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Outputs (141)

Ancient Greece, Dance, and the English Masque (2010)
Book Chapter
Ravelhofer, B. (2010). Ancient Greece, Dance, and the English Masque. In F. Ed. Macintosh (Ed.), The Ancient Dancer in the Modern World: Responses to Greek and Roman Dance (211-223). Oxford University Press

Geographies of the Spirit World. (2010)
Book Chapter
Davies, D. J. (2010). Geographies of the Spirit World. In J. Hockey, C. Komaromy, & K. Woodthorpe (Eds.), The Matter of Death, Space, Place and Materiality (208 - 222). Palgrave Macmillan

The Garamantian Cemetery of Saniat Bin Huwaydi (2010)
Book Chapter
Mattingly, D., Hawthorne, J., Daniels, C., from, C., Dore, J., Leone, A., …Tagart, C. (2010). The Garamantian Cemetery of Saniat Bin Huwaydi. In D. Mattingly (Ed.), The Archaeology of Fazzan. Vol. 3, Excavations of C.M. Daniels. Society for Libyan Studies

In the Open Air (2010)
Book Chapter
Semple, S. (2010). In the Open Air. In M. Carver, A. Sanmark, & S. Semple (Eds.), Signals of Belief in Early England: Anglo-Saxon Paganism Revisited. Oxbow

Recognizing Historical Injustice through Photography: Mexico 1968. (2010)
Journal Article
Noble, A. (2010). Recognizing Historical Injustice through Photography: Mexico 1968. Theory, Culture and Society, 27(7-8), 184-213.

This article explores the role of photography in the global work of justice by way of a case study. It focuses on the publication, in December 2001, of a set of photographs by the Mexican newsweekly Proceso, depicting events that occurred in Mexico C... Read More about Recognizing Historical Injustice through Photography: Mexico 1968..