"Cuerpos, masculinidades y cine", MICGenero Film Festival Catalogue 2017
Fouz Hernández, S. (2017). "Cuerpos, masculinidades y cine", MICGenero Film Festival Catalogue 2017
Outputs (136)
Graphiksammler. (2017)
Book Chapter
Stammers, T. (2017). Graphiksammler. In R. Reichardt (Ed.), Lexikon der Revolutions-Ikonographie in der europäischen Druckgraphik (1789-1889) (149-166). Rhema
Problematic Images: Some Pitfalls Associated with the use of Iconography in Seventeenth-century French Theatre History (2017)
Journal Article
Clarke, J. (2017). Problematic Images: Some Pitfalls Associated with the use of Iconography in Seventeenth-century French Theatre History. Theatre Journal, 69(4), 535-53. https://doi.org/10.1353/tj.2017.0069The study of iconography is now firmly established as a key strand within the discipline of theatre studies. This essay examines its development, focusing primarily on the theoreticians of the 1990s and 2000s, and its evolution from a sub-strand of a... Read More about Problematic Images: Some Pitfalls Associated with the use of Iconography in Seventeenth-century French Theatre History.
Back to Black: Variable Lighting Levels on the Seventeenth-Century French Stage, Lavoisier and the Enigma of La Pierre philosophale (2017)
Journal Article
Clarke, J. (2017). Back to Black: Variable Lighting Levels on the Seventeenth-Century French Stage, Lavoisier and the Enigma of La Pierre philosophale. Insights, 10,
Corpo e Persona tra i Guna (Kuna) di Panama (2017)
Book Chapter
Fortis, P. (2017). Corpo e Persona tra i Guna (Kuna) di Panama. In S. Botta, & M. Ferrara (Eds.), Corpi Sciamanici: La Nozione di Persona nello Studio dello Sciamanesimo (299-319). Edizioni Nuova Cultura
Biographies and Film (2017)
Book Chapter
Wootton, S. (2017). Biographies and Film. In M. O'Neill (Ed.), John Keats in Context (9-18). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781107707474.002
Gothic Scott. (2017)
Book Chapter
Robertson, F. (2017). Gothic Scott. In C. Davison, & M. Germanà (Eds.), The Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Gothic (102-114). Edinburgh University Press
Aldred's Red Gloss (2017)
Book Chapter
Beeby, A., Gameson, R., Nicholson, C., & Parker, A. (2017). Aldred's Red Gloss. In The Lindisfarne Gospels. New Perspectives (200-205). Brill Academic Publishers
Book Review: Immigration Cinema in the New Europe, Isolina Ballesteros (2015) Bristol and Chicago: Intellect. (2017)
Journal Article
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2017). Bristol and Chicago: Intellect. International Journal of Iberian Studies, 30(1), 65-67
Mobility and Place Making in Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Italy (2017)
Journal Article
Skeates, R. (2017). Mobility and Place Making in Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Italy. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 30(2), 167-188. https://doi.org/10.1558/jmea.35404This paper offers a revised overview and model of Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene hunter-gatherers in Italy, one that questions and extends existing materialist, evolutionary and ecological perspectives through an emphasis on the socio-cultural d... Read More about Mobility and Place Making in Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Italy.
Reflecting Absence & Presence: Displaying Dress of Known Individuals (2017)
Book Chapter
Brooks, M. M. (2017). Reflecting Absence & Presence: Displaying Dress of Known Individuals. In M. M. Brooks, & D. D. Eastop (Eds.), Refashioning and Redress: Conserving and Displaying Dress (19-32). Getty Publications
An Observation Tower on Newcastle Quayside (2017)
Journal Article
Pears, R. (2017). An Observation Tower on Newcastle Quayside. Archaeologia Aeliana, 5th Series(45), 145-158
The Allure of Napoleon: Essays Inspired by the Collections of the Bowes Museum (2017)
Stammers, T. (Ed.). (2017). The Allure of Napoleon: Essays Inspired by the Collections of the Bowes Museum. Barnard Castle, The Bowes Museum
"Mortal Change": Life after Death in Milton's Paradise (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Green, M. (2017, December). "Mortal Change": Life after Death in Milton's Paradise. Paper presented at Eleventh International Milton Symposium, Exeter University
Milton's Global Reach (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Green, M. (2017, December). Milton's Global Reach
The Image of Edward the Black Prince in Georgian and Victorian England: Negotiating the Late Medieval Past (2017)
Gribling, B. (2017). The Image of Edward the Black Prince in Georgian and Victorian England: Negotiating the Late Medieval Past. Boydell
Elastic Shape Analysis of Three-Dimensional Objects (2017)
Jermyn, I. H., Kurtek, S., Laga, H., & Srivastava, A. (2017). Elastic Shape Analysis of Three-Dimensional Objects. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-01819-0
Jonathan Parker: Familiarity and Mystery (2017)
Beresford, A. M. (2017). Jonathan Parker: Familiarity and Mystery. University of Durham
Colour at Canterbury: the Pigments of Canterbury Illuminators from the Tenth to the Twelfth Century (2017)
Book Chapter
Beeby, A., Gameson, R., & Nicholson, C. (2017). Colour at Canterbury: the Pigments of Canterbury Illuminators from the Tenth to the Twelfth Century. In S. Panayotova, & P. Ricciardi (Eds.), Manuscripts in the Making. Art & Science 1 (21-35). Harvey Miller - Brepols
Photography (2017)
Book Chapter
Long, J. (2017). Photography. In C. Duttlinger (Ed.), Franz Kafka in Context (117-127). Cambridge University Press