging at... Read More about Simulating b-associated production of Z and Higgs bosons with the SHERPA event generator.

Study of hard double-parton scattering in four-jet events in pp collisions at sqrt{s}=7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment (2016)
Journal Article
collaboration, A., & F. M., K. (2016). Study of hard double-parton scattering in four-jet events in pp collisions at sqrt{s}=7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(11), Article 110.

Inclusive four-jet events produced in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=7s=7 TeV are analysed for the presence of hard double-parton scattering using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 37.3 pb−1, collected with... Read More about Study of hard double-parton scattering in four-jet events in pp collisions at sqrt{s}=7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment.