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Outputs (136)

Gleams and Dreams: Reflections on Romantic Rhyme (2017)
Journal Article
O'Neill, M. (2017). Gleams and Dreams: Reflections on Romantic Rhyme. Romanticism, 23(2), 123-132.

‘Gleam’ and ‘dream’: the rhyme performs a quintessential Romantic pairing and serves as a window opening on to the topic of rhyme in poetry of the period, not least through the serendipitous way in which it off-rhymes with the word ‘rhyme’ itself. Rh... Read More about Gleams and Dreams: Reflections on Romantic Rhyme.

From Sugar to Oil: The Ecology of George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead (1968) (2017)
Journal Article
Oloff, K. (2017). From Sugar to Oil: The Ecology of George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead (1968). Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 53(3), 316-328.

Reading the zombie as an essentially ecological figure, this article argues that zombie aesthetics are necessarily animated by the combined exploitation of alienated labour-power and appropriation of unpaid work/energy, material resources, agricultur... Read More about From Sugar to Oil: The Ecology of George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead (1968).

The Shifting Protocols of the Visible: The Becoming of Sergei Eisenstein’s "The Battleship Potemkin" (2017)
Journal Article
Radunović, D. (2017). The Shifting Protocols of the Visible: The Becoming of Sergei Eisenstein’s "The Battleship Potemkin". Film history, 29(2), 66-90.

This article aims to trace and articulate the extremely rich production and postproduction history of the early Soviet classic, Sergei Eisenstein's Bronenosets Potemkin (The Battleship Potemkin, 1925). By engaging Paolo Cherchi Usai's idea that early... Read More about The Shifting Protocols of the Visible: The Becoming of Sergei Eisenstein’s "The Battleship Potemkin".

Photography and the First World War (2017)
Book Chapter
Long, J. (2017). Photography and the First World War. In A. Einhaus, & K. Baxter (Eds.), The Edinburgh Companion to the First World War and the Arts (385-401). Edinburgh University Press

The Cult Statues of the Pantheon (2017)
Journal Article
Thomas, E. (2017). The Cult Statues of the Pantheon. The Journal of Roman Studies, 107, 146-212.

This article reconsiders the possible statuary of the Pantheon in Rome, both in its original Augustan form and in its later phases. It argues that the so-called ‘Algiers Relief’ has wrongly been connected with the Temple of Mars Ultor and is in fact... Read More about The Cult Statues of the Pantheon.

Wittgenstein on Memory (2017)
Book Chapter
Hamilton, A. (2017). Wittgenstein on Memory. In S. Bernecker, & K. Michaelian (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory. Routledge

Contrast-independent curvilinear structure enhancement in 3D biomedical images (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sazak, Ç., & Obara, B. (2017, April). Contrast-independent curvilinear structure enhancement in 3D biomedical images. Presented at IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Melbourne, Australia

A wide range of biomedical applications require detection, quantification and modelling of curvilinear structures in 3D images. Here we propose a 3D contrast-independent approach to enhance curvilinear structures based on the 3D Phase Congruency Tens... Read More about Contrast-independent curvilinear structure enhancement in 3D biomedical images.

Auckland and Durham Castles in the Eighteenth Century (2017)
Book Chapter
Eighteenth Century. In D. Rollason (Ed.), Princes of the Church: Bishops and Their Palaces (615-641). Routledge.

This chapter examines how the bishops' aspirations for contemporary secular amenities were incorporated in buildings that also had episcopal requirements. It suggests that the former were the principal focus of eighteenth-century modifications to Dur... Read More about Auckland and Durham Castles in the Eighteenth Century.

Automated analysis of Physarum network structure and dynamics (2017)
Journal Article
Fricker, M. D., Akita, D., Heaton, L. L., Jones, N., Obara, B., & Nakagaki, T. (2017). Automated analysis of Physarum network structure and dynamics. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50(25), Article 254005.

We evaluate different ridge-enhancement and segmentation methods to automatically extract the network architecture from time-series of Physarum plasmodia withdrawing from an arena via a single exit. Whilst all methods gave reasonable results, judged... Read More about Automated analysis of Physarum network structure and dynamics.

Computing invariants of knotted graphs given by sequences of points in 3-dimensional space (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kurlin, V., Carr, H., Garth, C., & Weinkauf, T. (2015, May). Computing invariants of knotted graphs given by sequences of points in 3-dimensional space. Presented at Topology-Based Methods in Visualization 2015., Annweiler, Germany

We design a fast algorithm for computing the fundamental group of the complement to any knotted polygonal graph in 3-space. A polygonal graph consists of straight segments and is given by sequences of vertices along edge-paths. This polygonal model i... Read More about Computing invariants of knotted graphs given by sequences of points in 3-dimensional space.

Faces. Antlitz and Gesicht in the Weimar Republic Photobook (2017)
Journal Article
Long, J. (2017). Faces. Antlitz and Gesicht in the Weimar Republic Photobook. Monatshefte (Madison, Wis. 1946. Online), 109(2), 201-214.

It is widely accepted that the Weimar Republic witnessed an upsurge in interest in physiognomy. However, once physiognomy is allied with the technical media, the situation is complicated by an ambiguity that arises as to where the signifying power li... Read More about Faces. Antlitz and Gesicht in the Weimar Republic Photobook.

The implementation of object-centred learning through the visual arts: Engaging students in creative, problem-based learning (2017)
Journal Article
Parton, A., Newton, D. P., & Newton, L. (2017). The implementation of object-centred learning through the visual arts: Engaging students in creative, problem-based learning. International Journal of Education through Art, 13(2), 147-162.

Many museums now allow more opportunities for students to interact with their artefacts, often in store. At the same time, digital technologies now make it easier for those students to access information about those artefacts, interpret it, and const... Read More about The implementation of object-centred learning through the visual arts: Engaging students in creative, problem-based learning.

Avoiding over-detection: towards combined object detection and counting (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jackson, P. T., & Obara, B. (2017, June). Avoiding over-detection: towards combined object detection and counting. Presented at 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2017)., Zakopane, Poland

Existing object detection frameworks in the deep learning field generally over-detect objects, and use non-maximum suppression (NMS) to filter out excess detections, leaving one bounding box per object. This works well so long as the ground-truth bou... Read More about Avoiding over-detection: towards combined object detection and counting.

New light on old illuminations (2017)
Journal Article
Beeby, A., Gameson, R., & Nicholson, C. (2018). New light on old illuminations. Archives and Records, 39(2), 244-256.

This article describes a unique suite of mobile equipment designed for non-invasive, non-destructive identification of the inks and pigments in medieval manuscripts. It explains the circumstances which led to the development of the equipment, outline... Read More about New light on old illuminations.