Flows of people in villages and large centres in Bronze Age Italy through strontium and oxygen isotopes
Journal Article
Cavazzuti, C., Skeates, R., Millard, A., Nowell, G., Peterkin, J., Bernabò Brea, M., Cardarelli, A., & Salzani, L. (2019). Flows of people in villages and large centres in Bronze Age Italy through strontium and oxygen isotopes. PLoS ONE, 14(1), Article e0209693. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0209693
This study investigates to what extent Bronze Age societies in Northern Italy were permeable accepting and integrating non-local individuals, as well as importing a wide range of raw materials, commodities, and ideas from networks spanning continenta... Read More about Flows of people in villages and large centres in Bronze Age Italy through strontium and oxygen isotopes.