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Outputs (120)

The Big House in the English Provincial Town (2018)
Book Chapter
Green, A. (2018). The Big House in the English Provincial Town. In J. Hinks, & C. Armstrong (Eds.), The English Urban Renaissance Revisited (116-143). Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Malory and the Post-Vulgate Cycle (2018)
Book Chapter
Archibald, E. (2018). Malory and the Post-Vulgate Cycle. In E. Archibald, M. Leitch, & C. Saunders (Eds.), Romance Rewritten: The Evolution of Middle English Romance (115-132). Boydell & Brewer

Allegories of the Heart (2018)
Journal Article
Robertson, F. (2018). Allegories of the Heart. Studies in Scottish literature, 44(2), 133-141

"Allegories of the Heart" uses allegory (or "telling otherwise") as a means of investigating Scott’s presence in literary works which do not specifically adapt or rework his texts, arguing that this is an underexplored area of imaginative and figurat... Read More about Allegories of the Heart.

Reconfiguração na cidade: Arte e ocupação no Hotel Cambridge em São Paulo (2018)
Journal Article
Flynn, A. (2018). Reconfiguração na cidade: Arte e ocupação no Hotel Cambridge em São Paulo. Plural (São Paulo. Online), 25(1), 20-45.

Neste artigo, exponho como os praticantes da arte contemporânea incorporam desobediência epistêmica e o conceito de ocupação para proporem uma reconfiguração da cidade. Primeiro, argumento que há cada vez mais reflexão sobre a ressignificação do espa... Read More about Reconfiguração na cidade: Arte e ocupação no Hotel Cambridge em São Paulo.

Iconography and Style (2018)
Book Chapter
Fortis, P. (2018). Iconography and Style. In H. Callan (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Wiley & Sons Ltd

Charisma, Institution und Trinität im Werk Karl Rahners: Zur Sicherung einer notwendigen pneumatologische Basis für eine ganzheitliche Theologie des Dienstamts (2018)
Book Chapter
Murray, P. D. (2018). Charisma, Institution und Trinität im Werk Karl Rahners: Zur Sicherung einer notwendigen pneumatologische Basis für eine ganzheitliche Theologie des Dienstamts. In G. Werner (Ed.), Gerettet durch Begeisterung: Reform der katholischen Kirche durch pfingstlich-charismatische Religiosität? (145-163). Verlag Herder

Spinning Fates and The Song of the Loom: The Use of Textiles, Clothing and Cloth Production as Metaphor, Symbol and Narrative Device in Greek and Latin Literature (Ancient Textiles Series Vol. 24), Oxbow Books, Oxford and Philadelphia, 2016 (2018)
Journal Article
Brooks, M. (2018). Spinning Fates and The Song of the Loom: The Use of Textiles, Clothing and Cloth Production as Metaphor, Symbol and Narrative Device in Greek and Latin Literature (Ancient Textiles Series Vol. 24), Oxbow Books, Oxford and Philadelphia, 2016. Textile History, 49(2), 252-254.

Ernestine S. Elster , Eugenia Isetti , John Robb and Antonella Traverso , eds. The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria: Ritual in Neolithic Southeast Italy (Monumenta Archaeologica 38. Los Angeles: The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. 2016, 446 pp., 230 figs, 121 tables, hbk, ISBN 978-938770-07-4) (2018)
Journal Article
Skeates, R. (2018). Ernestine S. Elster , Eugenia Isetti , John Robb and Antonella Traverso , eds. The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria: Ritual in Neolithic Southeast Italy (Monumenta Archaeologica 38. Los Angeles: The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. 2016, 446 pp., 230 figs, 121 tables, hbk, ISBN 978-938770-07-4). European Journal of Archaeology, 21(1), 136-139.

High-speed dual color fluorescence lifetime endomicroscopy for highly-multiplexed pulmonary diagnostic applications and detection of labeled bacteria (2018)
Journal Article
Pedretti, E., Tanner, M. G., Choudhary, T. R., Krstajić, N., Megia-Fernandez, A., Henderson, R. K., Bradley, M., Thomson, R. R., Girkin, J. M., Dhaliwal, K., & Dalgarno, P. A. (2019). High-speed dual color fluorescence lifetime endomicroscopy for highly-multiplexed pulmonary diagnostic applications and detection of labeled bacteria. Biomedical Optics Express, 10(1), 181-195.

We present a dual-color laser scanning endomicroscope capable of fluorescence lifetime endomicroscopy at one frame per second (FPS). The scanning system uses a coherent imaging fiber with 30,000 cores. High-speed lifetime imaging is achieved by distr... Read More about High-speed dual color fluorescence lifetime endomicroscopy for highly-multiplexed pulmonary diagnostic applications and detection of labeled bacteria.

On the Sources and Contexts of Late Medieval Castilian Devotional Practice: Pain and Popular Piety in Gómez Manrique’s Representación del Nacimiento de Nuestro Señor (2018)
Book Chapter
Beresford, A. M. (2018). On the Sources and Contexts of Late Medieval Castilian Devotional Practice: Pain and Popular Piety in Gómez Manrique’s Representación del Nacimiento de Nuestro Señor. In A. M. Beresford, & L. K. Twomey (Eds.), Christ, Mary, and the Saints: Reading Religious Subjects in Medieval and Renaissance Spain (151-186). (66). Brill Academic Publishers.