Perpetuating Inequality in the name of Equal Treatment
Journal Article
Fenwick, H. (1996). Perpetuating Inequality in the name of Equal Treatment. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 18(2), 263-270
Outputs (3)
Confidence and Privacy: A Re-examination (1996)
Journal Article
Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (1996). Confidence and Privacy: A Re-examination. Cambridge Law Journal, 55(3), 447-455
Special Protection for Women in EU Law. (1996)
Book Chapter
Fenwick, H., Hervey, T., O'Keeffe, D., & Kluwer, D. (1996). Special Protection for Women in EU Law. In T. Hervey, & D. O'Keeffe (Eds.), Sex Equality in the European Union (63-68). Klewer