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Outputs (133)

Age decreases mitochondrial motility and increases mitochondrial size in vascular smooth muscle (2016)
Journal Article
Chalmers, S., Saunter, C., Girkin, J., & McCarron, J. (2016). Age decreases mitochondrial motility and increases mitochondrial size in vascular smooth muscle. The Journal of Physiology, 594(15), 4283-4295.

Mitochondrial function, motility and architecture are each central to cell function. Age-associated mitochondrial dysfunction may contribute to vascular disease. However, mitochondrial changes in ageing remain ill-defined because of the challenges of... Read More about Age decreases mitochondrial motility and increases mitochondrial size in vascular smooth muscle.

La madurez homosexual en la filmografía de Ventura Pons (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2016, April). La madurez homosexual en la filmografía de Ventura Pons. Paper presented at Spanish Cinema, Gender and Ageing Studies, Aston University, Birmingham, UK

Introduction: what lies beyond (2016)
Book Chapter
Draycott, C. M. (2016). Introduction: what lies beyond. In C. M. Draycott, & M. Stamatopoulou (Eds.), Dining and death : interdisciplinary perspectives on the 'Funerary banquet' in ancient art, burial and belief (1-32). Peeters Publishers

Building for England: John Cosin's Architecture in Renaissance Durham and Cambridge (2016)
Green, A. (2016). Building for England: John Cosin's Architecture in Renaissance Durham and Cambridge. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies

Cosin, a leading cleric in seventeenth-century England, rode the changing tides of preference under James I and Charles I, endured exile during the Interregnum, and finally became Bishop of Durham at the Restoration. Inspired by the architecture of D... Read More about Building for England: John Cosin's Architecture in Renaissance Durham and Cambridge.

Subjectivity and the Obliteration of Meaning: Contemporary Art, Activism, Social Movement Politics (2016)
Journal Article
Flynn, A. (2016). Subjectivity and the Obliteration of Meaning: Contemporary Art, Activism, Social Movement Politics. Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia, 5(1), 59-77.

In this article I analyse the notion that social movement politics and contemporary art interventions increasingly traverse a porous boundary, be it in terms of practices, relations, or institutions. Premised on Nicolas Bourriaud’s seminal reading of... Read More about Subjectivity and the Obliteration of Meaning: Contemporary Art, Activism, Social Movement Politics.

Medicine, the body and an invitation to wonder (2016)
Journal Article
Evans, H. (2016). Medicine, the body and an invitation to wonder. Medical Humanities, 42(2), 97-102.

There is, I think, a resonance between being a patient and having a greater sense of wonder at things in the world around us: a sense of wonder at things that become, briefly and intermittently, intensely and newly present. As with experiences of art... Read More about Medicine, the body and an invitation to wonder.

Music-induced changes in functional cerebral asymmetries (2016)
Journal Article
Hausmann, M., Hodgetts, S., & Eerola, T. (2016). Music-induced changes in functional cerebral asymmetries. Brain and Cognition, 104, 58-71.

After decades of research, it remains unclear whether emotion lateralization occurs because one hemisphere is dominant for processing the emotional content of the stimuli, or whether emotional stimuli activate lateralised networks associated with the... Read More about Music-induced changes in functional cerebral asymmetries.

Excess spaces: Movement and ethnoscapes in Brian De Palma’s Scarface and Edward James Olmos’ American Me (2016)
Journal Article
Hernández Adrián, F. (2016). Excess spaces: Movement and ethnoscapes in Brian De Palma’s Scarface and Edward James Olmos’ American Me. Cultural Dynamics, 28(1), 85-102.

This article explores notions of movement and spatiality in two US films about ‘Latino’ gangsters, Brian De Palma’s Scarface (1983) and Edward James Olmos’ American Me (1992). In examining the distinction between gangster films and specifically Latin... Read More about Excess spaces: Movement and ethnoscapes in Brian De Palma’s Scarface and Edward James Olmos’ American Me.

The contribution of single case studies to the neuroscience of vision (2016)
Journal Article
Zihl, J., & Heywood, C. (2016). The contribution of single case studies to the neuroscience of vision. PsyCh Journal, 5(1), 5-17.

Visual neuroscience is concerned with the neurobiological foundations of visual perception, that is, the morphological, physiological, and functional organization of the visual brain and its co-operative partners. One important approach for understan... Read More about The contribution of single case studies to the neuroscience of vision.

Mormon Studies (2016)
Book Chapter
Davies, D. J. (in press). Mormon Studies. In G. D. Chryssides, & B. E. Zeller (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to New Religious Movements (47-51). Bloomsbury Academic

Clusters of specialized detector cells provide sensitive and high fidelity receptor signaling in the intact endothelium (2016)
Journal Article
Wilson, C., Saunter, C. D., Girkin, J. M., & McCarron, J. G. (2016). Clusters of specialized detector cells provide sensitive and high fidelity receptor signaling in the intact endothelium. FASEB Journal, 30(5), 2000-2013.

Agonist-mediated signaling by the endothelium controls virtually all vascular functions. Because of the large diversity of agonists, each with varying concentrations, background noise often obscures individual cellular signals. How the endothelium di... Read More about Clusters of specialized detector cells provide sensitive and high fidelity receptor signaling in the intact endothelium.

Ecclesia et Pontifice: On Delivering on the Ecclesiological Implications of Evangelii Gaudium (2016)
Journal Article
Murray, P. D. (2016). Ecclesia et Pontifice: On Delivering on the Ecclesiological Implications of Evangelii Gaudium. Ecclesiology: The Journal for Ministry, Mission and Unity, 12(1), 13-33.

This article analyses the ecclesiological implications of Pope Francis’s 2013 Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium from the perspective of critical-constructive systematic ecclesiology. The analysis proceeds in three stages. The first, expository,... Read More about Ecclesia et Pontifice: On Delivering on the Ecclesiological Implications of Evangelii Gaudium.