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Outputs (18)

Solar Power for Resilient Healthcare Systems in Nigeria: Regulatory, Financial and Organizational Options for Sustainable Business Models (2023)
Journal Article
Paim, M.-A., Gershon, O., Adeyemi, A., Azubuike, S., Mu, X., & Roeben, V. (2023). Solar Power for Resilient Healthcare Systems in Nigeria: Regulatory, Financial and Organizational Options for Sustainable Business Models. The Journal of energy and development, 48(1-2), 175-194

This article investigates sustainable business models for the electrification of primary healthcare facilities (PHCs) through Renewable Energy (RE) in Nigeria. The PHCs using Luminous or lithium batteries require careful allocation of costs potential... Read More about Solar Power for Resilient Healthcare Systems in Nigeria: Regulatory, Financial and Organizational Options for Sustainable Business Models.

Utilizing Sustainability Assessment Framework to Obtain a Social License to Operate in Renewable Energy Projects: The Case of Murchison Hydropower Project in Uganda (2022)
Book Chapter
Azubuike, S. I., Nakanwagi, S., & Dike, S. C. (2022). Utilizing Sustainability Assessment Framework to Obtain a Social License to Operate in Renewable Energy Projects: The Case of Murchison Hydropower Project in Uganda. In G. Wood, J. Górski, & G. Mete (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Social License to Operate and Energy Transitions (1-22). Palgrave Macmillan.

Post-Covid-19 and African Agenda for a Green Recovery: Lessons from the European Union and the United States of America (2022)
Book Chapter
Asekomeh, A., Azubuike, S. I., & Gershon, O. (2022). Post-Covid-19 and African Agenda for a Green Recovery: Lessons from the European Union and the United States of America. In E. Osabuohien, G. Odularu, D. Ufua, & R. Osabohien (Eds.), Covid-19 in the African Continent: Sustainable Development and Socioeconomic Shocks (309-322). Emerald.