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Outputs (32)

Understanding the γ-ray emission from the globular cluster 47 Tuc: Evidence for dark matter? (2018)
Journal Article
Brown, A. M., Lacroix, T., Lloyd, S., Bœhm, C., & Chadwick, P. (2018). Understanding the γ-ray emission from the globular cluster 47 Tuc: Evidence for dark matter?. Physical Review D, 98(4), Article 041301(R).

47 Tuc was the first globular cluster observed to be γ -ray bright, with the γ rays being attributed to a population of unresolved millisecond pulsars (MSPs). Recent kinematic data combined with detailed simulations appear to be consistent with the p... Read More about Understanding the γ-ray emission from the globular cluster 47 Tuc: Evidence for dark matter?.

Dark matter-neutrino interactions through the lens of their cosmological implications (2018)
Journal Article
Olivares-Del Campo, A., Bœhm, C., Palomares-Ruiz, S., & Pascoli, S. (2018). Dark matter-neutrino interactions through the lens of their cosmological implications. Physical Review D, 97(7), Article 075039.

Dark matter and neutrinos provide the two most compelling pieces of evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, but they are often treated as two different sectors. The aim of this paper is to determine whether there are v... Read More about Dark matter-neutrino interactions through the lens of their cosmological implications.

Reducing the H0 and σ8 tensions with dark matter-neutrino interactions (2018)
Journal Article
Di Valentino, E., Bœhm, C., Hivon, E., & Bouchet, F. R. (2018). Reducing the H0 and σ8 tensions with dark matter-neutrino interactions. Physical Review D, 97(4), Article 043513.

The introduction of dark matter-neutrino interactions modifies the cosmic microwave background (CMB) angular power spectrum at all scales, thus affecting the reconstruction of the cosmological parameters. Such interactions can lead to a slight increa... Read More about Reducing the H0 and σ8 tensions with dark matter-neutrino interactions.

Unique probe of dark matter in the core of M87 with the Event Horizon Telescope (2017)
Journal Article
Lacroix, T., Karami, M., Broderick, A. E., Silk, J., & Boehm, C. (2017). Unique probe of dark matter in the core of M87 with the Event Horizon Telescope. Physical Review D, 96(6), Article 063008.

We demonstrate the unprecedented capabilities of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) to image the innermost dark matter profile in the vicinity of the supermassive black hole at the center of the M87 radio galaxy. We present the first model of the sync... Read More about Unique probe of dark matter in the core of M87 with the Event Horizon Telescope.

Connecting the new H.E.S.S. diffuse emission at the Galactic Center with the Fermi GeV excess: A combination of millisecond pulsars and heavy dark matter? (2016)
Journal Article
Lacroix, T., Silk, J., Moulin, E., & Boehm, C. (2016). Connecting the new H.E.S.S. diffuse emission at the Galactic Center with the Fermi GeV excess: A combination of millisecond pulsars and heavy dark matter?. Physical Review D, 94(12), Article 123008.

The H.E.S.S. Collaboration has reported a high-energy spherically symmetric diffuse γ-ray emission in the inner 50 pc of the Milky Way, up to ∼50 TeV. Here, we propose a leptonic model which provides an alternative to the hadronic scenario presented... Read More about Connecting the new H.E.S.S. diffuse emission at the Galactic Center with the Fermi GeV excess: A combination of millisecond pulsars and heavy dark matter?.

Ruling out the light weakly interacting massive particle explanation of the Galactic 511 keV line (2016)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, R., Vincent, A., Boehm, C., & McCabe, C. (2016). Ruling out the light weakly interacting massive particle explanation of the Galactic 511 keV line. Physical Review D, 94(10), Article 103525.

Over the past few decades, an anomalous 511 keV gamma-ray line has been observed from the center of the Milky Way. Dark matter (DM) in the form of light (≲10  MeV) weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) annihilating into electron-positron pairs... Read More about Ruling out the light weakly interacting massive particle explanation of the Galactic 511 keV line.

Isotropic extragalactic flux from dark matter annihilations: lessons from interacting dark matter scenarios (2016)
Journal Article
Moliné, Á., Schewtschenko, J. A., Palomares-Ruiz, S., Boehm, C., & Baugh, C. M. (2016). Isotropic extragalactic flux from dark matter annihilations: lessons from interacting dark matter scenarios. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016(08), Article 069.

The extragalactic γ-ray and neutrino emission may have a contribution from dark matter (DM) annihilations. In the case of discrepancies between observations and standard predictions, one could infer the DM pair annihilation cross section into cosmic... Read More about Isotropic extragalactic flux from dark matter annihilations: lessons from interacting dark matter scenarios.

Physics from solar neutrinos in dark matter direct detection experiments (2016)
Journal Article
Cerdeño, D. G., Fairbairn, M., Jubb, T., Machado, P., Vincent, A., & Boehm, C. (2016). Physics from solar neutrinos in dark matter direct detection experiments. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(5), Article 118.

The next generation of dark matter direct detection experiments will be sensitive to both coherent neutrino-nucleus and neutrino-electron scattering. This will enable them to explore aspects of solar physics, perform the lowest energy measurement of... Read More about Physics from solar neutrinos in dark matter direct detection experiments.

The Spatial Morphology of the Secondary Emission in the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess (2016)
Journal Article
Lacroix, T., Macias, O., Gordon, C., Panci, P., Boehm, C., & Silk, J. (2016). The Spatial Morphology of the Secondary Emission in the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess. Physical Review D, 93(10), Article 103004.

Excess GeV gamma rays from the Galactic Center (GC) have been measured with the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). The presence of the GC excess (GCE) appears to be robust with respect to changes in the diffuse galactic background modeling. The three... Read More about The Spatial Morphology of the Secondary Emission in the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess.

Radiative Model of Neutrino Mass with Neutrino Interacting MeV Dark Matter (2016)
Journal Article
Arhrib, A., Bœhm, C., Ma, E., & Yuan, T. (2016). Radiative Model of Neutrino Mass with Neutrino Interacting MeV Dark Matter. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016(04), Article 049.

We consider the radiative generation of neutrino mass through the interactions of neutrinos with MeV dark matter. We construct a realistic renormalizable model with one scalar doublet (in additional to the standard model doublet) and one complex sing... Read More about Radiative Model of Neutrino Mass with Neutrino Interacting MeV Dark Matter.

Interplay and Characterization of Dark Matter Searches at Colliders and in Direct Detection Experiments (2015)
Journal Article
Malik, S. A., McCabe, C., Araujo, H., Belyaev, A., Boehm, C., Brooke, J., …Worm, S. (2015). Interplay and Characterization of Dark Matter Searches at Colliders and in Direct Detection Experiments. Physics of the Dark Universe, 9-10, 51-58.

In this White Paper we present and discuss a concrete proposal for the consistent interpretation of Dark Matter searches at colliders and in direct detection experiments. Based on a specific implementation of simplified models of vector and axial-vec... Read More about Interplay and Characterization of Dark Matter Searches at Colliders and in Direct Detection Experiments.

Exploring dark matter microphysics with galaxy surveys (2015)
Journal Article
Escudero, M., Mena, O., Vincent, A., Wilkinson, R., & Boehm, C. (2015). Exploring dark matter microphysics with galaxy surveys. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(09),

We use present cosmological observations and forecasts of future experiments to illustrate the power of large-scale structure (LSS) surveys in probing dark matter (DM) microphysics and unveiling potential deviations from the standard ΛCDM scenario. T... Read More about Exploring dark matter microphysics with galaxy surveys.

Ruling out thermal dark matter with a black hole induced spiky profile in the M87 galaxy (2015)
Journal Article
Lacroix, T., Bœhm, C., & Silk, J. (2015). Ruling out thermal dark matter with a black hole induced spiky profile in the M87 galaxy. Physical Review D, 92(4), Article 043510.

Using the spectral energy distribution of M87, a nearby radio galaxy in the Virgo cluster, and assuming a supermassive black hole induced spike in the dark matter halo profile, we exclude any dark matter candidate with a velocity-independent (s-wave)... Read More about Ruling out thermal dark matter with a black hole induced spiky profile in the M87 galaxy.

Dark matter-radiation interactions: the impact on dark matter haloes (2015)
Journal Article
Schewtschenko, J., Wilkinson, R., Baugh, C., Boehm, C., & Pascoli, S. (2015). Dark matter-radiation interactions: the impact on dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449(4), 3587-3596.

Interactions between dark matter (DM) and radiation (photons or neutrinos) in the early Universe suppress density fluctuations on small mass scales. Here, we perform a thorough analysis of structure formation in the fully non-linear regime using N-bo... Read More about Dark matter-radiation interactions: the impact on dark matter haloes.

Using the Milky Way satellites to study interactions between cold dark matter and radiation (2014)
Journal Article
Boehm, C., Schewtschenko, J., Wilkinson, R., Baugh, C., & Pascoli, S. (2014). Using the Milky Way satellites to study interactions between cold dark matter and radiation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 445(1), L31-L35.

The cold dark matter (CDM) model faces persistent challenges on small scales. In particular, the model significantly overestimates the number of satellite galaxies around the Milky Way. Attempts to solve this problem remain controversial and have eve... Read More about Using the Milky Way satellites to study interactions between cold dark matter and radiation.

Fitting the Fermi-LAT GeV excess: On the importance of including the propagation of electrons from dark matter (2014)
Journal Article
Lacroix, T., Boehm, C., & Silk, J. (2014). Fitting the Fermi-LAT GeV excess: On the importance of including the propagation of electrons from dark matter. Physical Review D, 90(4), Article 043508.

An excess of gamma rays at GeV energies has been pointed out in the Fermi-LAT data. This signal comes from a narrow region centred around the Galactic center and has been interpreted as possible evidence for light dark matter particles annihilating e... Read More about Fitting the Fermi-LAT GeV excess: On the importance of including the propagation of electrons from dark matter.

Quantifying the evidence for Dark Matter in CoGeNT data (2014)
Journal Article
Davis, J. H., McCabe, C., & Boehm, C. (2014). Quantifying the evidence for Dark Matter in CoGeNT data. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(08), Article 014.

We perform an independent analysis of data from the CoGeNT direct detection experiment to quantify the evidence for dark matter recoils. We critically re-examine the assumptions that enter the analysis, focusing specifically on the separation of bulk... Read More about Quantifying the evidence for Dark Matter in CoGeNT data.

Interpretation of the Galactic Center excess of gamma rays with heavier dark matter particles (2014)
Journal Article
Boehm, C., Dolan, M. J., & McCabe, C. (2014). Interpretation of the Galactic Center excess of gamma rays with heavier dark matter particles. Physical Review D, 90(2), Article 023531.

Previous attempts at explaining the gamma-ray excess near the Galactic Center have focused on dark matter annihilating directly into Standard Model particles. This results in a preferred dark matter mass of 30–40 GeV (if the annihilation is into b qu... Read More about Interpretation of the Galactic Center excess of gamma rays with heavier dark matter particles.

Constraining dark matter-neutrino interactions using the CMB and large-scale structure (2014)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, R., Boehm, C., & Lesgourgues, J. (2014). Constraining dark matter-neutrino interactions using the CMB and large-scale structure. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(05),

We present a new study on the elastic scattering cross section of dark matter (DM) and neutrinos using the latest cosmological data from Planck and large-scale structure experiments. We find that the strongest constraints are set by the Lyman-alpha f... Read More about Constraining dark matter-neutrino interactions using the CMB and large-scale structure.