From Cave to Dolmen: Ritual and Symbolic Aspects in the Prehistory between Sciacca, Sicily and the Central Mediterranean. Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology. 2014.
Journal Article
Skeates, R. (in press). From Cave to Dolmen: Ritual and Symbolic Aspects in the Prehistory between Sciacca, Sicily and the Central Mediterranean. Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology. 2014
Outputs (136)
Getting a foot on the sanitation ladder: user satisfaction and willingness to pay for improved public toilets in Accra, Ghana (2017)
Journal Article
Mariwah, S., Hampshire, K., & Owusu-Antwi, C. (2017). Getting a foot on the sanitation ladder: user satisfaction and willingness to pay for improved public toilets in Accra, Ghana. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 7(3), 528-534. urban growth in developing countries has led to an increase in unplanned, high-density settlements dependent on public toilets for sanitation, yet we know relatively little about users' perceptions and concerns about such facilities. This paper... Read More about Getting a foot on the sanitation ladder: user satisfaction and willingness to pay for improved public toilets in Accra, Ghana.
Prehistoric figurines in Italy (2017)
Book Chapter
Skeates, R. (2017). Prehistoric figurines in Italy. In T. Insoll (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of prehistoric figurines (777-798). Oxford University Press. overview is provided of anthropomorphic figurines in peninsular Italy and Sicily between the Palaeolithic and Copper Age. Some updated patterns in the data and contextual interpretations of the production, use, and deposition of figurines are pres... Read More about Prehistoric figurines in Italy.
La Prude, ou l’homme au franc procédé, comédie, imitée de l’anglais (2017)
Book Chapter
Wynn, T. (2017). La Prude, ou l’homme au franc procédé, comédie, imitée de l’anglais. In N. Cronk, & T. Wynn (Eds.), Micromégas and other texts (1738-1742) (113-304). Voltaire Foundation
Shakespeare and Henri Lefebvre's 'Right to the City': Subjective Alienation and Mob Violence in Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, and 2 Henry VI (2017)
Journal Article
Gray, P., & Samely, M. (2019). Shakespeare and Henri Lefebvre's 'Right to the City': Subjective Alienation and Mob Violence in Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, and 2 Henry VI. Textual Practice, 33(1), 73-98. his treatise The Right to the City, published in Paris just before the student riots of 1968, Henri Lefebvre claims that inhabitants have a ‘right to the city’ which supersedes the rights of property owners and advocates ‘re-appropriation’ of the... Read More about Shakespeare and Henri Lefebvre's 'Right to the City': Subjective Alienation and Mob Violence in Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, and 2 Henry VI.
Editorial (2017)
Journal Article
Skeates, R. (2017). Editorial. European Journal of Archaeology, 20(02), 209-210.
Spanish Erotic Cinema (2017)
Fouz-Hernández, S. (Ed.). (2017). Spanish Erotic Cinema. Edinburgh University PressThis book is the first comprehensive scholarly study of Spanish erotic cinema. It covers a significant part of the history of Spanish film, from the 1920s until today. Starting with a study of the eroticisation of technology in the silent period, the... Read More about Spanish Erotic Cinema.
Covert and Overt Operations: Interwar Political Policing in the United States and the United Kingdom (2017)
Journal Article
Luff, J. (2017). Covert and Overt Operations: Interwar Political Policing in the United States and the United Kingdom. American Historical Review, 122(3), 727-757. article reveals a startling episode unknown to contemporaries and historians: Britain’s secret interwar bar on Communists in government service. Between 1927 and 1946, thousands of unwitting industrial workers suspected of Communist sympathies w... Read More about Covert and Overt Operations: Interwar Political Policing in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Boys Interrupted: Sex between Men in post-Franco Spanish Cinema (2017)
Book Chapter
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2017). Boys Interrupted: Sex between Men in post-Franco Spanish Cinema. In S. Fouz-Hernández (Ed.), Spanish erotic cinema (219-238). Edinburgh University Press
'"Golden-Mouthed Anna of All The Russias": Canon, Canonisation, and Cult' (2017)
Book Chapter
Harrington, A. (2017). '"Golden-Mouthed Anna of All The Russias": Canon, Canonisation, and Cult'. In K. Hodgson, A. Smith, & J. Shelton (Eds.), Twentieth-century Russian poetry : reinventing the canon (63-93). Open Book Publishers. chapter argues that Akhmatova's pre-eminent status in the contemporary canon rests not only on poetic talent but on extra-literary factors and processes which have elevated her to a form of secular sainthood. It explores the role played by biogr... Read More about '"Golden-Mouthed Anna of All The Russias": Canon, Canonisation, and Cult'.
Introduction. One Hundred Years of Sex (2017)
Book Chapter
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2017). Introduction. One Hundred Years of Sex. In S. Fouz-Hernández (Ed.), Spanish erotic cinema (1-18). Edinburgh University Press
Towards a high-throughput real-time confocal microfluidic system for monitoring absorbance spectra in mixed-phase chemical reactions (2017)
Journal Article
Lawton, P., & Girkin, J. (2017). Towards a high-throughput real-time confocal microfluidic system for monitoring absorbance spectra in mixed-phase chemical reactions. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 21(4), Article 69. this work, we present a compact, real-time absorbance spectroscopy instrument, designed with a particular focus on taking spectroscopic readings in a microfluidic channel environment and selectively analysing an active volume in this channel by ad... Read More about Towards a high-throughput real-time confocal microfluidic system for monitoring absorbance spectra in mixed-phase chemical reactions.
Reisen (2017)
Book Chapter
Long, J. (2017). Reisen. In C. Oelschlaeger, & M. Niehaus (Eds.), W. G. Sebald-Handbuch: Leben-Werk-Wirkung (158-166). Metzler
The Beauty of the Death Cap [La logique de l'amanite], Translated by Tina Kover (2017)
Dousteyssier-Khoze, C. The Beauty of the Death Cap [La logique de l'amanite], Translated by Tina Kover. Snuggly Books
The Tactual Ground, Immersion and "the space between" (2017)
Journal Article
Mac Cumhaill, C. (2017). The Tactual Ground, Immersion and "the space between". The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 55(1), 5-31. ask whether figure-ground structure can be realized in touch, and, if so, how. Drawing on the taxonomy of touch sketched in Katz's 1925 The World of Touch, I argue that the form of touch that is relevant to such consideration is a species of immers... Read More about The Tactual Ground, Immersion and "the space between".
Morton Feldman - Triadic Memories (2017)
Exhibition / Performance
Snijders, J. (in press). Morton Feldman - Triadic Memories. [concert]. Performed at Durham, England. 1 March 2017
Laurence Crane - 6 Trios, 2 Solos and 1 Quintet (2017)
Digital Artefact
Snijders, J., & Ensemble, I. (2017). Laurence Crane - 6 Trios, 2 Solos and 1 Quintet
Consumption and Material Culture. (2017)
Book Chapter
Green, A. (2017). Consumption and Material Culture. In K. Wrightson (Ed.), A Social History of England, 1500-1750 (242-266). Cambridge University Press
The spectacle of death: visibility and concealment at an unfinished memorial in South Sudan (2017)
Journal Article
Cormack, Z. (2017). The spectacle of death: visibility and concealment at an unfinished memorial in South Sudan. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 11(1), 115-132. article examines an attempt to build a memorial to local victims of civil war in South Sudan. The memorial commemorates the mass execution of civilians in 1964, close to the town of Gogrial in a rural part of South Sudan. During this massacre, l... Read More about The spectacle of death: visibility and concealment at an unfinished memorial in South Sudan.
Cremation In Modern Scotland: History, Architecture and the Law (2017)
Jupp, P. C., Davies, D. J., Grainger, H., Raeburn, G., & White, S. (2017). Cremation In Modern Scotland: History, Architecture and the Law. John Donald