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Outputs (133)

Receptive Ecumenism; Eine Einfuhrung (2016)
Journal Article
Murray, P. D. (2016). Receptive Ecumenism; Eine Einfuhrung. Theologische Quartalschrift (München), 196, 235-247.

Der Beitrag zeigt, dass das rezeptive ökumenische Lernen – die Erneuerung und Befähigung durch den getrennten Anderen – der einzige Weg ist, wie sich die gegenwärtig getrennten christlichen Traditionen auf eine volle Einheit hin bewegen können. In di... Read More about Receptive Ecumenism; Eine Einfuhrung.

Introduction: Interactions of meaning and matter. (2016)
Book Chapter
Eastop, D. D., & Brooks, M. M. (2016). Introduction: Interactions of meaning and matter. In M. M. Brooks, & D. D. Eastop (Eds.), Refashioning and Redress: Conserving and Displaying Dress (1-18). Getty Conservation Institute

From Scopophilia to Abjection: Vision and Blindness in the Monja que se arrancó los ojos (2016)
Journal Article
Beresford, A. (2016). From Scopophilia to Abjection: Vision and Blindness in the Monja que se arrancó los ojos. Miríada hispánica, 12, 111-127

The brief untitled exemplum preserved uniquely in MS 77 of the Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo and generally known as the Monja que se arrancó los ojos, tells the tale of a nun who, rather than submit to the lechery of a king, opts instead to mutilate her... Read More about From Scopophilia to Abjection: Vision and Blindness in the Monja que se arrancó los ojos.

Eliot: Form and Allusion (2016)
Book Chapter
O'Neill, M. (2016). Eliot: Form and Allusion. In J. Harding (Ed.), The new Cambridge companion to T.S. Eliot (26-40). Cambridge University Press.

James Longenbach has argued that “Eliot forces his readers to feel the weight of his allusions very strongly.” The point is thought-provoking; forcing us to “feel the weight of … allusions” is part of that process of “assuming a double part” which Ga... Read More about Eliot: Form and Allusion.

Screams: Women in Post-war Surrealist journals (2016)
Book Chapter
Donkin, H. (2016). Screams: Women in Post-war Surrealist journals. In P. Allmer (Ed.), Intersections:Women Artists/Surrealism/Modernism. Manchester University Press

Receptive Ecumenism: Eine Einführung (2016)
Book Chapter
Murray, P. D. (2016). Receptive Ecumenism: Eine Einführung. In C. Böttigheimer, & R. Dausner (Eds.), Vaticanum 21. Die bleibenden Aufgaben des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils im 21. Jahrhundert: Dokumentationsband zum Münchner Kongress "Das Konzil 'eröffnen'" (235-248). Herder

Chivalry and the Medieval Past (2016)
Book Chapter
Gribling, B., & Stevenson, K. (2016). Chivalry and the Medieval Past. In K. Stevenson, & B. Gribling (Eds.), Chivalry and the Medieval Past. Boydell & Brewer

Preface (2016)
Book Chapter
Hernández Adrián, F. (2016). Preface. In E. S. P. Gabriel, & F. Rosa (Eds.), Cosmopolitan Asia: Littoral epistemologies of the Global South (xxii-xxiii). Routledge

Approaching Visual Materials (2016)
Book Chapter
Jordanova, L. (2016). Approaching Visual Materials. In L. Faire, & S. Gunn (Eds.), Research Methods for History (30-47). (2nd edition). Edinburgh University Press