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Salvage and Speculation: The London Art Market After the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) (2020)
Book Chapter
Stammers, T. (2021). Salvage and Speculation: The London Art Market After the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71). In K. Hill (Ed.), Museums, modernity and conflict : museums and collections in and of war since the nineteenth century (15-38). Routledge.

The aptly named année terrible 1870–1871 – which comprised the Franco-Prussian War, the Siege of Paris and the insurrection and civil war of the Paris Commune – had dramatic consequences for the conservation and dispersal of French works of art. The... Read More about Salvage and Speculation: The London Art Market After the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71).

La mondialisation de la Révolution française (vers 1930-1960) : origines et eclipse d'un paradigme historiographique (2020)
Journal Article
Stammers, T. (2020). La mondialisation de la Révolution française (vers 1930-1960) : origines et eclipse d'un paradigme historiographique. Annales (English ed. Online), 74(2), 297-335.

This article sketches an alternative narrative for the origins of global historiography on the French Revolution. It argues that the thesis of an “Atlantic Revolution” put forward by Robert Palmer and Jacques Godechot in the 1950s in fact grew out of... Read More about La mondialisation de la Révolution française (vers 1930-1960) : origines et eclipse d'un paradigme historiographique.