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Outputs (2)

Turbidity Currents Can Dictate Organic Carbon Fluxes Across River‐Fed Fjords: An Example From Bute Inlet (BC, Canada) (2022)
Journal Article
Hage, S., Galy, V., Cartigny, M., Heerema, C., Heijnen, M., Acikalin, S., Clare, M., Giesbrecht, I., Gröcke, D., Hendry, A., Hilton, R., Hubbard, S., Hunt, J., Lintern, D., McGhee, C., Parsons, D., Pope, E., Stacey, C., Sumner, E., Tank, S., & Talling, P. (2022). Turbidity Currents Can Dictate Organic Carbon Fluxes Across River‐Fed Fjords: An Example From Bute Inlet (BC, Canada). Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127(6),

The delivery and burial of terrestrial particulate organic carbon (OC) in marine sediments is important to quantify, because this OC is a food resource for benthic communities, and if buried it may lower the concentrations of atmospheric CO2 over geo... Read More about Turbidity Currents Can Dictate Organic Carbon Fluxes Across River‐Fed Fjords: An Example From Bute Inlet (BC, Canada).

Efficient preservation of young terrestrial organic carbon in sandy turbidity current deposits (2020)
Journal Article
Hage, S., Galy, V., Cartigny, M., Acikalin, S., Clare, M., Gröcke, D., Hilton, R., Hunt, J., Lintern, D., McGhee, C., Parsons, D., Stacey, C., Sumner, E., & Talling, P. (2020). Efficient preservation of young terrestrial organic carbon in sandy turbidity current deposits. Geology, 48(9), 882-887.

Burial of terrestrial biospheric particulate organic carbon in marine sediments removes CO2 from the atmosphere, regulating climate over geologic time scales. Rivers deliver terrestrial organic carbon to the sea, while turbidity currents transport ri... Read More about Efficient preservation of young terrestrial organic carbon in sandy turbidity current deposits.