L’Hôte et l’hôtesse
Book Chapter
Wynn, T. (2010). L’Hôte et l’hôtesse. In N. Cronk (Ed.), Complete works of Voltaire. Writings of 1776-1777 (293-322). Voltaire Foundation
Outputs (141)
The art of memory: personal ornaments in Copper Age South-East Italy (2010)
Book Chapter
Skeates, R. (2010). The art of memory: personal ornaments in Copper Age South-East Italy. In K. Lillios, & V. Tsamis (Eds.), Material mnemonics : everyday memory in prehistoric Europe (73-84). Oxbow Books
The Severed Breast: The Legends of Saints Agatha and Lucy in Medieval Castilian Literature. (2010)
Beresford, A. M. (2010). The Severed Breast: The Legends of Saints Agatha and Lucy in Medieval Castilian Literature. Juan de la Cuesta
Landscape, Race and Memory: material ecologies of citizenship. (2010)
Tolia-Kelly, D. (2010). Landscape, Race and Memory: material ecologies of citizenship. Ashgate Publishing
Pointless Babble or Enabled Backchannel: Conference Use of Twitter by Digital Humanists. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ross, C., Terras, M., Warwick, C., & Welsh, A. (2010, July). Pointless Babble or Enabled Backchannel: Conference Use of Twitter by Digital Humanists. Presented at Digital Humanities 2010, LondonMicroblogging, a variant of a blogging which allows users to quickly post short updates to websites such as twitter.com, has recently emerged as a dominant form of information interchange and interaction for academic communities. To date, few studies... Read More about Pointless Babble or Enabled Backchannel: Conference Use of Twitter by Digital Humanists..
Tools for reordering:Commonplacing and the Space of Words in Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica. (2010)
Journal Article
Eddy, M. (2010). Tools for reordering:Commonplacing and the Space of Words in Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica. Intellectual History Review, 20(2), 227-252. https://doi.org/10.1080/17496971003783773While much has been written on the cultural and intellectual antecedents that gave rise to Carolus Linnaeus’s herbarium and his Systema Naturae, the tools that he used to transform his raw observations into nomenclatural terms and categories have bee... Read More about Tools for reordering:Commonplacing and the Space of Words in Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica..
Journeys to the underworld: ritual transformations of persons, objects and caves in prehistoric Central Sardinia (2010)
Journal Article
Skeates, R. (online). Journeys to the underworld: ritual transformations of persons, objects and caves in prehistoric Central Sardinia
Evaluate and evolve. (2010)
Brown, D., Napthine, D., & Hampshire, K. (2010). Evaluate and evolve
Hormonal effects on the plasticity of cognitive brain functions (2010)
Journal Article
Hausmann, M. (2010). Hormonal effects on the plasticity of cognitive brain functions. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 1(4), 607-612. https://doi.org/10.1002/wcs.21Sex hormones have powerful neuronal actions in the brain and affect the interaction between functionally linked cortical areas within and across cerebral hemispheres, probably via their neuromodulatory properties on gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutam... Read More about Hormonal effects on the plasticity of cognitive brain functions.
History, Community, Spirituality: Keywords For Rethinking Postmodernism? (2010)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2010). History, Community, Spirituality: Keywords For Rethinking Postmodernism?. Contemporary literature, 51(2), 398-411. https://doi.org/10.1353/cli.2010.0008
Sex hormonal effects on hemispheric asymmetry and interhemispheric interaction. (2010)
Book Chapter
Hausmann, M., & Bayer, U. (2010). Sex hormonal effects on hemispheric asymmetry and interhemispheric interaction. In K. Hugdahl, & R. Westerhausen (Eds.), The two halves of the brain: Information processing in the cerebral hemispheres (287-312). Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press
The Evolution of Literature. Legacies of Darwin in European Cultures (2010)
Saul, N., & James, S. J. (Eds.). The Evolution of Literature. Legacies of Darwin in European Cultures. Rodopi
Perspectives in Landscape Archaeology (2010)
Lewis, H., & Semple, S. (Eds.). (2010). Perspectives in Landscape Archaeology. British Archaeological Reports
Postwar Fiction at 65 (2010)
Journal Article
Grausam, D. (2010). Postwar Fiction at 65. College English, 72(5), 545-553
Houses and landscape in early industrial County Durham (2010)
Book Chapter
Green, A. (2010). Houses and landscape in early industrial County Durham. In T. Faulkner, H. Berry, & J. Gregory (Eds.), Northern landscapes: representations and realities of North-East England (125-140). Boydell & Brewer
Variability in the control of cell division underlies sepal epidermal patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana (2010)
Journal Article
Roeder, A. H., Chickarmane, V., Cunha, A., Obara, B., Manjunath, B., & Meyerowitz, E. M. (2010). Variability in the control of cell division underlies sepal epidermal patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Biology, 8(5), Article e1000367. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1000367How growth and proliferation are precisely controlled in organs during development and how the regulation of cell division contributes to the formation of complex cell type patterns are important questions in developmental biology. Such a pattern of... Read More about Variability in the control of cell division underlies sepal epidermal patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana.
The Death of Great Ships: photography, politics and waste in the global imaginary (2010)
Journal Article
Crang, M. (2010). The Death of Great Ships: photography, politics and waste in the global imaginary. Environment and Planning A, 42(5), 1084-1102. https://doi.org/10.1068/a42414The iconic images heralding an age of connectivity are the plane and the trace of digital flows bearing information. However, not far behind has been the cumbrous yet essential 'big box' of containerisation, shipping all manner of goods across the pl... Read More about The Death of Great Ships: photography, politics and waste in the global imaginary.
Extended phase field higher-order active contour models for networks (2010)
Journal Article
Peng, T., Jermyn, I., Prinet, V., & Zerubia, J. (2010). Extended phase field higher-order active contour models for networks. International Journal of Computer Vision, 88(1), 111-128. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-009-0304-3This paper addresses the segmentation from an image of entities that have the form of a ‘network’, i.e. the region in the image corresponding to the entity is composed of branches joining together at junctions, e.g. road or vascular networks. We pres... Read More about Extended phase field higher-order active contour models for networks.
Materiality and waste: inorganic vitality in a networked world (2010)
Journal Article
Gregson, N., & Crang, M. (2010). Materiality and waste: inorganic vitality in a networked world. Environment and Planning A, 42(5), 1026-1032. https://doi.org/10.1068/a43176
Photography and Memory in Mexico: Icons of Revolution (2010)
Noble, A. (2010). Photography and Memory in Mexico: Icons of Revolution. Manchester University PressPhotography and Memory in Mexico: Icons of Revolution explores a number of the famous photographic images made during the 1910 revolution. Repeatedly reproduced across a range of media in the aftermath of the conflict, the analysis of this select han... Read More about Photography and Memory in Mexico: Icons of Revolution.