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Outputs (12)

Judicial Review and Monopoly Power: Some Sceptical Thoughts (2017)
Journal Article
Williams, A. (2017). Judicial Review and Monopoly Power: Some Sceptical Thoughts. Law Quarterly Review, 133(Oct), 656-682

Responds to the article by Colin D. Campbell entitled "Monopoly power as public power for the purposes of judicial review", L.Q.R. 2009, 125(Jul), 491-521, by questioning the practicability of its monopoly power test for determining if the exercise o... Read More about Judicial Review and Monopoly Power: Some Sceptical Thoughts.

Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights. (2016)
Fenwick, H., Phillipson, G., & Williams, A. (2017). Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights. (4th ed.). Routledge

This book interweaves an authoritative authorial commentary – significantly expanded from the last edition - with extracts from a diverse and contemporary collection of cases and materials from three leading academics in the field. It provides an all... Read More about Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights..

The British Bill of Rights Debate: Lessons from Australia (2016)
Journal Article
Williams, A., & Williams, G. (2016). The British Bill of Rights Debate: Lessons from Australia. Public Law, 2016(July), 471-490

Assesses the lessons offered by the Australian Capital Territory's Human Rights Act 2004 and the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 for the possible development of a British Bill of Rights to replace the Human Rights Act... Read More about The British Bill of Rights Debate: Lessons from Australia.

Public and Private: Neither Deep Nor Meaningful? (2013)
Book Chapter
Lucy, W., & Williams, A. (2013). Public and Private: Neither Deep Nor Meaningful?. In K. Barker, & D. (. Jensen (Eds.), Private law : key encounters with public law (45-88). Cambridge University Press

Horizontal Effect and the Constitutional Constraint (2011)
Journal Article
Williams, A., & Phillipson, G. (2011). Horizontal Effect and the Constitutional Constraint. Modern Law Review, 74(6), 878-910.

This article offers a new interpretation – the ‘constitutional constraint’ model – of the duty the Human Rights Act imposes on the courts to give horizontal effect to European Convention rights through the common law. The model requires courts to dev... Read More about Horizontal Effect and the Constitutional Constraint.

Public authorities: what is a hybrid public authority under the HRA? (2011)
Book Chapter
Williams, A. (2011). Public authorities: what is a hybrid public authority under the HRA?. In D. Hoffman (Ed.), The impact of the UK Human Rights Act on private law (48-65). Cambridge University Press.

An analysis of when the HRA subjects private bodies to the Convention is highly germane to any discourse concerning the impact of the HRA on private law. The common law horizontal effect mechanism is one route through which to hold private bodies, al... Read More about Public authorities: what is a hybrid public authority under the HRA?.

Devolution (2010)
Book Chapter
Williams, A., & Phillipson, G. (2010). Devolution. In H. Fenwick, & G. Phillipson (Eds.), Text, cases and materials on public law and human rights (232-294). (3rd). Routledge

'YL v Birmingham City Council: Contracting out and “functions of a public nature” (2008)
Journal Article
Williams, A. (2008). 'YL v Birmingham City Council: Contracting out and “functions of a public nature”. European Human Rights Law Review, 4, 524-531

This analysis examines the recent House of Lords ruling on the interpretation of ‘functions of a public nature’ under s 6(3)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1998. It criticises the reasoning and result, suggesting that the ruling has failed satisfactorily... Read More about 'YL v Birmingham City Council: Contracting out and “functions of a public nature”.