Current Research in Sasanian Archaeology, Art and History. Proceedings of a Conference held at Durham University, November 3rd and 4th, 2001.
Kennet, D., & Luft, P. (Eds.). (2008). Current Research in Sasanian Archaeology, Art and History. Proceedings of a Conference held at Durham University, November 3rd and 4th, 2001. Archaeopress
Outputs (26)
Adventures in a post-medieval landscape: a rural case study from Shapwick, England (2008)
Book Chapter
Gerrard, C. (2008). Adventures in a post-medieval landscape: a rural case study from Shapwick, England. In S. Gelichi, & M. Librenti (Eds.), Constructing post-medieval archaeology in Italy: a new agenda (75-96). Edizioni all'Insegna del Giglio
Trading Relations with the Eastern Mediterranean (2008)
Book Chapter
Wilson, P., & Gilbert, G. (2008). Trading Relations with the Eastern Mediterranean. In P. Kousoulis, & K. Magliveras (Eds.), Moving Across the Boders: Foreign Relations, Religion and Cultural Interactions in the Ancient Mediterranean (249-265). (New ed.). Peeters PublishersArchaeological evidence from Sais as evidence of trading in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 7th-6th century and the consumer market in Egypt.
Sasanian Coins from ‘Uman and Bahrayn. (2008)
Book Chapter
Kennet, D. (2008). Sasanian Coins from ‘Uman and Bahrayn. In D. Kennet, & P. Luft (Eds.), Current Research in Sasanian Archaeology, Art & History. BAR International Series 1810: (55-64.)
Grace and the Transformation of Agency in Christ. (2008)
Book Chapter
Barclay, J. (2008). Grace and the Transformation of Agency in Christ. In F. Udoh (Ed.), Redefining First-Century Jewish and Christian Identities (372-89). University of Notre Dame Press
Building Biographies: Graffiti, Architecture and People at the Hospitaller Preceptory at Ambel (Zaragoza), Spain (2008)
Book Chapter
Gerrard, C., & Dauber, R. (2008). Building Biographies: Graffiti, Architecture and People at the Hospitaller Preceptory at Ambel (Zaragoza), Spain. In J. Upton-Ward (Ed.), The Military Orders. Volume 4. On Land and by Sea (235-250). Ashgate Publishing
Manna and the Circulation of Grace: A Study of 2 Corinthians 8:1-15. (2008)
Book Chapter
Barclay, J. (2008). Manna and the Circulation of Grace: A Study of 2 Corinthians 8:1-15. In J. Wagner, C. Rowe, & A. Grieb (Eds.), The Word Leaps the Gap: Essays on Scripture and Theology in Honour of Richard B. Hays (409-26). Eerdmans
Review of Chr. Rudolph, Das 'Harpyien-Monument' von Xanthos: seine Bedeutung innerhalb der spätarchaischen Plastik. BAR International Series 1108. Oxford: Hedges 2003 (2008)
Journal Article
Draycott, C. M. (2008). Review of Chr. Rudolph, Das 'Harpyien-Monument' von Xanthos: seine Bedeutung innerhalb der spätarchaischen Plastik. BAR International Series 1108. Oxford: Hedges 2003. Ancient West & East, 7, 429-31
Is it Good News that God is Impartial? A Response to Robert Jewett, Romans: A Commentary. (2008)
Journal Article
Barclay, J. (2008). Is it Good News that God is Impartial? A Response to Robert Jewett, Romans: A Commentary. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 31, 89-111
Kerkenes Special Studies 1. Sculpture and Inscriptions from the Monumental Entrance to the Palatial Complex at Kerkenes Dağ, Turkey (2008)
Draycott, C. M., & Summers, G. D. (2008). Kerkenes Special Studies 1. Sculpture and Inscriptions from the Monumental Entrance to the Palatial Complex at Kerkenes Dağ, Turkey. Oriental Institute Press
The Variety of Local Religious Life in the Near East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. (2008)
Kaizer, T. (Ed.). (2008). The Variety of Local Religious Life in the Near East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. Brill Academic PublishersA ‘Near Eastern religion’, along the lines of ‘Greek religion’ or ‘Roman religion’, is hard to distinguish for the Classical period, since the religious cultures of the many cities, villages and regions that constituted the Near East in the Hellenist... Read More about The Variety of Local Religious Life in the Near East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods..
Who’s the Toughest of them all? Jews, Spartans and Roman Torturers in Josephus’ Against Apion. (2008)
Journal Article
Barclay, J. (2008). Who’s the Toughest of them all? Jews, Spartans and Roman Torturers in Josephus’ Against Apion. Ramus, 36(1), 39-50
A field methodology for the quantification of ancient settlement in an Arabian context. (2008)
Journal Article
Al-Jahwari, N., & Kennet, D. (2008). A field methodology for the quantification of ancient settlement in an Arabian context. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 38, 203-214
Regional Field Survey and the Demography of Roman Italy (2008)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2008). Regional Field Survey and the Demography of Roman Italy. In L. de Ligt, & S. Northwood (Eds.), People, land and politics : demographic developments and the transformation of Roman Italy, 300 BC - AD 14 (273-303). Brill Academic PublishersThis article considers some of the key debates concerning the demography of Roman Italy from the perspective of archaeological field survey. First, it addresses the question of whether or not the results of survey archaeology reveal the supposed decl... Read More about Regional Field Survey and the Demography of Roman Italy.
Chronological description of the spatial development of rammed earth techniques (2008)
Journal Article
Jaquin, P., Augarde, C., & Gerrard, C. (2008). Chronological description of the spatial development of rammed earth techniques. International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis and Restoration, 2(4), 377-400. earth has been used by man for thousands of years and is currently experiencing a revival in some parts of the world as a result of its inherent sustainability. Historic rammed earth structures are scattered around the world, and much informat... Read More about Chronological description of the spatial development of rammed earth techniques.
High resolution elevation data derived from stereoscopic CORONA imagery with minimal ground control: an approach using IKONOS and SRTM data (2008)
Journal Article
Galiatsatos, N., Donoghue, D., & Philip, G. (2008). High resolution elevation data derived from stereoscopic CORONA imagery with minimal ground control: an approach using IKONOS and SRTM data. Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing, 74(9), 1093-1106. first space mission to provide stereoscopic imagery of the Earth’s surface was from the American CORONA spy satellite program from which it is possible to generate Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). CORONA imagery and derived DEMs are of most value... Read More about High resolution elevation data derived from stereoscopic CORONA imagery with minimal ground control: an approach using IKONOS and SRTM data.
(Re)surveying Mediterranean Rural Landscapes: GIS and Legacy Survey Data (2008)
Journal Article
Witcher, R. (2008). (Re)surveying Mediterranean Rural Landscapes: GIS and Legacy Survey Data. Internet Archaeology, 24,Legacy data have always been important for Mediterranean archaeologists. Over the past decade, one specific category of legacy data, that deriving from regional survey, has become particularly important. Not only has the scale of research questions b... Read More about (Re)surveying Mediterranean Rural Landscapes: GIS and Legacy Survey Data.
Making sense of the Maltese Temple Period: An Archaeology of Sensory Experience and Perception (2008)
Journal Article
Skeates, R. (2008). Making sense of the Maltese Temple Period: An Archaeology of Sensory Experience and Perception. Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture, 1(2), 207-238. paper attempts to formulate a culturally specific sensory inventory of the Maltese islandscape during the distinctive Temple Period (c. 3400-2500BC), with particular reference to the sensory stimuli and constraints of three dynamic types of plac... Read More about Making sense of the Maltese Temple Period: An Archaeology of Sensory Experience and Perception.
Bird-women on the Harpy Monument from Xanthos, Lycia: sirens or harpies? (2008)
Book Chapter
Draycott, C. M. (2008). Bird-women on the Harpy Monument from Xanthos, Lycia: sirens or harpies?. In D. Kurtz, C. Meyer, D. Saunders, A. Tsingarida, & N. Harris (Eds.), Essays in classical archaeology for Eleni Vassiliou 1977-2007 (145-153). Archaeopress
Pounding and grinding stones in prehistoric Malta (2008)
Journal Article
Skeates, R. (online). Pounding and grinding stones in prehistoric Malta. The European archaeologist,